T w e n t y - T h r e e

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Later that night, Chat had to go into Marinette's room in order to take a shower. Chat knocked on Marinette's door.

Marinette surprisingly answered, and looked away at him. "Go do whatever."

Chat had his ears, mask, tail, and suit off, and only was wrapped in a towel. Marinette didn't notice, until he walked into the bathroom and she started to blush.

Chat turned around and smirked. "Like what you see?" Marinette embarrassingly nodded.

He shut the bathroom door, and Marinette decided to prank him. Chat turned on the shower and shut the shower curtain.

Marinette opened the door and tip toed into the bathroom. She flushed the toilet and took Chat's clothes except his shorts.

"Oww! Crap, Marinette! Your going to pay!" Chat screeched as Marinette giggled and ran out of the bathroom.

"I wanna see you try!" Marinette rolled her eyes, and purposely left the bathroom door open.

"Your on!" Chat called back from the shower.

A few minutes later.....

Marinette heard Chat get out from the shower. Chat slipped on his boxers and shorts and walked out of the bathroom.

He froze once he just saw Marinette standing there, with a smirk on her face. She was holding his shirt, cat ears, and slippers.

"That's it, Mari!" He playfully yelled.

Before he started to sprint towards her to retrieve his clothes, Marinette starred at his godlike body. His eight pack abs, his muscular arms and legs, his beautiful shaped face. Everything was so perfect. It's just he looked so familiar.

Chat sprinted towards Marinette and playfully tackled her on her bed. "Confess your sins!" He playfully growled as she giggled.

"Why should I? What are you going to do about it?" Marinette poked Chat on his nose, teasing him.

Chat smirked and grabbed Marinette's face. "This." He replied. Chat's soft lips touched her's, and they both sunk into a long lasting kiss.

After a few minutes, they pulled away from each other to catch their breaths. Chat winked at her, as Marinette blushed a deep and dark red.

She then paused. "Chat, why do you look so familiar?"

Chat shrugged. "I don't know. You tell me, little lady."

"You look like my friend, Adrien. But, he died five years ago." Marinette paused again. "Your personalities- they are wild. Your fathers- so similar. Your mothers- somewhat similar too. So, there's a reason why I love you."

Chat sighed. It's about time to tell her the truth.

SHORT CHAPTER IM SORRY! What do you think Chat is confessing to Marinette? It's quite obvious, but comment down below anyways! Thanks for reading, ~Ally (AKA Choco)💋

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