Chapter Seven

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"You actually read books?" A boy asked from the seat beside me. I looked up at his face, then back to the book, and back to his face again.

"Um, yeah. I don't like reading from like a phone or tablet, I like something I can mark up and page through easily." I shrugged, marking my spot by bending the paper edge over. The bell was about to ring and I would go to my last class which I had with Harry.




That boy clouded my mind.

"Do you read a lot?" The boy asked, his eyes searching for something, but I didn't know what.

"Almost all the time, yes." I smiled lightly, placing my book into my bag and gathering my things. He nodded, his blonde hair moving into his eyes. He quickly removed it from his vision, looking at me.

"What's your name?" He asked, my eyes darting away from the clock and back to him.

"Rylie." I answered, hearing the bell ring. I stood, the boy stopping me and holding out a hand.

"Samuel." He grinned, shaking my hand before letting go and walking away. I shook my head, moving to get to my Preforming class.


{Harry's PoV}

"You're weird." She said, hanging upside down from the park bench.

"Yeah, cause I'm the one hanging from a park bench." I chuckled, placing another Skittle in her mouth. She chewed, swaying her head back and forth.

"No, you aren't. But you are the one who is sitting right side up on the grass." She smiled, her big grey eyes looking back at me.

"That's because I'm normal." I said, looking at my homework page. She rolled her eyes.

"Who's to say what's normal and what isn't. If everyone hung upside down from park benches every day, all the time, that  would be normal and sitting right side up on the grass would be weird." She theorised, being serious.

"I think all of the blood has rushed to your head." I looked up at her grinning face. She laughed, her body moving to join me on the grass.

"I think you're right." She groaned, placing a hand to her head in discomfort.

"I'm always right." I kissed her cheek, focusing back on my homework.


I looked up, seeing Niall and Louis approaching. I grinned, keeping my arm close behind Rylie. They sat down near us, raising an eyebrow at the blonde sat next to me.

"Who's this?" Niall asked, smiling lightly.

"This is Rylie." She stated, holding out a hand to each of the curious boys. They both shook her hand, introducing themselves as brothers. Rylie was confused.

"We're step brothers." Louis said, explaining that was why Niall was Irish and he was not. Also clearing up the fact they they looked almost nothing alike.

"My mum came here for a business trip after her and my dad divorced and she met Louis's dad. Much nicer then my father ever was." Niall explained, picking up a candy from our little pile.

"So, how do you know our Harry?" Louis smirked at Rylie, looking at me to be quiet and let her speak.

"He's my roommate." She smiled up at me, my lips kissing her forehead softly.

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