T w e l v e

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We could of been like them, Felix. Marinette heard that and Ladybug's cries of sadness before she went to sleep. Why did Ladybug think they would make such a great couple? Marinette had no idea.

Marinette didn't want anything to do with Chat. Chat was a criminal. He was a Bandit. He didn't work, he stole gems.

Marinette then smelled something coming from the Kitchen. What's that smell? She wondered, peeking her head up from the couch.

Marinette looked up and smirked. Chat had his 'kiss the cook' apron on, and was cooking eggs and bacon.

"Why hello, Purrincess. Your feline-ly up, I see." Chat purred with delight. Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Nice try, Noir. Your charm doesn't work on me." Marinette then pointed at her cop badge. "I'm a cop, and I don't fall for your tricks."

"Soon enough you will." Chat smirked as Marinette just sat at the table, unamused. It only took minutes for Felix and Bridgette to realize the smell and come out too.

Chat paused before handing out the breakfast plates. Marinette was confused on what Bridgette and Felix were now doing.

"Kiss the cook, Marinette." Chat innocently smiled as Bridgette kissed him on his temple. Felix was now up next ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

"Are you sure about this?" Marinette questioned Chat. Chat nodded. "Of course, Marinette. What else do you do to a cook that has a 'kiss the cook ' apron on?"

Marinette shrugged. Felix pecked Chat on the lips and Chat slightly blushed, but shook it off as Marinette followed after Felix. Chat prepared himself.

Marinette leaned in, and her lips met his. Chat then grabbed her cheeks and pulled her into a deeper kiss. Marinette gasped and pulled away from the criminal.

"Chat!" She yelled, blush arising on her cheeks. Chat did his trademark smirk and kissed her on the cheek.

"Now, let's eat, team."

Later That Afternoon..........

Chat heard a loud banging in the alleyway right outside his door. Apparently Marinette had heard it too, so she followed up behind him.

"What's going on?" She whispered to the criminal. Chat shrugged as he slowly peeked the door open.

Chat gasped, as his master, Hawkmoth, was fighting one of the other head of the one of the other bandit member squads. Marinette had many questions to ask, and it was as if Chat read her mind. Chat pulled her behind the door again, pinning her against the wall.

"Marinette, listen. I know you have many questions to ask. I will only answer your main ones." Chat nodded as Marinette nervously shook.

"The guy in the purple bandana is Hawkmoth. The leader of my bandit gang and rumor has it that he is my father. The other gang leader is named Peacock. She is the gang leader that helps out the cops, but is a distraction for any robbery." Chat explained. For the first time, Marinette actually got it.

"What are we going to do about it?" Marinette whispered again, curiously. Chat just stared out the door.

"We watch." (Reminder: Chloé had cut through the door with her laser gun. That's why Chat said 'we watch' next to the door.) "Oh." Marinette sighed.

Peacock then was slowly starting to loose the battle. Personally, Chat loved Peacock more than Hawkmoth. At this point, Chat decided that this was enough.

Chat leaped in between them, and pushed his hands into their chests, pushing them away from each other. Suddenly, Hawkmoth became angry that Chat came into the middle of the fight.

Hawkmoth then punched him in the chest sending Chat flying into his lair again. Marinette just watched in horror, on how you don't mess with Hawkmoth. Even if he is your father.

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