Part 3: Distraction

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J- hi
Me-umm who is this?

Who the hell is J?

J- the guy who gave you a lift
Me- how did you get my number???
J- added myself in your contacts when you weren't looking.

Who the hell is this guy???

My phone suddenly rang which made me jump. I answered it:

"Hello?" I said
"WHY ARE YOU NOT HOME!" I heard my mum yell through the phone.
"I'm coming, jeez, no need to yell."
"Don't talk in that bitchy tone and come back here now."

I quickly got in a taxi and went home.

As soon as I went to the front door, I could hear yelling, with as much courage I had, I walked into the house.

"Why don't you do anything, you just sit in front of the tv all day doing nothing!!" I heard mum scream.

"I'm back." I called out and went to my room. I curled myself into a ball and tried to fall asleep, but all I could hear was yelling.

"Stop yelling, you'll wake up the whole neighbourhood..." I could hear dad say.

"HOW DARE YOU! IM NOT YELLING!!" I heard mum leash out at dad.

Uhh I hate this so much. I jumped when I heard mum banging on my door.

"Why didn't you come up and say hello!" Mum yelled through the door.

"I'm tired."

"So? Come up and tell us about your day!"


Ugh, I don't want to talk, I want to be by myself. I pushed myself to get out of bed and outside of my room.

"How wah you daya, honeh" Mum slurred.

"It was fine, mum, I think you need to watch your drinking habits." I said carefully.

"WHA!!! Imma completelyfinerhankyouverymuch!!!!" She slurred the words together.

"It's not my fault your father made me like this." There she goes again blaming dad for everything.

"My sisters sent me another e-mail today! And they're defending my mum again!!" She rambled on and on.

It's a long story...

"They don't believe that your father had any medical issues so I've sent them your dads medical records." She said proudly.

"You...what! You can't do that! No matter what you do they won't believe you, I thought this was why you changed your e-mail so they won't get in contact with you again!!!" I yelled at her.

I've heard her life story over and over and over again, how her mother was a narcissistic bitch and how she mistreated her when she was younger. How dad "cheated" on her which is absolutely not true and how her siblings hate her. I want to help her and be there for her but every time I try, I end up having a fight with her.

"I don't want them to believe me, I just want to have my say!" She yelled at me.

"Also your father pushed me today, he physically abused me!!!" Her voice getting louder at each word.

"What happened??" I rolled my eyes.

"I threw my wine at his face and I tried doing it again and he pushed me on the bed making me spill my wine!"

"Are youserious!!" I couldn't believe what she was saying, she can't simply think that he was the one doing the abusing!

"I'm done! I'm going to bed, I don't want to hear this...." I said.

"How dare you walk away from me!"

I just ignored her trying to hold in my and tears and walked to my room locking the door behind me. I felt my tears falling. I immediately wiped them away. You have to be strong Jia! Hwaiting!

I tried distracting myself by listening to BTS. I looked at my phone and saw I had 3 new messages.

J- ummm, hello??
J- sorry i took your number without your permission
J- sorry????? You seemed kinda cute that all

Normally I wouldn't go talking to strangers but I need a distraction.

Me- its okay, I was busy

Almost immediately he replied back

J- okay, what's your name?
Me- Jia, yours?
J- umm just call me j
Me- really? Not going to say?
J- I can't really say
Me- you're kinda creepy you know
J- then why are you talking to me 😉
Me- I'm bored
J- okay, I could see you like BTS
Me- oh, yeah they're really awesome
J- i guess so
J- what do you like about them?
Me- they distract me from reality
J- what do you mean?
Me- they were there for me when no one else was, even though I've never met them lol
J- wow
Me- why am I telling you this??
J- it's okay, don't you have friends?
Me- I have two best friends but I don't want to talk them about stuff sometimes
J- why?
Me- oh I used to but I heard them talking behind my back about my problems haha some people are not to be trusted

Why am I talking so easily to this guy???

J- they don't really sound like good friends :(
Me- it's okay though
J- how does BTS help you?
Me- they help me get through the the day when I don't feel like I can, their lyrics inspire me to do more in my life ect
J- wow they sound pretty awesome
Me- yeh, wow it's late, I'm going byeee! Thanks for talking.
J- goodnight
J- no problem!

I laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling, I heard yelling from upstairs going on again. Ugh, what are they fighting about now???

"Even Jia thinks you are wrong, she told me that she hates you!" Mum yelled at dad.

Please don't bring me into this, I don't want you guys to fight anymore, I don't want to hate you guys for making me feel upset.

"Jia! Come upstairs!" Mum called out.

I slowly walked upstairs, finding dad and mum sitting across from each other.

"Tell your father that he is wrong." Mum said.

"Stop bringing her into this!" Dad yelled.

"Mum and dad, can you guys calm down, I want to sleep..." I said quietly.

"Well tell him he's wrong and you can go." Mum calmly said.



"I, I don't want to get involved with your stupid arguments again!!" I raised my voice.

"I hate how always try to involve me to make dad feel bad!" I continued yelling

"I hate that you think that I'm fine with this, I hate how you think that-" I felt a hand go across my face. A sharp pain spread through my cheek. Tears poured out of my eyes, I held my cheek surprised what mum just did. Did she hit me???

"How dare you, you ungrateful child!"

My eyes filled with tears glanced at my dad. He just sat there quietly, refusing to make eye contact with me.

I ran down to my room, I can't believe she hit me. Why didn't dad do anything, why didn't he do anything to stop this all? I don't want this. Pain was felt in my head, I hate this. Anger was boiling inside of me, I tried pushing it down but I couldn't stop it from getting to me. I opened my desk drawer and pulled out an art blade. I stared at the sharp edge, I drew it closer to my arm and went over the previous lines in my arm....

"I'm fine...."   "...No you're not" BTS Jin FfWhere stories live. Discover now