Chapter Fourteen

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"Would you like to do something after classes?" Harry whispered as our professor lectured us about microphone handling, of all things.

"Like what?" I asked, her voice still booming throughout the theatre area.

"Go out for coffee? Maybe just walk about town." He shrugged, slinging an arm around my shoulder as he spoke.

"Sure." I smiled, the lecturing stopping.

"Rylie, Harry, is there something you'd like to share with everyone?" She glared at us, everyone's eyes searching us as Harry shrugged.

"Is there?" He questioned, my mouth turning up in a smile as she scoffed, beginning to speak again. I laughed softly, shaking my head.

"Is there?" I asked, his eyes glowing with something as he slowed and shook his head no.

Our class lasted about ten more minutes, then the bell rang and everyone was free to go.

"So where are we going Harry?" I asked, his hand leading me out of the University's theatre arts building, which was fucking madness.

"I'm not sure, I was just going to wing-it." He grinned, his arm still slung over my shoulder as we walked to my truck.

"Wing-it?" I chuckled, his hands helping me into the vehicle as he rolled his eyes. He got in on the drivers side, both of us getting buckled as he started the truck and started driving off.

"We could go downtown, get a coffee and walk around a little." He suggested, looking at me for my thoughts.

"Sure, that sounds lovely." I grinned, reaching across the centre console of the truck and lacing our fingers together. He smiled, keeping his eyes focused on the road.

The rest of the car ride consisted of bad singing and an argument on whether country was worse then bubblegum pop music.

Country was worse.


"You two don't separate for anything, do you?" Louis asked, my body being held by Harry's strong arms as I laughed.

"Not really." I answered, seeing Zayn and Liam laugh as well, Belle being silent as she drank her soda. After walking up and down Main Street, Harry and I decided to go and have a chat with the boys.

"I don't think me and Liam could ever be that. . . Clingy." Belle smirked at me, her death glare hitting me hard.

"Good for you." I said softly, wrapping my arms around Harry's neck and kissing his cheek as Niall sat on the grass with us. We had all decided on going to the park, thinking fresh air would be a good thing.

"What if we all had like, one massive sleepover this weekend. We have Friday off, why not use it to our advantages?" Zayn said, all the boys quickly agreeing.

"A sleepover?" Belle scoffed, leaning back on Liam's lap. "Are we five?" She rolled her eyes.

"Some of us act that way." I mumbled, her head snapping at me as she glared and I smiled sweetly.

"You're such a sassy little girl." Harry chuckled, kissing my neck lightly as the boys discussed drinks and location.

"I'm not little." I insisted, playing with his hands, and looking back at him with innocent eyes.

"Rylie, you're fucking tiny." He said, kissing my nose and making me giggle.

"Harry, you're just huge." I laughed, hitting my head lightly on his shoulder as he chuckled.

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