E i g h t

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(At this point, Chat had already dropped off Marinette off at his place. Marinette, Felix, and Bridgette, are now sleeping peacefully).

Chat sprinted into the bank to see what was going on. It was Nathaniel, being a robber. Chat just stood there in shock.

"What are you doing?!" Chat screeched as Nathaniel just stared at him. Nathaniel blinked a couple of times, before Chat slapped him.

"What do you think your doing?" Chat growled, tilting Nathaniel's chin up to face him. Nathaniel just narrowed his eyes at him and looked around nervously.

"I-Um-" Nathaniel stuttered. He couldn't think of a good excuse without blowing his cover.

"Speak now, buddy." Chat then held him by the neck. Nathaniel wiggled and escaped easily. He just smirked at him.

"Run." He murmured and then sprinting off. Chat hissed in frustration and sprinted after him. Nathaniel cut many sharp corners on the streets, trying to get far away from Chat's lair as possible. (A/N: From Chat's House to the Bank, it's 30 miles away from each other. In other words, it would take Chat 30 minutes to get back to his lair).

Chat then skidded to a halt after at least a mile to catch his breath. He had lost Nathaniel. He didn't know what he was planning. Chat was truly scared that they were going to hurt Marinette.

Chat then ran back to his car and drove away from the bank. Nathaniel came out from his hiding place and ran back to the bank. He put the precious ruby gem back in its place, and thanked the manager for fooling Chat.

Nathaniel then jogged into an abandoned alleyway and got out his walkie talkie. "Chloé, he's on his way right now. You better not screw up this plan."

"Oh don't worry, babe. I never screw up any plan. Ugh, rude." Chloé spoke into the walkie talkie and then hung it up.

On the other end, Nathaniel just shrugged. He then got into his car and drove to Chat's house too, in case if Chloé needed any backup.

Chloé used a laser gun to cut a hole in the metal door. Once she had created a circle with her laser gun, she slowly took out the metal piece and put it to the side.

Chloé was surprised to see there were no lasers or high security. Chloé crawled through the hole, and then was standing in the living room. Now, she was on a search for Marinette.

Chloé then walked further down the hallway to find Marinette's door. She smirked and slowly turned the doorknob. Now, Chloé could finally kill her.

Suddenly, something grabbed her hand and yanked her back. Chloé gasped in surprise and fell onto her back on the floor.

The object hovered over her. "Don't you dare hurt her." Chloé glared at the object.

"Chat. How did you get here so fast?" Chloé hissed as 'Chat' shrugged.

"I'm not Chat, quit assuming you petty brat." Felix slapped her on her cheek. Chloé then went onto savage mode.

"I'm not petty. You are!" Chloé jumped up and kicked him in the nuts. Felix fell onto the floor, whimpering, and then Chloé punched him in the nose, making him bleed. Lastly, she kicked him in the chest, sending him flying across the room, knocking him out.

"Seems like you won't be able to save you friend now, huh? Goodbye, Felix."

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