Chapter 18

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-two weeks later, Monday-

*at school*

Jungkook hasn't been at school for a few days last week.

While I'm relieved about that, I also feel a bit bored. He seems to make school just a bit more interesting. Too bad his annoying personality really ruins it for me.

Lunch just ended and I really don't feel up to going to the next classes. Maybe ... I should skip?

I've never skipped classes for no reason other then to just do it. It's such an endearing thought...

No, Y/N!! You're just being wrongly influenced!

Me: "yes that's all it is!"

Teacher: "Y/N, hasn't class started already? Why are you heading toward the exit? Get back to your classroom!"

It seemed I subconsciously started leaving anyway...

Me: "yes, sir, right away"

I watched as the teacher walked away, heading toward their own class. It was my chance!

I dashed to the exit, heading out happily. I inhaled the comforting smell of freedom. (I don't encourage skipping classes don't be wrongly influenced by this😂)

So, what to do?

For starters, I began walking in the direction of my house, but took a bit of a detour just for some fun. I was headed toward the end of a block when I noticed a handsome boy standing there, looking around.

Oh, it's Jungkook. *can't even be surprised anymore*

Me: "*sarcastic* fancy meeting you here, aye?"

He turned and looked at me, silent for only a moment.

Jungkook: "great Y/N, I didn't have to go looking for you for too long!"

Me: "looking for me? Why would you be looking for me on a random street like this? -_-"

Jungkook: "I was going to stop by your house first in case you were absent today, but it seems I forgot where your house is at"

Me: "*mumbles* I've never felt so relieved..."

Jungkook: "huh?"

Me: "never mind! Anyways, why on earth were you looking for me all of the sudden? You've been gone for a while, so what sort of business could we possibly have?!"

I crossed my arms, and showed a bit of attitude.

Jungkook: "actually, I've been away for a reason that may interest you *smirk*"

Me: "oh? And that reason is what, exactly?"

Jungkook: "you see, Namjoon and I have met up throughout the weeks"

Me: "*scoffs* and you think that interests me?"

Jungkook just smiled and looked at me, silently.

Me: "*clears throat* um, so anyway... wh-what caused these sudden meet ups? N-not that I really care, ya know, I just thought maybe I should ask, and stuff..."

Surprisingly, instead of receiving a smug response from Jungkook, he just laughed at how awkward I was.

Me: "pouts and growls* hey stop laughing! It's not funny! I was being serious!"

Jungkook: "*laughing slowly dies down* ok, ok. Sorry *laughs*"

Me: "yes, well my question still remains. Why did you and Namjoon meet?"

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