F o u r

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Night fell quick for the five cop gang. Perfect time to find Chat's hideout.

"Listen up!" Alya ordered the group of cops. "He could be hiding out anywhere. Be aware of your surroundings."

The four remaining cops simply nodded along with the leader. Alya pointed at Chloé and Alix soon after.

"You two go into any building and try to find where Chat Noir is." Alya ordered the two females. They both seriously nodded, and started to barge into each building they could find. Not homes, of course.

"Nathaniel, check the alley ways." Alya then ordered to the tomato haired boy. The boy nodded, tipping his police cap and running off.

Alya's voice drowned out as Nathaniel then slowed his pace to a walk. He walked down the closet alleyway first, and you'd expect that he'd be frightened.

Nathaniel nervously looked down the alleyways hoping that Marinette wasn't just. Marinette didn't know the tomato head had a crush on her, so he was afraid Chat might of done something to her. Since, he didn't confess yet, of course.

"H-Hello...?" Nathaniel rubbed the back of his head nervously. (A/N: Like, why is he asking hello as if someone is going to answer him? Heh, silly Tomato boy!)

He heard a slight creek in a corner. Nathaniel tip-toed slowly to behind the corner. There was a metal block just sitting there. He slowly pushed it out of the way, and there were just rats scattering everywhere. Nathaniel held back his scream just in time, otherwise he would of screamed like a lil' girl.

Oh, thank god. He thought with a sigh of relief. Nathaniel then went back to doing the normal stuff he was supposed to be doing. He then realized something.

There were only twenty seven alleyways in Paris. Most of them were abandoned except for four of them. The four active ones were called The Dynamic Four. Now, Nathaniel's Paris Map memorizing skills are coming into play.

The main one is called Dynamic One. It is party central, in other words. They had at least three clubs in that alleyway. The second one is called The Second Dynamic. Poor people surround it. If you don't give them food if you pass by them, they will attack you. They seriously hurt, in Nath's opinion. The third one is called The Dynamic Third. This is where Paris's rock bands, and art is located. You could probably hear them from five blocks away. Everyone in that alleyway is still improving. The last and final one is Deadly The Dynamic Fourth. It was founded by a guy who was a murderer. The craziest gangs live there.

Wait, that's it! Nathaniel's thoughts turned a lightbulb on. Chat Noir could most likely be in there!

Nathaniel then went on a full on sprint. He knew he could save his crush, Marinette. She didn't have to be stranded there for months, he could be the hero! She could love him at last.

Well, this was a fairly short chapter, don't you think? Don't worry, this won't be a short book just so you know. This party is just getting started ;). ~Choco Nugget🐾.

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