Chapter 6

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You were so embarassed and upset.
The whole class saw it too...
You didn't want to be questioned on it but you knew that interrogations were going to be made. After all, you're well-known throughout the school, so news like this is bound to spread.

To get away from the scene, you bolted out of the classroom door, ignoring the people who called after you, and headed for the school exit.

You ran out of the building and into the courtyard. You slowed down to a walk as you strolled toward the school gate.

"I guess I'll take a little walk to calm down. I won't go too far..."

You went to a quaint little area that had nice cafés and cute shops.

You decided to stop in the café called Beverages That Satisfy, and get a nice beverage and maybe a little snack.

You went in and took a seat by a large window.

A waiter, about 20 years old or so, walked up to your table. He was very pretty. Like seriously pretty.... You began to stare at him.. a little too much at that...

Waiter: "um is everything ok?"

You snapped out of your little trance.

You: "uhh yes! Sorry about that you're just really attractive and I just wow I was kinda surprised to-"

You quickly shut up once you realized what you just said and the fact that the waiter looked a little shocked.

Waiter: "why thank you and no need to look so embarassed its not your fault I'm so handsome AHAHAHA. You're quite pretty yourself!"

You *awkward laugh*: "ahaha thank you..."

Waiter: "anyway, what would you like to order?"

You: "hmm I'll have a (beverage) and (snack)"

He quickly wrote down your order and was about to leave but quickly said to you...

V: "oh and by the way, my name is Taehyung! You should come around more often!"

He then winked at you then went to get your order.

A bit later, a waitress brought your order.

You stared out the window, taking little sips of your drink and just thinking about whatever.

"It's so peaceful here. . ."

-10 minutes later-

You finished your snack and drink pretty quickly so you quick used the bathroom then left the café.

You walked around for a bit because you wanted to see more of this cute little town.


You accidently got lost...

You tried to back-track but nothing you passed seemed familiar. Eventually you ended up on busy city streets.

"Crap I have no idea where I am! Fuuuuu-"

You started walking down that same street until you passed an alleyway. You stopped in front of it and it seemed to be going in the direction of that quaint part of town, so you went that way.

You were walking in the dark area for about seven minutes until you turned at a corner and you saw the little town down at the end of the alleyway.

"Yes!! I did it!"

You picked up your pace a little, eager to get out of the creepy alleyway. Due to your faster walk you were shocked and frightened when a hand grabbed your forearm and another hand wrapped around your mouth.

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