Chapter 28

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It took the strongest determination and an intense desire for breakfast to get myself up in the morning. The light sunburn all over my body invoked a lot of exhaustion, and I was already dreading how awkward it would be to see Jungkook.

Urgh, why did he say all of that at the beginning of the week? He couldn't have waited? >=<

I slowly ate a bowl of cereal in the mini kitchen that was right below my bedroom. There were no plans that I made for that day. Woozi and Jimin both wanted another day on the beach, but I just wasn't feeling it with my sunburn.

After much hesitation, I willed myself to go over to the main building. Everyone except Suga was up and eating breakfast. I quickly regretted having cereal, because Taehyung was cooking up eggs and already had coffee brewing.

The stirring aroma of coffee drew me away from the front door and over to the kitchen. Jungkook, Jimin, and Woozi filled the three seats at the bar, and waited anxiously for their food. At first, no one even noticed me walk by until I began searching the cabinets for a mug.

"Good morning, Y/N," Woozi greeted first with a raspy morning voice.

"Oh, hey there, Y/N!" Taehyung briefly took his attention away from the frying pan before turning back to flip the eggs.

"'Morning," I smiled slightly, trying to act casual and disguise my inward panic. I avoided looking over at Jungkook. When I found the cabinet with the cups, I set out a mug for myself.

"Did Suga not wake up, yet?" I asked, mostly directing my question at Woozi.

"I think he's still in bed," he answered slowly. A glint of terror shone in his eyes. "I tried waking him up but he swore at me, so I ran for my life."

I couldn't help but laugh when Woozi pretended to shiver.

"Well, I'll make him breakfast if he gets up now," Taehyung said while plopping two fried eggs each onto Jimin and Jungkook's plates.

"Ok, I'll go get him up," I said as I set my mug beside the coffee maker. I heard Woozi mutter "You brave soul" as I walked by, heading towards the stairs. It earned a giggle from Jimin.

I tried shaking Suga awake and calling his name. He nudged my hand away and mumbled an annoyed "fuck off."

"Hey," I warned, "none of that, young man," I said sternly and pinched his face. "Get up and come eat breakfast. Taehyung offered to make you eggs, but only if you get up right away." I flicked his forehead. When he grumbled and turned away I cooed his name as if he were a baby.

He rolled back over to glare at me, but he ended up forcing back a smile.

"Good, you're awake," I said. "Now get up."

Suga breathed out a laugh.

"You should leave first so I can put my pants on," he replied casually.

"Aaaand I'm leaving!" I said as I darted out of the room.

I waited for Suga in the hallway so we went down to the kitchen together. Taehyung was sliding eggs onto Woozi's plate and another one onto Jungkook's. Everyone noticed us come down, though, and there was a small round of "Good morning's." I noticed Jimin passing a disapproving look between Suga and I. It passed as quickly as it came, though.

"I can't believe you woke Suga up without crying," Woozi told me.

"I don't know what you mean," I replied with an air of obliviousness. "Suga is a softie." I laughed when Woozi gave me an disbelieving look.

Suga didn't seem to have anything to say. Instead, he asked Taehyung if there were eggs left.

"There's plenty still. Five and another dozen," Tae answered.

"Two, please."

"Damn, they really provided all that?" I asked. It was seriously convenient, even if we ran out of something throughout the week.

Taehyung told us that he looked through all the cabinets, and there was enough food to last us all week. But, everyone brought some money just in case.

With everybody around, I took the opportunity to ask who had plans for the day. Woozi and Jimin both decided to spend the day on the beach again. Suga didn't plan anything and said he might just chill in the house. Taehyung was also undecided, but considered going to the beach, too.

That left Jungkook and I without any plans, which led me to suspect he would want to do something together.

Some time passed and my friends were off to do their own thing. I was still drinking my coffee at the table while watching Netflix, when Jungkook came down the stairs and approached me.

Here it comes.

"Hey, Y/N, wanna do something together?"

He's too predictable.

I froze up a little, reminded of my unsure feelings from last night.

"Do you have any ideas?" I tested, happy my voice remained stable.

He pulled out a chair beside me and sat down, a little too close for my liking, and answered, "I have a great idea actually, though it involves getting a little hot and active." He winked.

"Dear God, Jungkook!" I elbowed him away from me.

"I MEANT going out to town and checking the shops," he said coyly and looked to the side. "You're the one who jumped to conclusions."

"You're infuriating, you know that?" I stood up, finishing my coffee, and set my mug into the sink.

"I try my best, just for you," he teased.

I scoffed. "You're the worst."

"Seriously, though, do you want to head out and walk around?" he sincerely asked. "I noticed some really cool shops when we were driving to the house."

After a moment of consideration, I agreed. I was interested in seeing more of Hawaii.

A part of me thought that wearing a super cute outfit would be trying too much, but I ignored my conscience. The weather was too hot, and I needed to wear something cool. I put on a nice high-waisted, white pair of shorts, and a loose graphic tank top. Despite feeling a little self-conscious, I added a light, natural layer of makeup that best accentuated my features. Typically I wouldn't put makeup on, but something in my mind was nagging me to look good today.

Being a teenager is fucked up. Why do I even bother with this crap...

I gathered some essentials and threw them into a mini backpack. Finishing up, I applied a light layer of aloe and sunscreen on any exposed skin.

Jungkook was waiting for me in front of the villa, standing by the stone fence. I pushed aside my nerves, ignoring his perpetuating stares.

"Did you tell anyone we are going somewhere?" I asked.

"I told Jimin that I was gonna ask you to join me, but that's it."

"I'm gonna go inside and let Suga know, too. It's better if people know in case we get lost," I would've laughed, but it was possible so I didn't want to jinx anything.

"Um, Y/N, it's the 21st century. Smartphones exist and we both own one," Jungkook said with a mocking smile.

"Uh-uh! You know what happens in movies when they rely on phones. They lose service or it dies, SOMEONE is bleeding, and there's a mass murderer running around with— Whatever, I'm just being cautious," I concluded, then rushed inside to yell out our plans. I waited till I heard Suga's faint "OK, have fun" before heading back out.

"Ready to go?" Jungkook asked. I gave him a single nod and so began our walk.

A/N that's all for this chapter, sorry... i wanted to make this another long chapter and my goal was to have one chapter for every day that Y/N and the boys spend in Hawaii, but i got bad writer's block half way through and i feel guilty for not updating soon enough. hope you'll be happy with this for now! it's kinda a filler chapter... 😰

thanks for reading! <3

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