Chapter 12

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-Friday evening-

*at home*

It's finally the weekend!!! Gahhhh I just want to chill these next two days wayyy; too much has been happening.

You were in your room watching youtube and texting some online friends.

I wonder if there's anything I should do tomorrow, though?

You wanted to relax, but you didn't want to totally isolate yourself in your room. You thought to yourself on what it was that you wanted to do. Eventually, an idea popped into your mind.

You *talking to yourself*: "maybe I should go to that café I was at! The waiter there was so nice and handsome. What was his name again? Hmm I can't remember."

I'll call him V from now on. Like an unknown variable! Well that's depressing, I hate math!

Your jumbled thoughts made you laugh to yourself.

Hopefully V is working there tomorrow...

You sighed contently and looked up at the dimly lit ceiling. You checked your clock. It was already 22:37. (10:37 P.M.)

You: "I have no homework this weekend so I'll just go to sleep now"

And that's exactly what you did. It was good sleep, too.

-Saturday morning-

You *talking to yourself*: "good sleep, my ass. Why did I hafta dream about that dick, Jungkook? Jimin was in it too, what the hell?"

You rolled outta bed, sloppily got yourself off the floor, and untangled the blankets from around your legs.

You took a look at yourself in the mirror, admiring your perfect bedhead.

You *pretending to wipe tears from your eyes*: "what beautiful hair, lawd bless"

You thought it best to go eat breakfast since it was already 11:00 in the morning.

Your mom was in the kitchen sipping tea, and looking through a magazine.

"Oh, good morning Y/N. Good to see that you finally woke up haha"

"Morning Mom"

You prepared a simple breakfast and sat down to eat.

You: "Mom, I'm going out today. Thought I'd let you know"

Mom: "where to?"

You: "just a café I visited before. It's ok if I go right?"

Mom: "sounds fine to me. Stay alert though, and don't talk to strangers!"

You: "pffft Mom I know that"

Mom: "ok then. Say bye when you leave, so I know that you've left"

You nodded, and quickly finished your food.

You went back to your room and made yourself look like a decent human being before grabbing your wallet and phone and going to the door.

You: "ok mom I'm leaving!"

Mom: "bye Y/N! Have fun!"

Once you closed the door you put your headphones in and listened to music as you walked.

I hope I remember how to get there from my house.


You made it to the café safely after about a 15+ minute walk.

As soon as you walked inside, warm and fragrant air was there to welcome you, along with a somewhat familiar face.

"Hello! Welcome back Y/N!"

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