T h r e e

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Marinette slowly opened her eyes from her midnight slumber. The sun was peeking out of the Windows, representing that it was daytime now. (A/N: A Windows error has occurred ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).....)

She saw someone in the kitchen, seeing that they were making breakfast. "O-Oh, hey C-Chat..." Marinette stuttered, hoping to not get in trouble.

Supposedly 'Chat' turned around and looked at Marinette. Marinette then realized that it wasn't Chat. It seemed like it was a Copycat. The Copycat had blue eyes, just like Marinette's, instead.

"Oh, sorry!" Marinette blushed, as Copycat lifted her chin up.

"Why hello, beautiful little lady." Copycat pecked her on the lips as Marinette blushed a darker red.

"Enough, Felix." A familiar voice was heard from across the hall. It was Chat's.

Chat looked around the corner to see Marinette and kneeled down to her. "Did he kiss you?" Chat questioned the innocent girl.

"N-No, S-Sir..." Marinette lied with a fake smile. Chat knew he wouldn't let that slip.

"I know your lying." Chat rolled his eyes and got closer to her. Marinette then scooted a little farther back, her back hitting the wall.

"H-How...?" Marinette challenged but also stuttered. Chat put his pointer finger on her lips, making her blush.

"Some of your lipstick is missing. This proves that someone kissed you." Chat then narrowed his eyes at Felix (aka Copycat).

"O-Oh." Marinette watched Chat walk away. The next action Chat does, is slap Copycat right in the face.

"Don't touch her again, brother." Chat nodded as Copycat touched where Chat left a mark on his face.

Marinette then heard a small gasp coming from that same hallway Chat walked out of. Chat whipped his head to face a female figure.

"What do you want, Bri-" Chat paused as the female shushed him. "Remember? Call me Ladybug."

'Ladybug' took a glance at Marinette. Ladybug wanted to talk to her, but she didn't want Chat to smack her.

Ladybug just sat on the kitchen table, watching the two boys fight each other. Once Chat won and was done, he turned to Marinette. "Now..."

Marinette tried to cover her face, the chains were making it hard though. She secretly hoped that he would miss her if he did hit her.

Chat just bent down to Marinette and undid her hair ties. "Don't let anybody touch you, got it?" Marinette nodded, shaking.

Chat walked away, without saying a word. He only earned a glare from Copycat and slammed his bedroom door.

"Does he act like this everyday?" Marinette whispered, trying to be as quiet as possible. Ladybug finished up her muffin, and walked over to Marinette.

"No. Only when he's protective around the ones he love. Before you were here, he loved me. Not that I'm jealous or anything. He likes girls the most. He went through girls to make him join him, and appreciate who he really is." Ladybug explained as Marinette nodded along.

Ladybug kneeled down to whisper in Marinette's ear. "I also secretly love Felix now. Shh, don't tell him."

"Huh?" Felix looked at two girls confused as they both laughed crazily.

"Well, this isn't so bad after all."

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