Chapter Nine

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My mum went into work today for extra money. I think she is just trying to distract herself until she can get over her brother's death.

It was the middle of the day and Harry hadn't come home yet. I was worried.

I stirred the creamer into my coffee, sitting down on the beds to look at my homework. I had already finished the work, I was only checking it. I sighed, setting my coffee off to the side and standing, going to grab my clarinet. I wanted to practice my instruments, seeing as we had to bring them into UNI next Wednesday.

I put it together, making sure the reed was good. I placed the reed between the ligature and mouth piece, making sure it was tight. I ran trough a couple scales, not sure what to play, which was a first for me.

{Harrys PoV}

I stepped up onto the porch, seeing Marisa wasn't home. I opened the door softly, my head killing me. I shut it, hearing a piano. I made my way to our bedroom, standing in the opened doorway.

"You could've knocked." She stated softly, her fingers still playing the notes which she desired.

"I'm sorry." I croaked, sitting next to her on our beds. I repeated the cords she was playing, except in a higher key.

"I am sorry I didn't take you with me. I had to get out of there." She said, changing the tune she was playing. I reciprocated her actions, shrugging.

"What happened? After I passed out I woke up about an hour later and the other boys were confused as well. We found Jack in the bedroom, an ice pack laid on his dick and he was passed out as well." I said, her fingers twitching and stopping her playing.

"He tried to-" she shook her head. "He tried to sleep with me." She whispered. "He dared me to remove my swim suit and I knew he wouldn't let me go and Zayn and Liam were too drunk and Niall and Louis passed out and Jack grabbed me and-" she stumbled with her words, her hands covering her face. "I only took my top off. And he grabbed me, but you five were passed out." She cried, my arms wrapping her up.

"I'm so sorry. Did he touch you? Did he hurt you. Because I swear to-"

"I kicked him before he could do anything more then leave a couple of hickeys." She said, my eyes traveling to her neck. I pulled down the collar of her sweatshirt, seeing three dark bruises that looked so painful. I ran my hand over them, her body flinching at my touch.

"They're not that bad." She insisted, pulling her sweatshirt up again to cover them.

"There are teeth marks, Rylie." I tried to remain calm, not wanting this to be happening.

"I'm fine." She said, standing and placing her keyboard back into her closet along with her guitar and violin. I stood, gently wrapping my arms around her waist and placing my chin on her shoulder. I kissed her cheek, closing my eyes for a moment.

"I'm here now." I said, pulling her back towards the beds and lying down with her. I played with her hair, feeling her body turn so she could see my face.

"Don't leave." She said, kissing my lips softly, then wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her face in my t-shirt.

"I won't." I promised her, kissing her forehead. "I will never leave you."



{Rylie's PoV}

"Can we go, please." I begged, looking across the road to where the fall festival was taking place.

"Sure." Harry smiled, lacing his fingers with mine. He found a place to park the truck, wrapping an arm around me as we entered the festival. It was a free, rather small event, but I could've sworn half of London came every year. There were small rides and apple cider and everything was happy.

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