Chapter Seventeen

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"Belle." I breathed, memories flooding my mind. Harry, with Belle. Cheating. I finally felt the pieces of the puzzle come into place, her smile making me cringe. "You- you and Harry." I stumbled away from the door, closing my eyes to try and stop the tears.

"And he loved every second off it." She laughed, the boys moving to get her out. I started to break down again, the feeling from before coming back, along with some new ones. Harry lied. I had asked if he knew the reason for my suicide attempt, and he lied about it.

"I can't do this again." I shook my head, trying to make the memories disappear again. I moved to the door, Niall and Zayn chasing after me as I left the apartment. I ran, I didn't know where to, but I just wanted to be away. I made it outside of the complex when Niall grabbed me and held onto me.

"Dammit Niall let me go!" I screamed, crying harder as Zayn tried holding me down as well. "I can't do this, please let me go." I begged, their eyes going wide as they saw what I was asking for. Zayn held up his car keys as I continued screaming and they both moved me to Zayns car. Niall sat in the back with me, trying to make me calm down, but it wasn't working.

"Is she bad?" Zayn asked sarcastically into the phone as I yelled at Niall again. "You tell me."


"It's alright, Rylie."

I rolled in my bed, not knowing why I was here, or what was happening.

"The boys had to give you some of your medicine, but you're okay now."


Remembrance of what had happened came back to me and I was tempted to scream and yell, but I knew that wouldn't help. I sat up gently, not looking at him as I rubbed my eyes with the backs of my hands. My hands fell into my lap as I glanced up at Harry, who looked sleep-deprived and sad. Tears were obviously once present against his cheeks, but no longer streamed from his eyes.

"I know you're angry at me, but I hate her, and I should've told you I know. I just couldn't think that thought, that if I told you and you remembered and you wanted to off yourself again. . ." He trailed off, my eyes looking to the bedroom window instead of him. "Because I love you, Rylie, more than anyone could love another person. And I know you know this, but I also know that you know I lied, and for some reason that wins over my love."

"Nothing wins over your love, Harry. The hate and sadness just covers it, masks it in a way. I don't like it, but I just feel the hurt over the love and it makes me hate you. It makes me hate her. It makes me hate myself." I bit my lip, looking at my lap. "I hate it." I trailed off, his hand coming into my vision, wrapping around my own hands.

"I'm so sorry, Rylie. Everything is my fault, and I understand if you want me to leave." He looked at me, my eyes meeting his.

"You love me." I stated, my hands shaking where Harry held them.

"With everything I've got, princess." He said, and I knew he meant it. Everything from before, I knew now that I should have heard Harry out about Belle. I knew he would never do that to me, he loved me too much.

"Then I'm fine. As long as I've got you, Harry, I'm fine. Just don't leave me. Promise me. Cross your heart." I demanded, releasing my hands from his. His finger made an x across his heart and he looked solemnly at me.

"I promise to love you forever, Rylie." He smiled softly, holding his hands below my jaw on either side of my face. I smiled back, his hands bringing my lips to his softly. I kissed back, closing my eyes as a grin spread across his lips.

"I love you too." I paused, crossing my heart. "For forever."



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