Chapter Thirteen

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"Why do you have to be so mean." I stuck my tongue out at the curly haired boy sitting across from me. He shrugged, grinning like an idiot.

"It's just natural." He joked, flipping his hair and making me laugh. I sighed, trying to decide where to move my game piece on the board that was laid out in front of us.

"I kind of wish it would quit raining." I said, looking out the window instead of the game board. The power had gone out, and candles were set up around my room to shed some light on the area.

"I don't." Harry smiled, leaning across the board and placing his lips to mine in a short kiss. "I can do this all day long and it'll remind me of our kiss in the rain." He explained, his smile fading as he stared at me.

"What?" I asked, checking over myself for the problem.

"You're beautiful." He grinned again, staring at me still. It stayed silent as he slowly leaned across to touch my lips to his again, pulling me to him. I sat on his lap, our kisses becoming more and more intimate as our breathing became more shallow.

"So are you." I whispered, laughing as Harry's lips tickled my neck. His hands moved to the game board, clearing it away from the beds as he laid me down.

"Wait." I licked my lips, Harry giving me a worried glance as I pulled a game piece out from underneath me and threw it across the room. I brought his lips back to mine with force, feeling as though I would never get enough of him. Ever.

"I really like you." He said in between his kisses, his lips swollen and a light pink colour.

"I really like you too." I paused, kissing him again. "Harold."

"You're never going to drop that, are you?" He smiled down at me, my hands shaking with anticipation.

"Never." I laughed lightly, watching as his hand moved my hair away from my face, neck, and ears, his lips taking its place.

"What are you-"

"Shh." He whispered, kissing on different parts of my neck, and I immediately knew what he was looking for. My weak spot.

His lips ghosted over my left ear, leaving kisses leading up to it. I shivered and my breathing stopped as he kissed down on the skin behind my ear, sucking a little.

"H-harry." I struggled, my body squirming uncomfortably. He chuckled, only causing me to squirm more, his hot breath on my skin as he spoke.

"I really like seeing you this way." He whispered, letting the rain overpower his voice. "So vulnerable and under my control." He smiled, slipping his hand down my side as he brought his lips to mine again. One of his hands caressed my face, holding it as if it were a precious jewel.
I wouldn't speak, I couldn't.

"Rylie." Harry whispered into our kisses, stopping when I didn't answer. "Rylie." He said, looking down at me with worry.
"What's wrong?" He asked, keeping his eyes connected to mine.

"I really like you." I said, my brain working too hard for this moment.

"Why is that wrong?" He sat up, helping me sit facing him.

"It's not." I shook my head, unsure of why my stomach had a fluttering feeling inside it. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me." I said, the feeling really hitting me, my eyes being drawn to Harry's.

I pressed my lips to his as forcefully as I could, hoping to transfer the feelings I felt to Harry, to make sure I did not feel something he didn't feel. I kept kissing him, the taste of his lips overwhelming me. I straddled his waist, winding my fingers through his hair as he laughed.

"What?" I asked breathlessly, following to where his eyes lead.

"We have a guest." He place his hands on my waist as the cat glared at him. Harry kissed me again, the cat hissing and swatting at him. I laughed, Harry's lips connecting to mine once more before he spoke.

"I told you that cat doesn't like me."



{Harry's PoV}

"No, no, no. You're doing that all wrong." I said as Rylie removed the mushrooms from her pizza. Her eyes found mine as she flicked a mushroom at me, laughing.

I removed the mushroom from my face, watching her eat her pizza as Niall laughed loudly at me.

"You're so whipped." Liam joked, his mouth full of pizza as we all sat around Rylie's living room.

"Damn right he is." She smiled at me, leaning up and pressing a small kiss to my nose. I ate my pizza in silence while Louis and Zayn argued about something and Niall, Rylie, and Liam talked about cats.

"We house a black cat sometimes, he was staring at me Harry the other night while we were-" Rylie stopped, her face turning red.

"While you?" Niall prompted, Zayn and Louis paying more attention to their conversation as was I.

"While we umm, made cookies." She gulped down the pizza she was chewing, looking down and not making eye contact.

"Did you two?" Zayn raised an eyebrow at me and Rylie's head shot up.

"No." She shook her head, burying her face in her hands as she blushed. I pulled her across the floor to sit in my lap, holding her as she laughed at her own embarrassment.

"Just kissing, mate." I said, giving Zayn a wink, and causing all of the boys to burst out into laughter, Rylie groaned, hitting her head on my chest.

"I need to keep my mouth shut." She sighed, looking up at me with innocent eyes.

"I think that's a terrible idea." I said, pressing my lips lightly to hers as she smiled at me.

"Shh, the movie is starting." Niall scolded as Rylie giggled at me. She kicked him lightly in the side and continued grinning at me.

"Come here." I said, standing and sitting us both on the couch towards the back of the living room, behind everyone's backs. She sat practically on my lap, my hands in her lap and fingers laced with hers.

"You're so comfy." She laughed quietly as the movie began, getting comfortable.

