S e v e n

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At around midnight two days later, Chat took off the chains on Marinette. Marinette smiled as she wanted to hug Chat, but she didn't since he was a bandit.

"Thank you, Chat Noir." Marinette nodded. She needed to think of an escape plan right now.

Chat chuckled. "Your welcome, little lady. Anyways, don't try escaping. I mean to take you somewhere." Chat then grabbed her hand, pulling her out the door with him.

Marinette sat in the passenger's seat, while Chat sat in the driver's seat. Marinette was just confused, that was all. Why did he take off the chains off of me? She thought.

"Where are we going?" Marinette then asked, as Chat started driving.

Chat just smiled a innocent like smile to her. "You'll see, little lady." Marinette just had to Chat's word for it.

It didn't take them long to get there, and Marinette immediately realized where they were at. It was the Eiffel Tower.

Chat had a picnic set up. By the Eiffel Tower. Just for the two. No Ladybug and no Felix. Marinette was shocked and surprised.

"Like what you see?" He smirked as he showed her the surroundings. Marinette then came up with a great comeback.

"Yeah, at least I don't see you."

Fandom: OHHHHH!!!! *Ladybug and Felix Screech in the background*.

Okay, I'll continue. Sorry.

Chat just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, nice try Princess. That comeback ain't gonna work on me."

Dammit! Marinette cursed in her thoughts. Chat probably would of said; 'hey, a princess doesn't curse, you bad girl!'

"So..." Chat bit into his lettuce and ham sandwhich. "What do you like to do?"

"Just sew, and draw in my free time. I don't usually have much free time." Marinette shrugged to Chat.

Marinette then started to get nervous and sweat. "S-So, w-what do you like to d-do?"

Chat just shrugged also. "Whatever you like to do." He then scooted closer to Marinette. "Princess."

"Please, stop calling me that. I love someone else." Marinette narrowed her eyes. Chat nodded but then a smirk appeared on his face.

"What do you think it will making some feline names for you, Princess?" Chat then placed Marinette onto his lap.

Marinette struggled to get out of his arms while blushing. "Seriously, Chat. I don't love you!"

"Well, then I'll make you love me." Chat murmured, closing in the gap in between them.

Marinette then felt the texture of his lips, moving back and forth on her's. They were so rough, yet irresistible.

"C-Chat..." Marinette slowly stopped trying to move in Chat's arms. She was actually enjoying this.

Chat pulled away, and Marinette was just staring at his lips. Chat then smirked again.

"Cat got your tongue, M'Lady?" Chat chuckled as Marinette started to lean in again. Chat then softly pushed her away from his lips.

"Sorry, Purrincess. If you want to kiss me, it'll have to be tomorrow. I've located my next victim." Chat kissed her forehead gently and placed her in the car.

Marinette nodded and smiled softly. "Okay then, stay safe."

Bandit ~ MariChat Where stories live. Discover now