Chapter 7

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The second sillouette of a person came and hugged you, helping you stand up.

You looked over and saw the first person had tackled the attacker and was beating him up. You squinted your eyes really tight to see who it was.

You: " that... Jungkook?"

You quickly looked at the person who was holding onto you.

You: "Suga? What are you guys doing here?"

Suga: "we came to find you *smiles* I'm glad we found you so let's go"

Suga wrapped his arm around your shoulder, and the two of you walked out of the alleyway.

*Jungkook pov*

You were so pissed.

"I'll make him regret whatever he tried to do to Y/N"

You didn't know how long you were besting the man up but you finally stopped. You didn't want the guy to die so after you lifted your foot from his stomach, the man did his best to run away, limping and groaning as he went.

You *turns and faces the end of the alleyway*: "it's safe now Y/N I-"

You stopped in the middle of your sentence whe you realized that she and Yoongi left you behind...

You cursed under your breath. You were upset that she had left you behind.

"I saved you didn't I?! So why did you leave me..."

You didn't particularly understand why you felt angry about the situation, but you did.

You kicked a trash can over in frustration and left the alleyway and made your way back to school.

*Y/N pov*

You were almost out of the little town. You looked down as you walked, feeling a little guilty and Suga seemed to notice.

Suga: "hey, what's wrong?"

You *shrugs*: "I feel bad. You and Jungkook came out of your way to find me and we even left that asshole behind and I feel kinda rude for doing that *laughs lightly*"

Suga: "pfft don't worry. Trust me, he only went to help so that he could bother you. He should be the guilty one here."

You *sighs*: "I should've known *slaps yourself* I feel stupid for feeling bad in the first place... well he's an asshole for sure! *laughs*"

Suga *smiles*: "c'mon let's go back to school"

You *groans*: "I don't wannaaaaaaa UGHHHH"

Suga: "let's goooooo... sleeping awaits"

You *=_= mumbles*: "can't you just sleep at home..."

Suga didn't seem to hear you so he kept walking, and you followed.

-at school-

The two of you realized it was time for third period, but before you could make it to class the principal walked up to you.

Principal: "Y/F/N. Min Yoongi. I heard that both you and your classmate, Jeon Jungkook, left the classroom without permission. How about you join me in my office when Mr. Jeon gets back?"

You: "um y-yes sir"

Suga just nodded.

You looked over and gave Suga worried glances as you followed the principal to his office.

When you arrived the principal let you sit down in front of him. He already had a third seat prepared for Jungkook.

Principal: "I wat you both to remain here silent. I'm going out to get Jungkook. Don't try to leave or else the reprecussions will be worse."

You and Suga nodded but as soon as the principal shut the door Suga almost yelled.

Suga: "what were you thinking?!"

You: "huh? I just-"

Suga: "I was worried sick! Honestly... please, never do that ever again. Promise me."

You *laughs*: "haha alright fiiiine! I promise, but don't you think you're overreacting a little bit? Lemme guess, you're just upset cause it woke you from your nap~~"

Suga *chuckles reluctantly*: "dammit Y/N... I was trying to be serious! *laughs*"

You smirked at him but your face soon fell to a stare because the principal walked back into the office, Jungkook right behind.

Jungkook took his seat.

Principal: "now, would anyone like to explain why the three of you ran out of the classroom during class without permission?"

You: "I'm sorry sir I-"

Jungkook *interupts you*: "it was my fault sir! I dared Y/N to leave and if she did then I would pay her. I thought it would interesting. I'm sorry, sir. *looks over at you* also I'm sorry Y/N"

The principal looked at you to confirm if what Jungkook said was true so you slowly nodded.

You *tries holds back a smile*: "yes, sir I'm sorry for the trouble. I won't be swayed so easily next time."

"Haha that was pretty quick thinking, Jungkook."

You smiled mischeiviously at Jungkook, and raised his eyebrows, as if he was responding to your thoughts.

"Wait what the hell Y/N stop being friendly with that asshole."

Principal: "alright then that explains Y/N and Jungkook, but what about you Yoongi?"

"Crap I forgot about Suga! Dammit Jungkook why didn't you say something for him?!?!"

Suga *looks down*: "I'm sorry sir. I was worried that Y/N wasn't feeling well so I followed her."

Principal: "ok then well no matter the excuses there will still be consequences. Y/N, Jungkook, you two will clean up your homerooms at the end of the day for one week."

You looked over at Jungkook with an "are-you-fucking-serious-why-am-I-stuck-with-you" face and he just smirked.

Principal: "Yoongi you will sweep the school yard at the end of today. That will be all. I hope this doesn't happen again, you three. You are dismissed."

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