"And you're tiny." I said, seeing her eyes gliding over my arms in concentration.

"You're just big. I've explained this before." She said, playing with the same ring she always messed around with on my finger.

"So I'm fat." I joked, getting sighs and groans from the other boys.

"Just shut up and watch the movie." Niall whined, Rylie grabbing a pillow and throwing it at his head as hard as she could. He groaned in pain and she stood up, walking towards the kitchen. I followed her.

"I think popcorn would be appropriate for the situation." She said, standing on her toes to try and reach the popcorn bag sitting on the top shelf of her cupboard. I gripped her waist, lifting her high enough to grab what she wanted, placing her back on her feet with ease.

"I'm not that  small, Harry." She said softly, turning to place one bag of popcorn into the microwave.

"You're like, miniature." I said, standing next to her, further proving my point. She just sighed, rolling her eyes and watching the popcorn spin and pop.

"What. What did I just say?" I asked, grabbing her arm as lightly as possible, and turning her body to face mine.

"I'm not tiny." She shrugged, using her hands to gesture towards her body. Rylie wasn't skinny as a stick, but it's not like she was over weight. She had a semi flat stomach, and her thighs did touch, but she was beautiful. Her legs were short, her torso was short, she was short. She was adorable.

"You are to me." I grinned, kissing her forehead as she blushed, shaking her head and watching the popcorn again, waiting for it to signal it was done.


{Rylie's PoV}

"Why did she do that?" I laughed as Harry explained a prank his older sister had pulled on him by taking his boxers while he was taking a shower, hiding them, and forcing him to go underwear-less for the rest of the day, while on vacation.

"She loves pulling pranks on me. He shook his head, my ears picking up the faint sound of Zayn laughing. A weird smell came through the air and I coughed, looking out the bedroom window to see the boys smoking.

"Rylie! Want some?" Niall grinned, walking over to my window and handing me a cigarette. Or a joint. I wasn't sure.

"Umm. . ." I stuttered, looking back at Harry, who had received what I had from Zayn, but his was fresh.

"You don't have to, babe." Harry cooed, taking a drag. I looked back at what was in my finger tips, bringing it to my lips and breathing in.

I coughed out and handed the thing back to Niall, hearing him laugh again. Harry laid down again on my bed, enjoying what I now knew for a fact, was a joint. The boys explained they were going to come inside, since they now knew it was alright to smoke inside, as long as they didn't set my home on fire. I started picking up my bedroom, feeling Harry's eyes on me.

"You smoke often?" I asked, looking to make sure everything was put away.

"Every once in a while." He shrugged, taking another drag as I heard the front door close. I sat next to Harry, his fingers bringing the blunt to my lips as I breathed in. My mum wouldn't care; she thought I didn't smell when she smoked but obviously I did. She was at someone's house this weekend, out south of the city I think. Not that it mattered to me much.

The bedroom door opened and the four other boys piled in, the room soon filling with smoke. I took another drag from Harry, feeling the effects of the drug.

After I had, Harry took a rather long drag, turning to me and blowing it out onto my face. My eye lashes fluttered and I pressed my lips to his, capturing some of the smoke.

"I like this." I whispered, hearing the boys talking about something but only hearing gibberish.

"Me too." Harry admitted, kissing me again, the joint almost gone as he held it to my lips. I breathed in, his lips pressing to mine instantly, letting the smoke enter his mouth after I let it go. I shut my eyes softly for a moment, seeing Niall trying to do a handstand after opening them again. We laughed, all of us were getting pretty damn high.

"Can I kiss you again?" Harry asked, finishing off the blunt. I nodded, seeing him straddle my waist as he kissed me harshly.

"Get it, Harry." Louis laughed, hitting my wall after trying to stand up. I laughed, pulling lightly on Harry's curls and biting his lip. His hips ground down into mine, my breath leaving my body as he chuckled.

"I plan to, Lou."



"Harry." I mumbled, his hair tickling my nose. "Harry." I opened my eyes, seeing four boys passed out on my floor along with a sleeping Harry on my half naked chest. I had my bra, and shorts on and Harry only had boxers.

"Hmm?" He groaned into my chest, not moving. I shoved him off of me, sitting up and running a hand through my hair. His hands were wound around my waist, and he was pulling me to him as I smiled.

"Morning." He said, his morning voice still proving to be the hottest thing I had ever heard.

"Morning." I said lightly, kissing his lips as his finger made patterns on my thigh.

"It smells like shit in here." He laughed, his lips attacking my skin.

"I do think I need a shower." I said, smirking up at him, his eyes glowing.

"You should really let me help you with that, this time, princess." He wound a piece of my hair around his finger, breathing down my neck.

"I don't think so." I whispered, laughing as I stood up on our beds, running off and almost landing on Niall.

"Come over here!" Harry yelled after me, standing and running after me while I started moving out of the room.

"Catch me if you can, Styles!" I called back to him, running to my bathroom. I turned to close the door, Harry's head poking through the opening and shoving the door open.

