Part 13: Jins pov

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Jin pov

I was so sick of hearing her say that she's fine when she's not.

"I'm fi-"

I interrupted her by pressing my lips against hers. I could feel how tense she was, so I pulled my face away from hers.

She had her eyes squeezed shut and her lips pressed together. I tried not laughing at her scrunched up face.

She stayed frozen for a solid 5 minutes. I rolled my eyes at her and pulled her into my arms. My arms wrapped around her with her head in the crook of my neck.

"You can cry, you can let go without trying to force it away." I said. I felt her body relax. I could hear starting to cry.

"M-my dad is d-dead, and it's all my fault." Every word made her cry harder and harder. I held her tighter trying to soothe her.

"I don't know the full story, but I know for a fact it was not your fault." She kept on crying for what seemed like eternity. Her loud crying turned into soft cries. She suddenly went limp in my arms and I could hear a cute snore coming from her.

I gently laid her back into her seat. I got out of the car and pick her out of her seat carrying her bridal style. I also carried her bag as well

I knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it. I was greeted by V who took Jia's bag. He looked at Jia for a few moments and finally let me in.

"Who is it V?" Namjoon came around the corner and saw Jia is my arms sound asleep.

"Why is she here again?" he gave me a look.

"She doesn't have anywhere else to stay, please can she stay here?" I pleaded.

"Jin, this is dangerous, what if someone saw you two together, who knows how ARMY will react, what about PDnim?" He lectured me.

I looked down, "I know, I'm sure ARMY will think nothing of it. I'll talk with PDnim later about it." I kept on pleading to him.

"Fine, but, she is not allowed to leave this apartment before PDnim finds out." I smiled thanking him.

I laid her on our couch. Hoseok came over and saw her, his mouth gaped open.

"YA-" Suga hit him on the back of his head shushing him.

"Sorry, I mean, yay she's back..." he whispered quietly.

I smiled and looked back at Jia, she looked at peace, unlike the last time she was here. I brushed her hair out of her face and smiled at her sleeping self.

"Perve..." I heard someone say from behind me. I turned to see Jungkook and Tae giggling. I gave them a death stare. They came over and sat next to me.

"Hyung?" V nudged my arm. I turned to face the two.


"Why do you seem so attached to Jia?" Jungkook asked first.

I felt a little taken aback, but wondered myself, why did I have such an interest in her.

"I don't know." I thought back to when we first met.

*flashback(this is jins pov of when they first met in part 2: strangers)

I was surrounded by people squealing and pushing. I knew this was a bad idea to go out in public. I saw a gap and made a run for it. I ran as fast as I could and saw a blind spot so people won't see. I ran behind a alley way and put a different jacket on and put my masking sunnys on. I turned to make another dash for it when I saw a girl that looked familiar pushed to the ground by the crowd. I could see her struggling to get back up. I walked over trying not to bring any attention to myself. I grabbed struggling girl trying put her on two feet. I took her hand and ran away from the crowd.

We kept on running until we were a far distance from the crowd. I was panting hard.

"You okay?" I huffed.

"Yeh, I'm fine thank you, ummm why were there so many people gathering there?"

I couldn't stop staring at her, she looked so familiar and she looked beautiful. Her hair was flowing with the breeze, her lips were painted a natural pink and her eyes, I couldn't get over her eyes, dark brown circles that made me want to know more about her.

"Uhhh I don't know." I didn't want to reveal my identity.

She looked down at her watch, "umm I got to go and thanks again." She smiled and started walking away. Without think I grabbed her by the wrist.

"Do you want a lift?" I pointed at my car that was surprisingly on the other side of the road. She pulled her arm away from my grip. She looked at me weirdly.

"Ummm, I don't ride with strangers."

I was able to talk her into giving her a lift finally. We started walking towards the car, I looked down and saw a phone. I picked it up and pressed the home button. I saw a picture of three girls with the one hoping in my car in the middle. They were all smiling but the girl in the middle's smile didn't quite meet her eyes. As if she wasn't even happy.

I realised I was still standing outside of the car with her inside waiting. I quickly put my number in her phone and texted myself. I then sneakily plopped it back into her bag. She didn't even notice me, she seriously doesn't pay attention of her surroundings.

I smiled to myself, I felt like this was going to become more than it seemed.

*end of flashback*

(A/n) hope you're enjoying it so far, I might post maybe twice a fortnight or maybe every three weeks. Idk I guess just when I feel creative. Anyway, have an awesome day/night

"I'm fine...."   "...No you're not" BTS Jin FfWhere stories live. Discover now