Part 23: back to normal... not

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Second person: Jia

You looked at Jin who was still super confused about everything.

"Ji-" you started.

"Jin, Jisu is one of your best friends also Hobi's girl, Jia: you totally have a crush on her and totes wanna marry her, the other two guys they're their brothers, full stop." Suga explained bluntly.

You looked at V who just smiled widely.

"OMG ITS ALL CONNECTED! ITS SO CUUUTTTTE!!!" V squealed in excitement.

"Wrong, she's not my girl." Hoseok said while looking at the ground. Everyone stared at how serious he suddenly gotten. He looked up and smiled slightly before leaving the room and shutting his bedroom door behind him.

"Jisu, what was that about?" Jihyong turned to her.

"It's nothing..." she tried to avoid his gaze.

"I still can't believe you were friends with BTS." You squealed trying to change the subject.

"Yeh, we go waaayyyy back don't we Jin." Jisu punched his shoulder.

"Yeh, 5 years now?" He smiled.

"I've missed you guys." Jisu smiled at everyone in the room. Squeezing your hand assuring you that she's there with you.

"I promise we won't leave again, okay." She smiled, repeating it for me again.

"Thank yo-" you started.

"Where the hell have you guys been?!" Everyone looked over the front door suddenly opening with a loud bang.

It was PDnim.

His eyes widened at the people were in the room.

"Why are there so many people in your dorm????" He stared closer at Jisu.

"Jisu?!" He broke out into a smile.

Jisu got up and made her way to him.

"Hello PDnim." She bowed and then gave him a friendly hug.

He pulled away and saw you and your brothers sitting on the ground.

"Who are these people?" Still confused at why there are people in the dorm.

"Ummm, these are my siblings." She gestured at you.

"Oh," he looked over at Jin. "Tell me when you have people over, we have to be careful."

"I'm sorry, anyway, what did you need?"

"Oh right," he clicked his fingers, "you guys have a stage at mnet soon and we need to rehearse," he looked at his watch. "Aaaannnd we're late! Pali, get in the van!!!" He suddenly rushed out of the dorm.

Every member were frantic.

"Where's my phone!"
"Where are my shoes?!?!"
"Where's my shirt?!"
"Where's my toothbrush?!"
"Where's my pants?!"
"I'm hungry, can we stop off at a food store?!?!"

"NO, JIN!!" They all yelled at Jin at once.

You and your siblings were sitting there watching in amusement at the members.

They left slamming the door behind them.  They seem to have forgotten you guys were there.

Inserts cricket noise

"So, what do we do now?" You asked.

"Well, I made a reservation at a restaurant so we can all catch up." Jihyong said.

"Everything is going to go back to normal, Jia." Jisu played with your hair.

"Oh and you'll get to meet some new people." Jiyoung smiled, excited for tonight.

*later on the day, afternoon*

We were all hanging around BTS's dorm, Jisu was snooping through everything, Jiyoung was looking for food and Jihyong was on the phone.

You just sat comfortably on the couch, scrolling through my phone, social medias, just the normal. You suddenly choked when you saw a picture of you and Jin in his car.

"Jia? You okay?" Jisu laughed but got cut off when she looked at your phone.

Her eyes widened.

You scrolled down more and saw that there weren't just one, but several taken of you and Jin together.

Your heart burst when you saw one of you and Jin kissing. You dropped your phone to the ground when you saw the comments.

Jisu picked it up and looked at the comments.

"What's happening?" Jihyong and Jiyoung came by your side, getting worried by both of their sisters faces.

*at bighit building*

"JIN!" PDnim stormed into the dance studio where all the members were chilling. Everyone was startled by PDnim's booming voice coming into the room.

"What the hell am I looking at right now?" He shoved his phone in Jin's face. All the members gathered to see what was on the phone.

Jin saw the photos, he slightly reminisced about them until he realised they were on the internet.

"I-is that what I think it is..." Jin gulped.

"You and Jia making out? And it's on the internet where everyone can see? Yes, Jin, it's exactly what it is...." Yoongi stating the obvious.

(A/n) hmmm I wonder what will happen?? 😈 Also, the ff has gotten to 1k reads, thank you all so much, ily all!! 💚💚

I'll be updating less than I normally do due to school, sorry guuuyyys ☹️

Anyway, hope everyone has been well 😁

"I'm fine...."   "...No you're not" BTS Jin FfWhere stories live. Discover now