Chapter 3

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(A/N I want to apologize in advance for the cursing. I added some tho cuz I thought it'd add more emotion)

-lunch time-

The bell rang signaling the end of math class and the start of lunch time.

You went up to Suga who was sleeping peacefully with his head lying down on his open mathbook.

You put your hand on his shoulder and shook him till he woke up.

You: *shouts* "Suga wake uuuuup!!!"

Suga: *grumbles* "10 more minutes ma~...."

You: "No! Now! It's lunch time and you're wasting my break! And I'm not your mom!"

Suga: "alright, alright... I'm up"

You: "good, now let's go to the roof to eat! Its a nice day out!"

You grabbed Suga's hand and ran to the roof with your lunch, dragging sleepy Suga with you.

-on the roof-

Suga: "*whines* Yaaa!!! (Y/N) I never grabbed my lunch! And I don't feel like getting it"

You: "whatever. I'll go get it for you"

You quickly got up and ran back to the classroom to get Suga's lunch.

You got to the classroom, grabbed his lunch and walked out.

You held Suga's lunch in your arms, cradling it like a baby because if you dropped and spilled it, he would kill you.

You quickened your pace so you could hurry to lunch.

As soon as you turned to the right, you saw none other than Jungkook in the hallway, walking up to the roof.

Luckily his back was facing you but your shoe skidded and it made a squeaky noise causing Jungkook to slowly turn your way...

-about 3-5 minutes earlier-

-Jungkook pov-

Lunch time just started so I guess I'll go look for (Y/N). Its fun to annoy her >:3

You smirked to yourself as you roamed the school hallways.

You walked to (Y/N)'s classroom.

You did your research on her (A/N so technically he stalks u at school xD) and you memorized her classes.

You were aware that her closest and best friend is Min Yoongi, probably the laziest asshole in the school. You hated him on so many levels.

As you reached her classroom two people run past you, the girl was clearly in a hurry and the guy was tired. Whatever.

You entered the classroom.

You: *impatient* "IS (Y/N) HERE?!?!"

Classmate #1: *shocked, scared* "n-no she ju-just left"

Classmate #2: *nervous* "she and Yoongi just ran out of the c-classroom, I think they were headed t-to the roof..."

You: "shit, I missed them!"

You were kinda pissed now.

You made your way to the roof but you decided to quick use the restroom.

-Author pov-

As Jungkook passed the hallway that lead to the roof he continued straight, leading to the facilities.

(Y/N) was currently making her way back to the classroom to get Yoongi's lunch.

By the time (Y/N) was heading back to the roof, Jungkook had already left the bathroom and was heading up to the roof as well.

-Jungkook pov-

You were walking up the steps so you could finally get some attention from (Y/N).

As you reached, like, the sixth step you heard what sounded like someone skidding their feet of the floor.

You were pretty sure it would be some random punk you fought before, so you slowly turned around in frustration.

When you turned around you saw.
No one. . .

-(Y/N) pov-

As Jungkook slowly turned around, you quickly jumped into the nearby closet and stood in there looking through the slits in the door, watching what Jungkook was going to do.

You sigh from relief, because he turned back and went up to the roof.

Suga is up there. . .
Jungkook hates Suga with a passion. . .
CRAP what if Jungkook beats Suga up for no reason?!?!?!
(A/N I know u didn't know who jungkook was before, but u knew he hated suga cuz suga told u of a guy named jungkook who hated him and fought him)

-Jungkook pov-

You finally reached the roof door. AT LAST, (Y/N), you were able to see her, get her attention, and completely annoy the crap out of her.

You wanted her to think of you at all times.

You felt a tingly feeling crawling up your neck.

You opened the roof door, the bright light blinding you temporarily, so you squinted and searched the rooftop for (Y/N).

You look to your far left, and lying there in the shade is none other than
Fucking Min Yoongi
The one who constantly prevents you from getting anywhere near (Y/N).
If your interest in (Y/N) seems a little aggressive then Min Yoongi's crush on her is nothing but obsessive and greedy.

The very sight of his lazy ass sickens me. He does absolutely nothing except for sleep and cling onto (Y/N) all the time.

He doesn't deserve her because he doesn't work hard to get her.

I'll be different though. I swear, I'll have (Y/N).

I will make her mine
You *coldly*: "Min Yoongi, huh? Fancy meeting you here..."

Yoongi slowly opens his eyes and squints up at Jungkook.

Suga: "you're not my lunch, nor are you (Y/N), so I want nothing to do with you"

This douche...

You got mad at what he said so you lifted him up by his collar with both hands and shoved him against the wall.

Looking dead in his eyes you hissed. . .

You: "you don't deserve (Y/N) nearly as much as me, you over-obsessive lazyass manwhore. . ."

He lazily stared at you and sluggishly said. . .

Suga: "well I certainly have more of her than you ever will so clearly I deserve her the most"

Ok now you were pissed. He couldn't even say that with a hint of emotion! It's like he doesn't even care that he's about to get his face bashed in.

Then you looked to see Yoongi smirking at you like he's already won.

You: "let's see how well you smile after this. . ."
(A/N ok I'm so sry I haven't been updating its been hectic for me with school and all IM SO SRY DX DX well I hope you like this new chapter ^-^)

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