Chapter 2

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Despite it being Tuesday already , this morning was more dreadful than any other. You felt uneasy going to school knowing that you could encounter the same boy from yesterday. What happened in the hallway left you feeling so nervous that you spent the remainder of Monday deep in thought, barely noticing anything else going on.

You promised to yourself that today would be different. As you went about your way to your locker, you held your head high. Louder than the usual talk scattered throughout the student body, prominent conversation about you could be heard.

"I heard (Y/N) picked a fight with him."
"I can't believe her body is still intact after her encounter with him."

Why do they have to bring that up today?! I'd rather forget it as soon as possible... I don't even know this guy anyway.

From your locker, you got the books you needed for class. You were about to reach for the locker door when someone suddenly slammed it shut. You hoped no one noticed how you jumped a little. 

"I finally found you," growled the person who now towered over you. It wasn't hard to guess who it was. You look up to see the same boy from yesterday.

"What do you want?" you deadpanned, hoping that your flat tone hid how anxious you felt.

"Hmmm," he thought for a moment then said, "I want a lot of things, but right now I just want to annoy you." A mischievous smirk formed on his face.

"It's working," you told him honestly.

"So what class do you have first, babe?"

He clearly just soared beyond the boundaries of flirtatiousness with that. It really did piss you off. 

"Call me babe again, see what happens," you threatened.

"No need to get angry... babe..." he chuckled, thinking himself comical.

Without hesitation, you swiftly shot your knee straight into his crotch. The attack sent up surging pain that had him rolling.

"You better watch out who you mess with, bub," you looked down on him with a smug smile, too satisfied to console yourself on the usage of the word "bub."

"Same goes for you," he forced out between groans. It was hard to be intimidated at the sight of a weakened boy desperately clutching his loins.

As you sauntered by, towards your classroom, you graciously absorbed the looks of shock coming from bystanders. 

You figured gossip would spread like wildfire, but decided to be unbothered. After all, you'd eventually be able to go home, watch anime, eat ice cream, and not have a single care in the world. (If u don't like anime or ice cream, replace them with things you do like!)

Once you got to your desk, you let a big sigh then relaxed in your seat.

"What's up, (Y/N)?" It's Min Yoongi. He's your closest friend, and you call him by his nickname, Suga. He sits in the desk in front of you.

"Nothing much," you say in response to the question. "I'm especially tired today."

"I'm pretty sure I understand that the most," he breathed a laugh.

You tease him some by asking, "You sleep all the time, why would you need more?"  He leaned back in his seat and smiled, not even bothering to respond.

The bell rang to signal the start of class.

"Settle down, class," the teacher told everyone as he entered the room. "It's time to take attendance."

Names were called out, and students answered. It was the same as every day. You never bothered to learn everyone's names, yet each one had a favorless familiarity that was slowly established as the year progressed. 

"Jeon Jungkook"

You've heard that one, too, countless times. Like the names, you've heard the voices that went with them, and they were nothing special.


No, nothing special, there wasn't a single thing that stood out about Jeon Jungkook's voice... Or so you thought. 

I know that voice from a certain pest I've recently run into.

"So his name is Jungkook, huh..." The words had accidently slipped, which drew attention. You scowled as a couple classmates snickered.

Looking to the far right, you noticed Jeon Jungkook staring at you, lost in thought. Unintentionally, you held his gaze.

"(Y/N) and Jungkook," the teacher snapped, "Can you please save the staring contest for later? I'm starting English class, so focus on me."

Slowly, you both turned your attention back to the front of the room. Though, from your peripheral vision, you noticed Jungkook smirk.

Ugh he's at it again...

Your thoughts trailed off during that class...

(End of part 2. Sry if it sucks so far XD I'm not much of writer lol but I hope to get better)
MoodForFun I finished ^-^

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