T h i r t e e n

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"Chat?" Marinette asked softly, and shakily. Chat's eyes slowly opened as he looked at his crush.

Chat then touched his face and gasped. Marinette then realized why he was freaking out. His mask was off, and his cat ears were gone.

Then, Marinette's eyes locked onto Chat's godlike face. He had the most perfect emerald eyes, and the perfect golden hair.

"M-Marinette?" He stuttered, looking up at her. Chat even looks more cute like that! Marinette's thoughts fangirled.

"Marinette!" His voice was hoarse, and Marinette stopped spacing out. She helped up Chat and Chat held onto her, trying to regain his balance.

Marinette blushed and placed him onto the couch. Chat then looked at her blush and blushed too.

When Marinette turned away from Chat, Chat started to cry. She quickly ran to Chat, and saw his godlike face for at least the fourth time now.

"Marinette, do you understand?" Chat sobbed, hurt showing in his watery eyes. Marinette shook her head. "I'm afraid I don't, Kitty."

Chat blushed as Marinette gasped. Did I just call him that?! She screamed in her thoughts.

Chat then went back to his sobbing. "Hawkmoth could have hurt her!" Marinette then realized why Chat was upset. He loved peacock instead of Marinette!

"Do you love her?" Marinette then asked, curiously. Chat sighed and then shook his head.

"No, not anymore. She fell in love with my father, but they didn't have me. Instead, my father abused her so she ran away to form her own bandit gang." Chat sighed. "Then, Bridgette was just like you. She's now in love with my supposedly brother, Felix."

Marinette then gave up. "Well, not to be rude, but why do you care about her?" Chat then formed a sad smile on his face.

"She reminds me of you. Curious, brave, badass, kind, and caring." Chat then closed his eyes and a tear rolled down his cheek. "I just wish she was still here. She would have been proud of me and you."

"Whoa, whoa." Marinette paused. "You know I'll never fall in love with you. Your a criminal."

"I'll make you fall in love with me someday." Chat then did his trademark smirk.

"In your dreams, Chat." Marinette then rolled her eyes and nudged him in the arm.

Then, the two heard gunshots. Chat knew from the sound of that, this wouldn't be good. Chat sprinted into action, and Marinette followed along behind him.

Chat peeked around the corner and gasped. Hawkmoth had Peacock pinned against the wall, a knife at her neck.

"Hawkmoth, stop this, right now! I repeat, right now!" Peacock managed to choke out as she tried to get air and Hawkmoth just tightened the grip on her neck.

"Peacock, I would never back down from my gang! I have to do what's right by killing you!" Hawkmoth hissed as he then punched her in the knee.

Peacock whimpered and then gasped as her eyes widened and she went into shock. Peacock dropped to the floor and just collapsed.

Blood ran from her wounds and blood coughed up in her mouth, and Chat just stood there.

"I don't think that's my father anymore. This was all a lie to kill who I loved."

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