Part 25: i miss her

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Jin pov

I pushed passed my members and PDnim and ran to our dorm as fast as I could.

I burst through the door and saw Jia on the ground in tears, her siblings holding her, comforting her.

Jisu looked up at me, "We saw them." She referred to the photos.

I came closer and the other backed away letting me comfort Jia. I took her into my arms, she cried into my chest.

"W-where did the photos come from." She sobbed.

"I don't know, but I'll do something about it." I rubbed her back soothingly.

I heard the door open, I turned around and saw my members and PDnim. They gazed over at Jia who was still crying.

PDnim came closer to Jia and patted her back.

"Can I talk to you both." He pointed and me as well.

We both walked into a room together. I had my arms still wrapped around Jia.

"How long has this been going on?" PDnim broke the silence.

"A few months.." I looked down, not being able to look PDnim in the eyes.

PDnim breathed out, "Why haven't I been told about this?" He shook his head in disappointment.

"I'm sorry PDnim." I stood up and bowed.

PDnim nodded and got up from his seat. He walked to Jia and crouched down looking at her as if she's a child.

"Jia, we're gonna try our best to get rid of those photos, everything will be okay, but I don't think you guys can be together. At least not for now." Jia looked up at PDnim and back at me.

She sniffed before talking. "O-okay..." She nodded.

"It's also best you to not be put in public, fans may recognise you." PDnim continued.

Me and Jia just nodded.


I stood in my room with an empty bed.

I sighed, "I'm sorry this had to happen."

I felt someone ruffled my hair, I turned and saw Rap Monster.

"I'm sorry buddy, it's better this way until it cools down." He gave me a warming smile.

"I miss her already." I looked down.

He just nodded.

Maybe someday we can be together....

(A/n) Sorry that I took awhile to update and that it's really short. I'm such a terrible author. TT I surprised myself when I started get the fans involved in the story, like when ARMY finds out about one of the members going into a relationship and a whole lot of drama happens ect, which isn't really what I intended. I don't really like fanfics that do that and here I'm doing the exact same thing haha.

So I may be ending this fanfic soon. Very soon.

Anyway, I hope you guys have been well ^^

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