Chapter 1

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It's Monday morning, and you woke to the sound of your alarm. You're not thrilled to face a new week of school. You begin your morning routine of washing up, getting dressed, and going downstairs to eat breakfast. 

You mumbled your "good morning's" to your brother, Jin, and your mother.

"Good morning (Y/N)! I made you breakfast." your mother called out.

"Morning, (Y/N)," Jin said with a smile. "OK, I'm off to work now, so have fun at school, (Y/N). Bye, Mom!" He gave your mother a hug and left.

After eating, you begrudgingly departed for school. There was no place you'd rather not go. Although you're well-liked among fellow students, you find popularity to be troublesome. You would prefer to get through the day in peace, but sometimes people strike conversation in the hallway or during lunch breaks. It's gotten to the point where you're guilty of forgetting everyone's names, even though they know yours. Most people are friendly, though, so you always try to respond politely.

Campus is a twenty minute walk from your house. You arrived feeling half-refreshed from the walk, and half-exhausted from your body reminding you that you only got five hours of sleep. It didn't long for some associate third-years to notice you and say hi. A handful of other students could be heard talking among themselves.

"Isn't she so pretty?"
"Bet she's got a smoking hot boyfriend"
"How does she manage to look that good on an early Monday morning... it's not fair."

With a sigh, you looked at the floor while heading towards your locker. Along the way, a few people greeted you, to those you responded cordially with "good morning" or a simple nod. Although you were only trying to be nice, you still felt really awkward trying to dodge through the busy hallway when replying to someone. The cumbersome process became too difficult to handle, and you accidentally ran right into someone.

"Watch where you're going!!" In front of you was a handsome, tall boy glaring down at you. Not liking his tone of voice, you scowled back at him and stepped aside to keeping walking. You were stopped when he grabbed your shoulder.

"You aren't going to apologize, huh?!" he snapped.

Students that were close-by turned to see what was going on. You could hear them share concerned remarks. From what you could pick out from the discourse, this boy is also pretty well-known... for being bad news. You refused to back down, perhaps, secretly, because you felt peer pressured from all the attention.

"I won't apologize to you." It was the only response your tired, stressed brain could conjure. You shrugged his hand off of your shoulder and passed him by. He didn't let you get far before he swooped in behind you to lean close to your ear.

In a hushed tone, he told you, "(Y/N), I want you to remember this well. You have peaked my interest, so this is far from over..."

Author's note 8/3/20 - decided to come back to this story and reconstruct it A LOT. I didn't realize until now how annoying of a character I made Y/N out to be, I'm so sorry lol. I'll try to fix her up a bit, so she's all I wanted her to be.

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