Chapter 13

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Jungkook: "I'm here to tell you everything!"

It took you a second to react to what he said.

You: "wait really? Everything? Right now?!"

Jungkook: "well if you don't want to hear about it, then I'll leave and this will all be a big waste of my time"

You: "no! I want to know! Please tell me..."

Jungkook: "ok good.. *sigh*"

You expected him to just spit out everything right away and then you could go home, but Jungkook's explanation was delayed yet again...

The sudden pouring rain was unexpected and seemed to come out of nowhere. You and Jungkook were almost instantly drenched.

You looked around for somewhere to take cover, but alas, there was no such place.

You heard Jungkook curse under his breath. He swiftly grabbed your hand and started running. It happened so fast that you had no time to resist his grip.

The rain was cold, and his hands were really warm, and cozy. You hated admitting it, but something about running through the storm, hand-in-hand with Jungkook was very sobering.

The two of you didn't run for too long — maybe about 5 minutes — before Jungkook stopped underneath a little arch that went over the entrance of a small, cute alleyway.

You both were soaked all the way through your clothes.

I'm sooo glad I didn't wear a white shirt today...

You: "s-so you gonna t-tell me yet, or wh-what?"

Your voice was shaking, because you were cold and shivering.

Jungkook: "*sighs* ok... Namjoon and I knew each other for quite a long time actually. We met at the time my mother had passed away, and my father had left me to go live with another woman."

You would have looked at him with pity and sympathy, brows furrowed and slight tears threatening to trickle down your cheek, but you did not.
Instead you looked at him with a glint of respect. It seemed like he had fought through many tough trials throughout his life. That would mean he doesn't need pity whatsoever.

Jungkook had looked down at you, trying to figure out if he should keep going or if you were going to say something.

When you noticed this, you gave him a look that implied for him to continue with his story.

Jungkook: "we first met when I was 11..."


*Jungkook pov; written in first person view*

I don't know what to do anymore...

It's been only four days since my mom passed away. My dad saw it as an oppurtunity to live with a woman he was apparently having an affair with for two months.

At the funeral, they told me I had to live with them, but naturally, I refused. Because I did that, my father doesn't send me money or support my life, so I'm officially a homeless orphan.

Now I'm stuck here – an old, abandoned shed. It's not too shabby, now that I've set up a small place to sleep and a little area for my clothes.

I'm only 11 though so I can't find any work... my meager allowance has run thin as well. I could only afford to spend it on food.

Well, might as well try to find some way to make money anyway.

I walked around the neighborhood that I was preparing to call home.

I guess you could say this area of the city is like the slums.

The people living here are mostly thugs, low-life gang members, or those who are like me – people who can't support a good lifestyle.

I followed the dingy, beaten path.

Corroded cement that laid idly by the side of the road showed signs that the ground where I walked along was once nicely-paved sidewalk.

I looked away from the ground for only a moment, and it was then that my foot got caught in a small hole in the ground, causing me to trip.

Before I even had time to recover from the fall, and get back up, an unexpected kick on my back blew the air right out of me.

The attacker's foot slowly lifted off of my lower back, and I regained my breath with a painful grunt.

I had not yet recovered from fatigue. The attacker used this oppurtunity to begin searching me all over.

When I was turned over, I saw it was an old man, about in his 50's. He had a scruffy beard, and was in awful looking clothing. What was worse was the terrible stench that he gave off.

It was then that I understood what he was doing. He was trying to find money.

He was so desperate that it hurt to watch, and it especially hurt to  be the victim of it.

I couldn't help but cry as the man gave a hopeless look, for I had no money on me.

I'll turn out the same way, won't I?

"P-please leave me a-alone I don't have any m-money"

I looked at the man with fright, tears limiting my vision.

The only response to my plea was a solid punch to the face.

But why? What did I do... I don't have money please stop it someone help me!

I couldn't do anything to object. I couldn't even move, but somehow the weight on top of me was lifted off and away.

I got the sense to wipe away the tears that blocked my sight. It was because I did this, that I saw a tall, tan boy knock the man off of me with a strong kick.

After seeing the boy, the man seem frightened and ran off.

I tried my best to get up quickly so I could thank this boy, but my legs gave in and I fell back down.

The tall boy held out his hand to help me up and I gladly took it and got up with his support.

Me: "th-thank you so much! *bows*"

Boy: "you need to be more cautious around here. It's more even dangerous than it appears to be."

Me: "*nods* yes, thank you! I'll be more careful."

The boy gave an unimpressed look as he inspected me up and down.

Boy: "you really aren't fit to be living here. Must have had a pretty good life before this, huh? Not a lot of people in this area have that luxury."

Me: "oh um ok... um well I'm Jungkook... nice to meet you, um...?"

Namjoon: "I'm Namjoon. I've been living around here for a long time, so if you ever need help with surviving, come find me."

Namjoon started to walk away, but I called out to him before he was out of sight.

Me: "Namjoon! How will I find you?"

Namjoon: "Tell someone that you're looking for the G.o.D."

After that, Namjoon walked away, leaving you alone to fend for yourself.

(A/N and that's chapter 13! I know not much stuff that was exciting happened but the flashback will continue in the next chapter and there's a lot to happen yet ccc:< plz look forward to my next update! ^^)

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