"Gotcha." He smiled, kissing my lips and closing the door behind us. He pushed me backwards, his hands going to my waist as he lifted me up onto the counter. His lips left mine as he turned to put the water on. My hands began to shake as the water started and Harry turned back to face me, eyes begging to touch me.

"May I?" He asked, his lips hot on my neck, while his hands gripped the band on my shorts. I pulled in a shaky breath, nodding, then letting Harry continue with his movements and remove my shorts. He threw my shorts towards the door as the steam overwhelmed the area.

"It's getting hot in here." I chuckled lightly, my lips placing harsh kisses to Harry's chest.

"Then we should probably get you out of these clothes." He joked, wrapping his arms around my back and placing his fingers on my bra clasp.

"Please." I laughed, feeling the fabric fall from my breasts as Harry's lips hit mine.

"Christ you're so beautiful." Harry groaned, my legs wrapping around his torso. My bare chest pressed to his, our lips still connected as Harry carried me to the shower. The water fell down on us as my feet hit the floor, and Harry closed the shower curtain. He still had his boxers on, and I my underwear, but I didn't know if I could bring myself to remove them.

I let the water fall over me, making sure Harry was watching my movements before grabbing the body wash off the shelf.

"Don't over work yourself." Harry said playfully, his bare chest sticking to my back as he grabbed the soap. He placed a rather large glob of body soap in his hands before rubbing both of his hands together. He started with my shoulders, massaging them as the soap covered them as well. He moved further down my back, putting soap on my arms also. I felt him kneel down, soap covering my legs and bum.
He stood, pressing his chest to my back again and beginning to wash my front. He started at the top of my chest, spending extra time there, before moving to my stomach. His hands hit my underwear and I closed my eyes, not sure how far I wanted this to go. Harry's lips fell to my neck as he spoke.

"I would never hurt you." He whispered, his thumb running patterns over my skin in an effort to calm my rapid heart beat.

"I know." I said, making a fast decision. "But I can't do this." I breathed, stepping a step away from Harry. He put his hands on my shoulders, spinning me to face him as he smiled lightly and the water stung my skin.

"It's okay, you're okay." He said, hugging me tightly and not giving me the chance to be sad about my choice. "You can take all the time in the world, babe."


"Can you hand me that glass, Niall." I asked, the boys helping me clean my room, so it wouldn't smell so much like weed.

"Here." He said handing the cup to me before I ran it to the kitchen where Harry was with Zayn.

"Babe, Zayn just invited us to go out to a movie with him and Liam." Harry told me, pushing his fingers lightly through my hair.

"Okay." I nodded, setting the empty glass into the sink, smiling at Harry and then walking back to my room. I helped Louis and Niall with the de-stinking of my room, smiling at our work.

"Good job, guys." I said, walking out of my room with Louis and Niall behind me.

"Thanks." They said in unison all three of us laughing a bit as we saw Zayn, Liam and Harry in the living room.

"I win!" Harry grinned, sitting on top of Zayn and Liam, both of them groaning. "Shut up!" He glared down at them, my laughter filling the air.

"What's going on?" Niall giggled, hiccuping a bit.
"Harry said he could beat the both of us, and he did." Liam groaned, shoving Harry off of him. I helped Harry up, raising my eyebrows at him.

"I'm not saying you're weak, but I don't think you could beat both of them. Nice try." I grinned, hearing Liam and Zayn chuckle.

"She's got you, mate." Zayn threw a lite punch at Harry's shoulder, all four of the boys heading towards the door.

"We'll meet you at the cinema, around eight, yeah?" Liam said, Harry turning to face him, nodding a yes as the boys all left my home.

"We've got time to kill." Harry said, turning back to me after locking the door with a grin.

"And what do you propose we do?" I asked, a smile forming on my lips while he stepped closer to me.

"I don't really want to say it out loud." He whispered in my ear, his hands finding my sides and pulling me close to him. "But it involves you lying naked underneath me and-"

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, there Harry." I laughed, stepping away from him a bit. "We have a movie date tonight." I watched him pout.

"Not even a little kissing?" He asked, his eyes going big in an attempted puppy dog pout. I wrapped my arms around his neck, sighing as if thinking hard about my next words.

"Maybe a little, kissing." I pressed a short kiss to his lips, turning and walking to our bedroom.

"Come here." Harry said as he sat down on my bed, his eyes glowing. I did as I was told, walking over to his body. His arms wrapped me up, pulling me into him as he laid down on the bed with me still in his hold. He wound our legs together, his lips resting on my neck but not kissing.

He just cuddled me, held me, refused to let me go.

His breath was hot on my skin and I grabbed his hand, lacing our fingers together as he sighed.

"I could stay like this forever, you know." He mumbled, bringing his lips away from my neck so he could speak.

"I could too, Harry." I said lightly, my eyes shutting for a moment.

"Rylie, can I tell you something?" Harry started, his voice low and soft.

"Hmm?" I mumbled sleepily, eyes not opening for anything. He took in a rather deep breath, letting it out again and kissing my cheek before speaking as I slowly fell asleep.

"I really fucking like you a lot, princess. And that scares the shit out of me."

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