Chapter Six

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"Did you have to wear those shorts?" Harry complained again as I bit down on an apple.

"It's hot, Harry." I smiled, looking around at the the people who had chosen to eat their lunch outside, just as we had.

"But I don't want-"

"I know you don't want guys to gawk all over me, but trust me they won't." I promised, moving my hand across the small table to find his own hand. I ran my thumb across his knuckles, moving my food to the side. He smiled softly at me before his head turned.

"Harry!" Someone yelled from across the yard. There was a group of two boys standing there, coming near us quite quickly.

"Zayn! Liam! Come here!" Harry yelled back, his hand leaving my hold. I gathered my trash, standing and throwing it away. As I returned to the table, a boy with brown hair had stolen my seat. The other one looked familiar but my brain just couldn't place him at the moment.

"Rylie, this is Liam and Zayn. Two of my best mates." Harry explained with a smile which I reciprocated towards the boys. Zayn, that was the other boy from the party. They both said soft hellos, then I turned invisible. The boys spoke with each other and I stood near to where Harry sat, not having a seat of my own. I looked at my phone's clock, deciding I would go to my class and read until it started.

"I'm going to class." I said to Harry, choosing to not give him his kiss on the cheek. He gripped my wrist, pulling me onto his lap.

"Stay." He said, roughly kissing my neck.
He was turning into that obnoxious party boy.
I stood, shaking my head.

"I'll see you in our last hour, Harry." I rolled my eyes, walking away.

{Harry's PoV}


"She's a feisty one, Harry." Zayn laughed, my eyes still watching Rylie walk away.

"Uh, yeah." I said, trying to focus on the two boys sat across from me.

"Where's Niall and Louis?" I asked, trying to change the topic away from Rylie.

"They have a different lunch hour." Liam said, looking around at the table.

"So, Rylie? How'd that happen?" Zayn grinned again. I sighed, knowing I couldn't sound like a fucking pansy and say she is just my roommate and we haven't gotten further then cuddling.

"She's kind of my roommate." I chuckled, looking up at the boys.

"No way. You get that every night?" Liam payed more attention, both obviously wanting some sort of detail. I opened my mouth but shut it again.

Rylie had problems with people saying she did things she really didn't, I was not about to do the same to her.

"We haven't done anything." I shrugged, the boys laughing a bit.

"Yeah, sure." Zayn rolled his eyes. "There's no way you wouldn't do that every night. I know I would." He laughed. I stood, angry at him.

"It's not like that." I said, shaking my head and gathering my things before walking away.

{Rylie's PoV}

"I'm sorry." Harry said, his hands finding my waist as I stood against the counter. We hadn't spoken since lunch, and I didn't know if I could anytime soon. I decided to try.

"What did you tell them?" I asked softly, knowing this routine. I turned sharply to face him, tears pricking my eyes.

"Nothing. I told them it wasn't like that, because it isn't." He said, his hand raising to my cheek. I closed my eyes, my head hanging down.

"What is it like then?" I moved away from him, walking to my bedroom. I left the door open, knowing Harry would follow me in there. I laid down on our beds burying my face in the pillows.

I felt Harry sit next to me, rubbing my back softly.

"You let go of my hand." I cried a little, feeling his arms wrap around me, lifting me up.

"I know, love." He said, making me look at him. "But you didn't kiss me." He ran his thumb over my lips. My heart stopped and I looked away.

"How did you- I thought you were asleep." I whispered, feeling his lips on my cheek.

"I'm a light sleeper." He spoke quietly, moving his lips towards mine.

"Harry." I pulled away, his hands catching me.

"I want this to be more, more then cuddling and not touching, not feeling. More then just kind of being a thing. I want to be  with you, Rylie. In every way possible." He said, pulling me back to him. I looked up at him.

"This isn't some sick joke, is it? You're not going to turn around and leave or say something that isn't true?" I asked, seeing the truth in his green eyes.

"It's not a joke." He promised, and I believed him. "I just get anxious around those boys, mostly Zayn, because I'm suppose to be Harry the party animal. It's different when I'm with Louis or Niall, you'll have to meet them sometime." He grinned at me as I nodded my head lightly.

