Chapter Twenty One

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{Niall's PoV}

"I just got to Manchester, how are you two doing?" Harry asked over the phone, my eyes watching the house set in front of me.

"Well Lou and I are outside of a house right now, we have gotten about two down, not including this one." I explained,hearing Harry sigh.

"Zayn and Liam said they have gotten one, with no luck." He sounded completely exhausted. I stayed silent as a man and woman walked out of the house, Louis paying close attention. "Are you okay?" Harry started panicking.

"Hang on." I said, both the man and woman crossing the street. Under the street lamp, we saw their faces. Not Rylie, not Eric, and not Eric's dad. "False alarm, Harry. Sorry." I apologised, watching as Louis started to drive away from the blue house.

"It's okay, look, I'm going to try and get some sleep. Goodnight Niall." The call ended, a sigh escaping my lips.

"How's Harry?" Louis asked, beginning to drive home.

"He's upset, Lou." I shook my head, looking out the window. "He's really fucking upset."

{Rylie's PoV}

The men laughed.

"She really was worth what you made me pay."

I cringed underneath the blanket, still naked and disgusting.

"Don't say I never told you so."

I hated his voice, more so now than I ever had before. All the thoughts of me and Eric, memories, ones I had made myself forget, they were all back again. The front door closed and locked, his footsteps moving into the bedroom.

"Time for bed, I have work tomorrow and you will be staying here. I will probably chain you up near the living room and kitchen so you can eat or whatever." Eric was getting undressed.

"I hate you." I whispered, my throat sore as well as my body. My chin was gripped and I was ripped up into a sitting position.

"You want to say that again, Princess." He spat, his nose almost touching mine.

"I fucking hate you." I spit in his face, making him back slightly away. His fingers dug into my chin, making me cry out in pain.

"Well I love you, sweetheart." He smiled at me, wiping my spit from his face. He reached into the bed side table, grabbing the handcuffs. He wrapped them around the headboard, then put them on my wrists. Eric walked over and turned out the light, coming back to the bed. He lifted the blanket, a cool draft hitting my naked chest. His bare legs hit mine and I moved away as far as I could before he chuckled darkly.

"No." I cried, his hands gripping my waist and pulling me into him. The tears left my eyes and he tried to quiet me with kisses.

"Hush, it will all be alright." He got on top of me, my eyes closing as I gave up.


The door closed. I heard his truck start and soon I was all alone. I tugged on the chain that was connected to each of my ankles, not standing up from the couch. Eric had made me walk the furthest I could so he would know where to limit the chain. I could get into the bathroom, the kitchen, and the living room. He had thrown everything that I could even possibly use to escape just out of my reach. I couldn't escape, I couldn't break out of here by some miracle. I would have to kill myself.

I thought about my options, and came up with one that would work; starving myself. It would take about a week, maybe two, and it would be a terrible, long death, but I didn't know of anything else. I couldn't grab anything sharp, I didn't have any rope, there was nothing. I slowly stood up, moving into the kitchen, my chains dragging behind me. I looked at the window, a new hope burning inside me. I opened the fridge, finding what I had hoped for; a jar of pickles. I grabbed the jar, stepping away from the window and throwing the jar at the window. It bounced back and shattered on the floor near me.


I took a big step over the shattered glass, bending down to clean it up. I grabbed a rather large chard of glass, looking at it with lust.

"Little piece of glass, will you help me die?"

I stood up, looking out the window to see Eric coming back up the driveway, muttering curses. I quickly brought the shard of glass to my skin, making a deep red line across my wrist. The door opened and I quickly made another.

"What the hell?!"

One more.

"Rylie, you bitch!"

Maybe two more; for good measure.


"She will have to stay in here for a couple more hours." The nurse said softly, pretending I couldn't hear.

"Anything to make sure she is okay." Eric nodded, lying through his teeth. He had sliced my arm a couple different places to make it look like I fell into a window or something. It hurt like hell. He told me if I said anything in here, he would call a friend, and his friend, would kill all of my friends. He said he would make Harry suffer, along with my mother. So I had only said the things a woman whom hurt herself accidentally would say.

"I just hope you can cook dinner for tonight, babe. I'm a little broken."

The doctors laughed at that one.

"Anything for you, sweetheart." His venom lips touched my forehead and I faked a smile as the doctors left.

"You try this shit again, and I will personally go and kill your mother." He growled at me, walking out into the hall for something or other. I just wanted to die, I couldn't handle it after two, three days. I wouldn't last the two weeks it would take to starve myself. I looked at the medication on my bedside table, grabbing two of the bottles and slipping them into the pocket of my jeans which were lying on the chair next to my bed. I closed my eyes, images of Harry and I flooding my mind before Eric re-entered the room.

"I convinced the nurse to let us go early." He whispered as a nurse entered behind him.

"You're all good to go, Rylie. You can change in that bathroom and when you're done we need you to sign some papers, okay?" She smiled, unhooking my Cords.

"Alright, thank you." I smiled back, standing and grabbing my clothes, careful not to drop the pill bottles out. I closed the bathroom door and locked it, changing quickly. I exited the bathroom, Eric waiting there for me.

"Lets go."

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