Part 10: Sure sure Hyung

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Jia pov

I left and kept on running. I didn't know where to but I kept on running. I stopped when I was standing in front of the house I ran away from. The house which I grew up in. There was no car in the driveway so I suspected no one was home. I still had a spare key in my pocket. I slowly entered the house, trying to not make any noise. I found a suitcase and went to my room to pack my things. I did it as fast as I could. I got changed out of my clothes which had blood on them. I cleaned my arms and treated them. When I getting ready, I left the key on my desk and left my 'old' room. I closed the door and started to walk out of the door with my suitcase.

"Jia?" I stopped and slowly turned around.
"Appa?" I felt tears started to form again in my eyes. I saw my dad standing in front of me, his eyes looked miserable. He walked up to me and brought me into a embrace. I started to let the tears fall.
"I'm sorry." I said between sobs.
"I'm so s-sorry." I said again. He pulled away from me and wiped the tears away that streamed down my face.
"Please, please just go, go live a happy life, don't be sorry, I'm sorry for not stopping this earlier." He started to cry as well.
"Appa.... I love you Appa."
"I love you too sweetie. Wait." He walked away and came back with some money. He put it in my hand and smiled. "This should get you help find a place to stay. Go quickly, your mother will be back soon."
"Goodbye and thank you for everything." I trembled as did a deep bow. He just smiled sadly, I turned around and walked out the door, I didn't look back knowing that it'll just make it harder for both of us.

I was still crying non-stop as I walked down streets, I felt like my world was breaking, I now have no one.

I pulled myself together "don't give up now Jia, hwaiting!!" I cheered myself on. I had to find a place to stay for the time being. I found myself a hotel, it was cheap so I booked in for a few nights.

I fell onto the uncomfortable bed. Sore from dragging a heavy suitcase around for several hours.
I smiled sadly to myself, I need to keep going. Don't give up. I felt tears forming again. I quickly wiped them away.
"Don't you dare cry now, you've already cried enough." I spoke aloud in a shaky voice. My phone started ringing, I looked at the ID and it said Jin. If he called anytime but now, I would be fangirling hard but I wasn't in the mood.

Jin pov

"Hello?" A shaky voice was heard.
"Jia, you left your purse here." 
"You okay? You left all of a sudden this morning." I was worried, she sounded horrible.
"I'm fine." She tried sounding happy but I could tell something was wrong. I wanted to ask more but I didn't want to push her.
"Okay, do you want me to drop off your purse at your work or something?"
"No, it's okay. I'll come get it tomorrow. I need to go bye." 
"Okay by-" she hung up before I could finish.

Why was she like that? She seemed kinda upset. She seems so down at one point and then "look/sounded" happy the next but even though she may look happy but I can tell, I don't know what I'm thinking, I just somehow know that she's hiding herself. I don't even know her very well but I just know.

"Hyung??!" Jungkook snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry what?" I was so deep into thought that I didn't even realise Jungkook entered my room.
"Aisshh jinjja! You weren't listening. I said Jia was very nice." He said while rolling his eyes.
I flicked him in the forehead.
"Yah, don't talk with attitude to your hyung."

He flopped down on the bed near mine. "Jungkook? What are you doing? Why aren't you going to YOUR room?"
"Yoongi hyung fell asleep in mine."
"Sooo? Wake him up." He suddenly sat up eyes opened wide.
"Do you want me to die?"
I paused, "True."
"Also he's already annoyed that you pretty much kicked him out last night sooo."

*flashback last night* well it's not really a flashback but it's just what happened with Suga. (Btw this was after Jia had the nightmare)

Yoongi pov

I had earphones in listening to Namjoons rap he made for our album. He wanted me to help him edit it properly. I was writing down what could be tweaked, I also tried making up lyrics to add to it. I sighed, about to give up. I looked up and saw Jimin walking out of Jins and my room. I looked at him weirdly.

"What happened?" I asked. He looked up surprised.
"Hyung? You're still up? Do you know what time it is???" I looked at my watched and realised how late it was.

I made my way to my bed. I sat on the edge of my bed and looked over at Jin staring back at me. Then something moved in his bed. I realised that girl was snuggled up to him. My eyes widened. I quickly stood up and started evacuating from the room.

"Wait Suga." I heard Jin whisper. I turned around in response.
"It's not what it looks like." He assured me still whispering.
Hmm then what does it look like hyung????? I thought to myself.

I just nodded and left to room.

End of flashback*

Jin pov

"I didn't kick him out!" I defended myself.
"He said you were sleeping WITH Jia. Didn't expect that from you hyung, what was it like????" He wriggled his eyebrows at me. I threw a pillow at his face.
"Go to sleep maknae and nothing happened."
"Pfft sure sure hyung." I heard him say under his breath. I threw another pillow at him. I couldn't help but smile, I hoped to see Jia again, I fell asleep thinking about her.

(A/n) suup! Hope you enjoyed that, I probably have made a few grammar mistakes but when I have time I'll fix them.

Is everyone ready for BTS's comeback, cause I'm certainly not. There's so many comebacks at the moment I can't keep up, it's like they're trying to kill/bankrupt us.

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