Part 11: Purple nurple

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Jin pov

"Hyuuuuuuuuuung......." I felt a body fall on top of my half-asleep body.

"Stop, just a few more minutes..." I groaned.
"Hyuuung!" I felt another lot of weight on top of me. I couldn't breath. In defeat I opened my eyes in annoyance. I saw Jimin and Tae on top of me.

"Do you mind getting off me??" I said with just a slightly annoyed tone. They quickly hoped off me.

"What do you want??" I rubbed my eyes and stretched.
"Can you wake Jungkook up?" I stared at them. Seriously?! They had to wake me up to wake Jungkook up?

"No" I said as I pulled my blanket over my head.
"He's not waking up and you're better at doing IT."
"Oh my gosh fine." I hopped out of bed and went to the bed near mine.

I saw Jungkook spooning his blankets. I poked at his face. He didn't budge, i slapped his face a little.
"Jungkook!!" I yelled into his ear. Still didn't budge. I stepped around the bed finding his shirt on the ground. He slept without a shirt on. I looked over at Jimin and Tae and evilly grinned at them.

I pulled the blankets away from kook and poked his nipple. He groaned, yes!
I twisted his nipple this time. I got an immediate reaction. I smiled with success.
"Owww! WTF Hyung!" Jungkook sat up rubbing his now red nipple. I turned and saw Jimin and Tae on the floor laughing. I couldn't help but laugh along with them. We were interrupted by my phone ringing. I picked it up and was surprised and happy to hear my best friends voice.

"Annyeong JIN!!!" The voice on the other side said.

"Oh my gosh, Jisu noona?! I haven't heard from you for so long, how have you been??" I said.

"I've been busy with work, how have you been Jin? How has being an idol going?"

"Good, have you heard our recent songs???"

"No, not yet. But there's something I've been REALLY wanting to ask for these last few day." She had an extremely questioning voice on.

"Im listening?"
"Who is this girl Jimin has been telling me about?????" She slightly yelled into the phone.

"What?? Jimin said something?"

"He said something about a girl and that you have a girlfriend." I felt my whole face heat up into one giant red tomato.

"Wow, it's almost I can feel you blushing already." Jisu started laughing.

"I'm not blushing."
"He totally is!!!!" Taehyung yelled across the room. I forgot that the maknae line were in the room. I heard Jisu laughing harder.

"Get out of my room!!!!" I yelled in embarrassment as I threw all the pillows within my radius at them. They walked out laughing at my face.

"So tell me about her!" I could legit hear jumping up and down.

"Well first let's put this straight, she. Is. Not. My. Girlfriend." I said slowly making sure she understands.

"Sure sure...." I heard her whisper, but I let it slide.

"But she's really nice, but she's kind of shy sometimes."

"Nawwww she totally likes you!!!" She started to squeal into the phone.
"What? No she doesn't!"

"Nawwww and you totally like her! This is so adorable." I rolled my eyes at her girly squealing noises she's making.

"Jimin didn't tell you everything didn't he? I only have talked to her like 2 times."


"Her name Jia."
"Cute name....." She went silent for a few seconds.
"Jisu? You there?"
"Um yeh sorry, how old is she?"
"She's 20, and I gotta admit she's really cute. BUT that doesn't mean I li-"

"I'm sorry but who is she?"
"I don't know that much about her but she works at **** cafe and stuff, she has really nice hair and her smile is just I can't explain."

"Nawww you're in love!!" Jisu suddenly had an outburst of energy.

"No I'm not!" Why do I babble on?
"But hold up, whats her last name?"
"Why? Do you want to stalk her?"
"No." I find it weird how she can be super energetic one time and then serious the next.

"I don't know anyway."
"Tell me everything, how you met, everything."
"Ummmm why do I need to tell you?"
"OMG YOU DIDNT DID YOU????!!!! DONT TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!" She suddenly screamed. My eyes widened at what she might've thought.

"Nothing happened!!!!" I felt my face turn into a tomato again. Noona really enjoyed interrogating me with stuff like this.

As soon as she could stop laughing and get her crap together, she insisted I told her everything so I did. From me taking her number, when I met her again crying, but not about her sleeping in my bed, I didn't want her to get the wrong idea knowing how she loves exaggerating stuff. After, she left in a rush which I found kind of weird.

I looked at the time and realised I had to get to the practise room. I quickly ran out of my room and realised everyone was already gone, seriously! Did they forget about me? I ran to the bighit building forgetting that I was still in my pyjamas.

Jia pov (a few days has gone past btw)

I stared up plain white ceiling, I knew I had to get up and but I just wanted to lay here. My alarm went off for the 8th time, I finally turned it off and got up. I walked into the bathroom and saw my face, it kind of scared me a little. My skin was sickly pale, my hair was all tangled into one knot, I had bags under my eyes and my lips dried and cracked. I heard my phone buzz. I looked over, my boss. I knew I couldn't call in sick again. I slowly started to clean myself up. I looked up satisfied with how I looked, I got ready to face the outside world I have been hiding away from for several days.

The sun warmed my face up as I got outside, I took a taxi to the cafe I worked at. I stood at the door, awkward, I didn't want to go through it knowing my two best friends, well I don't even know if they are anymore. With a sigh I opened the door. I walked through and putting my apron on. I was immediately greeted with a hug from someone. I froze from the sudden touch, I slightly pushed the person away. As soon as I saw their face I immediately burst into tears pulling them into a closer hug.

(A/n) annyeong!!!!! Do you guys like Jisu???? I haven't updated for awhile because I'm a lazy piece of shit and also I've been busy listening to WINGS. How good is it like wtf I can't stop fangirling every time I watch bst, it's so good!!!!

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