Chapter 8

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5 months later...
"Okay I got some good and bad news." The doctor said as he entered the room. I smiled.
"Which news do you wanna hear first?" I looked over at Tony,
"The good news would be fine."
"Okay, the good news is you, Mrs.Perry, might be able to get pregnant." Tony and I smiled. "The bad news is we found a cyst in your uterus. A cyst is in the body, a membranous sac or cavity of abnormal character containing fluid. We think this cyst is stopping you from getting pregnant and you need to get surgery to remove it."
My stomach dropped.
"That means I have to go to a hospital?" Please say no.
"Yes, we can't do the surgery here. Is there a problem?"
I haven't been to a hospital ever since Johnny died. Ever since then, I hate hospitals. People die there.
I ran out of the room.
I can't breathe. Everyone is staring. It's hot in here.
I ran outside. I felt a pair of hands turn me around, it was Tony.
Catherine stormed out of the room, "Sorry doctor." I mumbled. I ran out of the room. I saw her running outside, she's having a panic attack. She would have a lot of panic attacks when Johnny died. I caught up and turned Catherine, so she was facing me. "What if I die!? I can't do this! I can't join Johnny, I don't wanna leave! I hate hospitals!" Catherine blurt out.
"Catherine! Look at me! Breath." "I don't want surgery! I don't wanna go to a hospital. I hate them Tony!"
"Breath." I stared into Catherine's teary eyes. "Breath. In and out... In and out..." A few moments later, she calmed down. I hugged her, "It's going to be fine okay? I promise." I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead, "Come on let's go inside, honey." She nodded. We entered the room, "Is everything okay?" The doctor asked, concerned. "Yeah." We sat down. "Okay should we schedule an appointment for the surgery?" Catherine gripped on my hand. "Umm what about in two weeks? Saturday, September 17 at 10:30 in the morning?" We nodded. "Okay!" He wrote the date and time on this card. "You guys are all set up! Any questions?"
"H-How long will it take for me to recover from the surgery?" Catherine asked, nervously.
"One week. Two the max."
"Do I have to remove the cyst?"
"Yes, a cyst is suspected of being cancerous. Any more questions?" "No, thank you doctor."
"You're welcome, good luck!"

Author's Note:
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated, I've been busy with school and homework🙄🙄 Anyways, here's a chapter, hope you guys like it! :)

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