Chapter Five

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[Five Days Later]

{Sunday Night+Monday Morning}

{Rylie's PoV}

"University starts tomorrow, you know." I played with a ring on Harry's finger, his chin resting on my shoulder.

"I know." He said, taking the ring off his finger and placing it on mine.

"I hope I do well." I worried, biting my finger nails as I looked at the TV.

"You'll be fine." Harry insisted, one hand running up and down my cold arm. The temperature had dropped and you could definitely tell.

"Harry's right, dear." My mum said, sitting on the lazy chair with a bowl of popcorn. "You'll do great." She smiled, grabbing the remote and starting the movie. I got comfortable in Harry's lap, feeling like I was squishing him. I placed the ring back on his finger, laying back against his chest, his arms wrapping around me.

We had gotten close in the past week, sharing every secret either of us could think of. We trusted each other. We hadn't done anything more then cuddling. I still hadn't gotten over me kissing his cheek because that took courage. I yawned and my mother raised an eyebrow at me.

"If you want to go to bed, love, go ahead." She said, knowing how tired I could get. I shrugged, shaking my head.

"I'm fine, I want to stay up with you a little bit." I smiled at her, her own lips turning upwards.

"Go to bed, Rylie." She chuckled as I yawned again. I grumbled a bit, Harry standing with me, not looking tired at all.

"You can stay up and watch the movie if you'd like." I said, my hands lightly on his chest. He smiled, kissing my forehead, telling me goodnight. I made my way back to my room, barely.

I closed my door, almost screaming as I touched my forehead where his lips had been.


{Harry's PoV}

"Thank you for last Tuesday, Harry." Marisa said, turning the volume down a bit on the television. I nodded, criss crossing my legs as I sat on the couch.

"This guy, Colter, he was here and she wanted to handle herself, which she did. But she broke down a little after he left. She locked herself in her room for four hours." I said, remembering that day vividly. Marisa nodded.

"She does that. Locks herself away, almost like a princess in a tower just waiting for someone to save her whenever she can't save herself. Her father always told her that, that she was a princess locking herself away. It got worse after he was gone, for both of us. She hasn't been doing the best lately, but now with you here, she's better then ever." Marisa almost teared up, but smiled at me. "I thank you so very much Harry. You saved my little girl. She's pretty happy around me sure, but around everyone else, I know she's hurt. But then with you she isn't. Thank you so much." She rambled on, a smile framing my lips.

"She's a wonderful girl, I would do anything for her." I said, playing with the same ring Rylie had been messing with.

"I know you would Harry, I know." She sighed, standing. "I'm off to bed, you can go in with her now, I can tell you want to." She laughed softly, careful to not make a lot of noise. I blushed, standing as well while she turned the TV off. I made my way to the bedroom, opening the door slowly and closing it softly. I pulled the blanket back a little, slipping in next to Rylie. She shivered a little, curling up to my chest as I covered us again. I smiled down at her.

"Sleep well, princess."

{Rylie's PoV}

"I don't think I can do this." I said as Harry pulled up to the university, kids walking everywhere.

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