Chapter 15

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Everything in sight got blurry, and I blacked out.

-unknown amount of time later-

"Who is he, boss?"

"I met him yesterday. He's not a threat"

"He's sure taking a while to get up"

Voices? Are they... talking about me?

I rubbed my eyes, and then opened them up a little.

I was in a dimly lit room that seemed to be underground. I was lying on the hard floor.

I tried to sit up, but I had difficulties. Pain split through my head, and my muscles were tense and sore from lying on the hard surface.

"Boss, he's getting up!"

I heard someone walk towards me. The person helped me up, and lead me to a cushioned seat.

When my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I fully opened them and looked around. I was sitting on a rather run-down couch, but it was way more comfortable then the floor.

I looked to my left and saw a familiar person sitting beside me.

Me: "Namjoon! What's going on here? Where am I?"

Namjoon: "I'm sorry, you were knocked out so that you wouldn't know where you're being held. First, I must be sure you're someone to be trusted"

Me: "how can I prove that to you?"

Namjoon didn't answer right away. He had to think first.

Namjoon: "hmm I guess you should tell me how you ended up in the slums. You seemed new here when I met you"

I sighed.

Me: "I lived a normal, good life before this but a few days ago my mother died, and dad revealed he was with another woman. I refused to move in with them, so I ended up here"

Namjoom: "how do you even make a living?"

Me: "I found work at a bakery"

Namjoon lifted one of his eyebrows.

Namjoon: "you don't do work for anyone suspicious or dangerous?"

Me: "I don't. If I'm approached by someone shady, I manage to get away from them"

Namjoon: "then it's settled! You're trustworthy, so let's be friends?"

Me: "oh ok sounds good"

After that conversation, Namjoon allowed for me to leave and gave me a map that showed how to get from there to where I was before I was knocked out. I returned home safely that night. No one even bothered to attack, which I found somewhat odd.

The next few days were normal. I went to work, then went to see Namjoon. Sometimes he would need to leave his so-called "base" for, as he worded it, "business."

Today, was one of those days.

I got to Namjoon's base, and he claimed he had business to take care of. I insisted that I go with him, and with great reluctance he allowed it.

We walked for quite some time. Namjoon even brought along some men that I guess are friends of his ?? Well.... friends with weapons...

I started to get anxious. Where were we going? What was the plan? Was I in potential danger? And lastly.. why were we making our way to the city?

I wanted to ask these questions to Namjoon, but he seemed so focused that it was almost frightening.

Eventually, we reached a rather nice, tall building. Namjoon and "his men" went inside but I was ordered to stay back, and not wander around the premises.

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