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Fifteen years later..

Marinette suddenly jolted awake to a Siren, alarming the Police Officers that there was an emergency. Marinette just sighed in relief, and hopped out of bed.

Within a few minutes, Marinette was changed into her suit and ready to go. Her assistant, Alya, nodded her head to her best friend to go.

Marinette sounded the police sirens, and they echoed out through Paris. Little did they know, this was a Bandit Mastermind they were handling. The Bandit was also known as Chat Noir.

The Robbery Sirens went off, as Chat Noir started to steal precious gems. Everybody got down onto their knees, helpless.

Chat Noir snickered to himself, as he was midway through the process of stealing gems. Another successful robbery, he thought with a smirk.

Suddenly, the door burst open and came in two familiar police officers. Chat looked at them with a smirk and twirled his staff.

"Well, well, well, isn't it the brave cops come to save the day, hmm?" Chat kept his stare locked on the two female cops. He then twirled his staff again, and whipped out his tranquilizer gun. (A/N: For those who don't know what a tranquilizer gun is, it's a gun where it safely sets people asleep for a period of time).

Alya just smirked. "Oh, so your actually brave enough to stand up to us." Chat nodded quietly as he kept his stare still locked on them.

"Give up now, Cesaire and Dupain-Cheng. You aren't going to win." Chat then smirked by shooting random citizens. Marinette just narrowed her eyes at him angrily.

"Never." Marinette sighed, whipping out her shotgun. "You asked for it, Noir." Chat then smirked and whipped out his shotgun also.

"If you want a gun fight, princess, you asked for it loud and clear. Make sure you don't regret it." Chat pointed the gun towards Marinette. Marinette pointed her's straight at him.

"On three, Cheng." Chat nodded as he held the trigger. Marinette nodded in agreement and closed her eyes.




They both pulled the trigger. Apparently, Marinette was out of bullets. Crap! She thought as she closed her eyes. She probably knew this would be the last time seeing Earth.

Instead, Chat purposely missed his target and shot Alya in the knee. Marinette gasped as she tried to help out her friend in shock.

"A-Alya..." Marinette sobbed dropping down onto her knees. Chat then took this as an opportunity for his plan.

Marinette was a stunning bluenette, who he secretly had a crush on her. Her ribbons on her pigtails were cute. Her cop suit made her look for attractive.

Chat pulled a wool bag over Marinette's head. He heard a muffled help come from her, but he ignored it. Alya immediately snapped out of shock, and slapped Chat. "Leave her alone!" She screeched.

Chat just narrowed his eyes and slapped Alya back, harder. It almost knocked her out, but instead it put her back in shock.

Chat then tied Marinette's wrists with thick rope, and her legs too. She slowly began to fell asleep, and he softly placed her into his black Corvette.

"You'll definitely be safe with me, Purrincess."

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