Step Lovers chapter 1

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Hey guys! So here is the first chapter of step lovers! I am so excited and I hope you guys enjoy!

Chapter 1

Harry's POV

I woke up today to the sound of my damn alarm clock going off because apparently I forgot to turn it off.

"Damn alarm clock! I wanted to sleep!"

So I slipped on my stupid slippers my mum got me for Christmas last year. I don't like them all that much but whenever I wear them her face always lights up. So I went with it. I ran down stairs for breakfast to see what there was to find my mum talking on the phone.

" that's sweet...ok well see ya later, bye!" She said as she hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked as I got out the grape jelly. I was having toast for a change.

"It was Mike" she said smiling.

Mike is my mums boyfriend. She met him on some online dating website. Personally I don't believe in this things. People could lie there asses off if they wanted to and get in a relation ship when it turns out its all just a lie. It's not the best way to find your 'true love' or so they call it. Me, well I don't know what love feels like besides family love because I've never been in a relationship, I've never had a boyfriend. Yes I am gay. I discovered I was gay when I was in grade 5. There was this kid, his name was Adam and he was the most handsomest lad I had ever met. I tried to give him clues, but he wasn't realizing what I was trying to put out. I kept my sexuality to myself until I was in grade 8. Then was when I only told my family like my mum Anne, my sister Gemma, and some aunts, uncles and grandparents.

As I sat down to eat my jellied toast my mum decided to break the non awkward silence.

"Harry I have a big announcement to make!" my mum jumped as I looked up at her confused. I then nodded my head telling her to continue as a drank my milk.

"Well you know Mike right? Well we have been dating for about six months, have been on many dates and well..." She bit her bottom lip and I tipped my head wondering what she was getting to.

"He asked me to move in with him and I said yes! We will both be moving to the Tomlinson's residence!" My mum said with excitement. I practically choked on my milk.

"W-what?" I said sounding congested from almost choking. "We're m-moving?" My eyes widened. I did NOT want to move. I didn't like this Mike guy all that much and I barely know anything about him. He could be a creeper with a fricken knife collection or something! And plus he has a son that I have never even met or seen before. All I know is that his name is Louis Tomlinson and that he was 21 years.

"YES!" Mum said waving her hands around. "We are leaving in 2 weeks so we must get packing today!"

"Today?! Mum why didn't you tell me this earlier? We only have two weeks to do everything! But w-what about my friends?! I won't be able to see them much anymore!"

"Oh don't worry u can visit them over breaks and holidays! And on weekends! It will work don't worry" she said cupping my chin. "Don't fret honey it will all work out"

That's what you think...


Well there's the first chapter! I know it may be short but its just the beginning! I hope you liked it!

Votes and comments appreciated!



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