T w e n t y - F o u r

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"Marinette, there's something I need to tell you." Chat sighed, once again.

Marinette looked at him straight in his jade eyes. "Alright, go on ahead. Tell me. I'm all ears."

Chat paused. "-But, it's going to be hard for you to take it in. Are you sure about this?"

Marinette nodded. "Don't worry about me, Chat. Go on."

"Fine." Chat took in a deep breath. "I'm Adrien." He blurted out.

Marinette stood there, frozen in place. How could this be Adrien? Could he have been reincarnated? No, that's silly.

"Uh, Marinette?" Chat raised an eyebrow.

"So, you actually were alive!" Marinette smiled and hugged him. "My partner is alive!"

Flashback to five years ago.....

Marinette sighed as she patrolled the probably most dangerous alleyway. Adrien was right behind her, looking all directions.

"Well, its all good here. I think we're done here." Adrien nodded with a smile.

Marinette slightly blushed. His smile was so cute, and so were his jade eyes.

Suddenly, they heard a bang from the nearest garbage bin. Adrien rushed towards it.

"Lookout...?" Adrien read the note out loud to him and his partner.

Adrien shrugged as he held a fist bump out to Marinette. "Pound-" They both were rudely interrupted.

Marinette sprinted out of the alleyway, grabbing Adrien's hand. Dang it, Bandits! Marinette thought angrily.

Now, the Bandits were right on their heels. Marinette had no choice but to let go of Adrien's hand.

"Run!" She yelled to her partner. He nodded, but suddenly was shot by a pistol in the leg.

"Adrien!" Marinette screamed, running back towards him.

Adrien laid on the ground, whimpering in pain. Marinette held him up, but then he was grabbed by the Bandits.

"Let him go! Why do you need this innocent boy?" Marinette cried as the Bandits slowly took him away.

"Hawkmoth. It's his son." One of the guys explained.

"Lair!" Marinette sprinted towards them, but got kicked in the shin by another Bandit.

"He's not lying, cop. Look it up for yourself!"

Marinette laid there, helpless. They drove away with Adrien in the car, as Marinette cried on the sidewalk.

"Why did Adrien sacrifice himself for me? I should have sacrificed myself for him instead! I didn't even confess my love to him!"

End of flashback.....

They hugged each other tightly, but Marinette had many questions to ask. They both pulled away, as Marinette got ready to spill questions to Adrien.

"So, why did you turn into a bad guy? Did they brainwash you or something?" Marinette asked. That was just her main question, that's all.

"I had to, otherwise it was off with my head first of all. Second, they cleansed half of my brain, so that's why I didn't recognize anybody at first." Adrien explained as Marinette nodded.

"Makes since." Marinette replied, simply.

"But..." Marinette trailed off.

"But?" Adrien smiled, pushing her on to ask anything else.

"Did you remember me?" Adrien froze and smiled. "Of course I did, M'Lady."

There was a silence between the former duo. Adrien smiled brighter and bigger, as he kissed Marinette on the cheek.

"Were a team, right?"

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