S i x t e e n

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Marinette stared in confusion on what happened with Nathaniel and Chat. Marinette hoped Nathaniel kept whatever promise Chaf gave him.

After Nathaniel ran off, Chat came up to Marinette. "Hey, Mari, are you okay?" He whispered softly to her.

Marinette shook her head. "Wait, what? Sorry, I'm confused."

"Oh my." Chat shook his head and started to untie her. "I'll explain once we get inside my lair."

"Alright." Marinette nodded as she allowed Chat untie Nathaniel's ropes.

Once Chat untied Marinette, they both walked into his liar. They sat down in the chairs by Chat's brick fireplace, and Chat served tea to both of them.

"Alright, let me explain. I'll start." Chat explained how he didn't see Marinette and he went outside and saw Nathaniel hypnotizing her. Then, he explained the fight and Nathaniel's promise.

"-To finish it, he ran off and I recused you. Because you know, anything for a beautiful Purrincess like you." Chat then kissed her cheek and Marinette blushed.

"Y-You didn't have to save me, C-Chat." Marinette then whispered into his ear.

"But I love you though." Chat then murmured in her ear, making her shiver with satisfaction.

"I know you do." Marinette blushed and Chat wrapped a blanket around her.

"Good." Chat then started to cough uncontrollably.

"Chat!" Marinette ripped off her blanket and rushed to his aid and helped him out. Chat quickly stopped and he nodded to Marinette a thank you.

Marinette gave Chat his tea, and Chat sat in his chair again. "You know, your the sweetest person I've ever met."

"Really? What about Ladybug?" Marinette asked Chat while undoing her ribbons and letting her short, shiny, and shimmery hair.

"No, but she has a sweet personality. You know what she doesn't have though?" Chat explained.

"What didn't she have?" Marinette tilted her head to the side in curiosity.

"Your beauty, inside and out." Chat smiled. "-And, your a police officer. I find that pretty amazing."

Chat rambled on about being a police officer until Marinette stopped him. Now, she was suspicious.

"Wait, why are you telling me so much why police officers are so amazing?" Marinette frowned. Chat then realized he knew... he screwed up.

"Oh, um-" Chat knew he couldn't lie this time around Marinette. In fact, she could just figure out easily.

"I have to be honest." Chat sighed. "I've always wanted to be a police officer."

Marinette literally dropped her cup of tea on the floor. "Say what?"

"You heard me, Mari." Chat narrowed his eyes, raising an eyebrow.

"-But, I don't understand?" Marinette looked at Chat confused more than ever. "You shot my assistant Alya, in the knee!"

"I didn't want to look like a fool, for number one." Chat rolled his eyes. "Two, I thought I could prove the world wrong that a bandit can become a police officer."

Marinette looked down and back at him. "Oh."

There was a long pause before Marinette eventually spoke. "Alright, I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight." Marinette didn't look back.

Before Marinette entered in her room, Chat raced up behind her. "Mari, wait!"

Marinette turned around to face him. "Um, yes?"

"Are you disappointed? Are you disappointed that I wanted to be a police officer?" Chat asked the bluenette, concerned.

"Why would I be, Chat? I just feel bad." Marinette opened her door and faced him for probably the last time that night.

"I could teach you the ways of being a police officer."

"Alright then, Princess. Where do we start?"

"-But, only on one condition."

"-And what's that condition, M'Lady?"

"You have to quit your job."

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