"I like this  Harry." I said, looking at his t-shirt, then back at his face. "The soft cuddly one who can sing me to sleep." I smiled, feeling his hands wrap tighter around me.

"I want to be more then cuddly Harry, babe." He purred in my ear, giving me a shiver. "I want to be you screaming my name, Harry." He chuckled, a little of his obnoxious side showing.

"You're such a tease." I grinned, swatting his chest before he could squeeze my bum.

"Maybe I am." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"There is no maybe, you are  a tease." I stated, poking his stomach, which was toned and still covered by his shirt. Dammit.

"Lay down." I said, pushing Harry down so his back was against the mattress. I straddled his waist, lifting the white fabric away from his torso. I moved his arms so they were spread out lengthwise on either side of his body.

"This one." I pointed to the star on the under side of his arm.

"It was my first tattoo and I didn't know what to get." He smirked, moving a bit of hair away from his face.

"So you got a star?" I laughed, seeing him roll his eyes.

"Okay, okay. This one." I pointed to the butterfly on the centre of his torso. It was beautiful, and I liked it, but I couldn't help but picture Harry without any tattoos. With a clean slate of a body that I could mark-

"It means," Harry started, going on and explaining every tattoo I pointed to. He gave me a story behind them all, until he had no more stories to tell. He turned us around so I was underneath him, and did as I had, removing my shirt.

"I don't have any tattoos." I said, covering myself with the blanket as quickly as I could.

"Don't be shy, Rylie." He said cheekily, moving my hair behind my ear in an attempt to calm me. It worked.

"I'm going to warn you, I have a scar." I said softly, my arms loosening and Harry's fingers pulling back the blanket.

I closed my eyes as his fingers traced the permanent mark on my skin that sat on my right side. The scar went down my whole side, starting a little bit below my armpit, and working its way down to my hip bone.

"It's disgusting." I said quietly, my hand trying to find the blanket again. He stopped me.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Hell it's not even very noticeable, babe." Harry said, lacing my fingers with his. I opened my eyes, seeing his lips move to the jagged line on my skin. He kissed every inch of it, his fingers still connected to mine.

"What happened?" He asked, grabbing the blanket and letting me cover myself. "If you don't mind me asking." He added, sitting next to me instead of on top of me.

I laid my head on his chest, going over the memory in my mind.

"I was with my uncle Daryl, my mums brother, and we were driving to see my grandma, who lived way up north." I started, Harry's hand still holding my own.
"It got really late and dark, and we were driving along when we got to an intersection. Daryl had the right away, but a very large truck ran into us. The police said the other driver was drunk, but he killed my uncle none the less. When we were hit, it was on Daryl's side, but when the glass shattered, it cut into my skin and when I tried to move, it went the whole way down my side." I explained, Harry's hand which wasn't holding my own, was playing with my hair as darkness overcame everything outside.

"That was three years after my dad was killed in a train crash." I added, giving him a timeline of sorts.

"I'm sorry." He said after a moment, kissing my forehead. "I know that doesn't really help anything, but I am sorry." He said softly, my eyes looking up to meet his.

"Thank you, Harry." I smiled, moving my fingers to the mark on my body.

"You know, I haven't worn a swim suit or anything since then, so no one except you and my family know about this. And family is basically only my mother." I said, moving my hand to wrap around Harry's bare torso. My fingers trailed over the skin for a moment, my mind fighting with itself to move my hand or keep it where it lay.

"I would like to see you in a swim suit." Harry teased, my eyes closing lightly. I laughed, shaking my head.

"Not going to happen, Harry." I said, finally moving my hand.

"Why'd you move your hand?" Harry hummed and I could tell his eyes were closed or closing as well.

"I didn't want to be weird and keep it there all night." I said honestly, wrapping one leg around his. He was still laid out on his back, as I curled up next to him on my side, clinging to him almost.

"It felt nice, though." He whined, his hand wrapping around my back and making sure the blanket was covering me well enough. I opened my eyes for a moment, grabbing a larger blanket from the floor and covering both of us.

I placed my hand back where I had it been, moving my fingers in small patterns over his skin. I continued this until his breathing slowed and the room was filled with his light snoring.

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