Chapter 10

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Here it is! Chapter 10! Wow it's gone by so quickly! I hope you guys have liked the story so far! There's still a lot more to go so get ready!

Louis POV (finally)

I woke up the next morning with cold spot next to me on the bed. It felt like somebody had been here because of the unfamiliar coldness.

I did notice however, when I opened my eyes everything was blurry. I sat up in my bed and instantly I felt a sharp pain zoom through my head. I cupped my head in my heads to comfort it, but only ending up helping it a little. Now being cautious of my obvious hangover, I stood up slowly getting out of my bed and stumbling downstairs.

The further I got downstairs the more I could smell something of food. When I got to the main floor and reached the kitchen I saw a tall semi muscular boy standing at the stove flipping pancakes.

One of the things I admire of Harry is his frame. he's tall but still small enough so he's not to broad. He's kind of scrawny with skin but I'm guessing he works out or something because he is still pretty fit and muscular.

He must have noticed my presence because he turned around and his face quickly lit up at me standing there.

"G'morning!" He said walking over to the 'bar' (a counter with chairs) and setting a plate of what looks like four or five pancakes I front of my seat.

"I hope your hungry! I made pancakes!" He said with a big smile.

"My head hurts." is all I said before looking up at him for answers. He only nodded before turning around to the fridge to grab syrup. When he turned around is when he decided to help.

"Yeah I bet! you drank a lot last night. About three beers! You were drunk so I carried you up to bed when you-" he stopped right before grabbing our tea mugs to carry over.

"When I what Harry?" I asked confused.

"W-went to sleep. Yeah when you finally went to sleep." He said sounding unsure of his words.

My head hurts to much to argue so I just went with what he said. He just went on with breakfast so I sat in my seat, drowned my pancakes in syrup, picked up my fork, and started devouring them. I finished all of my pancakes plus two more within 10 minuets while Harry still had one pancake left. In the mean time I put my dish in the sink and then sipped my tea. Once Harry was done he set his dish in the sink to worry about later.

Harry walked into the living room and I quickly followed wanting to get answers out of Harry. He sat in the rocking chair so went and sat legs folded on the couch just looking at Harry. I could tell he was getting uncomfortable with me staring at him because he started shifting and then spoke, "Could you please stop starring at me? it's really making me uncomfortable." he said changing the channel on the telly.

I quickly nodded before looking down at my hands in my lap instantly becoming memorized by them. suddenly I could tell he was starting at me just by the tension forming in the room. I looked up at him and sure enough he was starring at me eyes squinted like he is thinking.

"Is there a problem?" I asked looking at him with my head tilted slightly.

He then shook his head and answered with a no before standing up and walking towards me.

"C-can I t-try something?" he asked kneeling down in front of me, his green eyes starring up into mine. My heart beating faster at the second I nodded my head anxious to know what he wanted.

"N-now this is not c-cheating, I-I'm just n-not sure of what I want right now." He shifted a little. "Just go with it ok?" I nodded as he slowly leaned closer. The closer he got, the more my breath hitched. Our lips were just centimeters from touching. I could feel his warm breath on my lips. Suddenly the space between us disappeared and I felt our lips touch. They moved together in sync as he entwined our hands. As we kissed I saw fireworks shoot through the sky. It was magic and the best part is that I didn't kiss him, he kissed me!

I could feel him start to stand up so I started to stand up too until he quickly pushes me down onto the couch so I was laying down and got up on top of me.

Our lips reattached and our fingers entwined again. There was no tongue, it was just lips moving against each other's: a sweet sensitive kiss. It was a beautiful lust filled kiss.

He was sucking on my bottom lip and I could feel his tongue scrape against my bottom lip in desperation but I didn't allow him to enter. I knew that since he had a girlfriend I couldn't let things go to far. no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't. After thinking about that I pulled away breathless.

"Harry you know we can't do this. You have a girlfriend, and no matter how much I want this, it can't happen. I'm sorry Harry." I laid there looking into his eyes for a reaction. I would have stood up but I was blocked under him.

We just laid there looking at each other for about a minuet before he Harry finally let out a sigh and spoke.

"I know," he said standing up. "I just...I'm so confused about my feelings right now. I don't know if I'm gay or straight, if I want to be with Eleanor or not, or if I...I want to be with you, Louis, or not. I'm just so confused, it keeps me up at night. I have gone crazy thinking about this! I have never been so unsure about something-I have never had to think this much about what I want! I-I'm loosing it here Louis! I-I just need to figure out what's going on with me." he said with tears in his eyes.

I just looked up at him and he instantly started crying. I held my arms out and let Harry fall into them sobbing into my chest. I wrapped my arms around him as he clutched onto my shirt soaking it while he sobbed. I don't care about shirt though, all I care about is Harry at this moment and what he wants.

I need to help him get through this.

No matter how much it hurts in the end.


There's chapter 10! I hope you guys liked it!!! There's still a lot ahead and I'm so excited!

I'm thinking about calling you guys my "Neon's" because I love neon colors and it just sounds cool and original! I'm also thinking of calling you guys my "Little Lights" because you guys are my lights that keep me positive and keep this story going!

I want you guys to comment and tell me what you think of the nicknames and which one you like better or if u have any other ideas! Please and thanks!

Love you all!

*horan hug*


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