Chapter Eleven

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{Harry's PoV}

"I don't want to go out." She said, pouting on the couch, her adorable face scrunched up. I laid across the couch, my head in her lap.

"I'll be right next to you. And I'm not going to drink, at all." I smiled, hoping she would agree to go out with me and the boys.

"You go. I just want to hang out at home." She smiled softly, but I could tell she was still scare of last weekend. Her fingers of her right hand played with my hair, her other hand laced with mine.

"But I want to hang out with you." I whined, pouting as she had.

"You always  hang out with me. We haven't been apart, except during school, for about three weeks." She said, her grey eyes meeting my green ones. "Go have a guys night." She insisted, leaning down and planting a kiss to my forehead.

"See, you can not tell me to go out without you and then kiss me and expect me to just not want you to go with." I laughed as I sat up, setting my head against her shoulder. She giggled, standing up and pulling me towards our room.

"I'll tell you what. I will go, but I'm leaving at twelve, and if you don't want to leave at that time, you can get a ride with Zayn or someone and I'll leave a key under the mat." She bargained, going to her closet and digging in very back.

"Thank you." I grinned, kissing her cheek and grabbing some clothes to change into. I made my way to the bathroom, wanting to give her some space to get changed.

{Rylie's PoV}

"Are you ready?" Harry knocked softly on the door to our room. I turned to face him, feeling awkward in my dress as he looked me up and down.

"Yes." I said softly, walking over to him in flats, not heels. He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to the door, grabbing me a jacket before we made our way out to the truck.

"Where is this place?" I asked as he started the vehicle, beginning our drive.

"It's downtown, the boys and I have gone there a few times before." He answered, glancing over at me and shaking his head with a small smile on his lips.

"What?" I asked, looking down to make sure nothing looked funny.

"I didn't think you could look any better then you usually do. But you proved me wrong." He said, grinning at me, making me blush. We continued the rest of the drive discussing wether Bastille or The 1975 were a better band to see in concert, neither of us finding an answer. I hadn't been to any concerts, so my arguments weren't very valid.

Soon we were at the club, which was much busier then I expected it to be. Harry parked the truck and quickly led me into the building, whose name I couldn't even tell you.

"There they are." He said loudly over the music, pointing to the table of boys.

Along with a girl.

"Belle is here." Harry sighed, holding me tighter then he had before.

"Rylie!" Niall grinned at me, Zayn and Louis looking me up and down.

"Down down, boys." I joked, saying a brief hello to Belle and Liam, who were sat at a booth together.

"Who wants drinks, yeah?" Zayn smiled, walking over to the bar with Louis by his side.

"Do you want to sit?" Harry asked as multiple people brushed up against us, my head nodding. We sat across from Liam and Belle, Niall sitting with a chair at the end of the table. Belle smiled sweetly and Harry tensed as he had the first time she had shown up while I was present.

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