Chapter 15

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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of self harm. I will put *** where to skip reading if you can't read it and I will put another *** when you can continue reading. (I wrote this story back in 2013/14, and tbh I don't remember everything that happens in this story, so if there are any more areas in the story where something needs addressed or another trigger warning. Please send me a message and let me know! I was 13/14 when I wrote this so I apologize for being ignorant back then)

Harry's POV

When I get home from a quick bike ride through the park, I place my bike out back and go into the house. When I step inside I walk further into the house and don't find anybody. I then walk to Louis room, open his door to find him through the doors to his small balcony off his room. I slowly walk in getting closer to the balconies glass door to see him sitting in a chair, strumming his guitar, and writing stuff down in a notebook that's sitting on a table next to him.

"You don't understand you don't understand, what you do to me when you hold his hand, we were meant to be but it's just a fade, made it so you had to walk away.

Cause we're on fire, we're on on fire, we're on fire now. Cause we're on fire, we're on on fire, we're on fire now."

He stops and writes down something on the notebook. I'm guessing it's lyrics because I don't recognize the words. I go to step closer when I trip on a leg of his chair and knock some things over making a racket. He obviously heard me because he turned around and entered his room spotting me.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Louis asked confused. "I was trying to concentrate." he sets down his guitar, then coming over to pick his stuff up.

"I'm sorry Lou." I say picking up a book that had fallen. "I heard you singing and it sounded really good! Did you write that?" I ask standing back up.

"Um yeah I'm working on it." he says scratching the back of his neck. "Now could you please leave?" he asks me sternly.

"Why?" I tilt my head in confusion. "I can't be near you." He says clutching his fists. "I'm sorry but it's the only way for you to be happy. We just need to separate for a while." he says looking down.

What? Separate for a while? Why? Did I do something wrong? "What? No! That's ridiculous! Why is there a reason to ignore each other? We are friends." I say getting nervous.

"Harry I said no! I can't be near you! it's the only way for you to be happy...with Eleanor. you have her just go be happy with her!" he says walking over to his bed.

"No! I'm happy when I'm with you! You are one of the few friends I have! A brother! I can't loose you Louis! stop acting like a fool and be mature." I say getting very upset.

"No your the FOOL!" He shouts his face tensing up. "I am being mature! You the one who's going behind Eleanor's back with me! I'm being mature and fixing my mistakes! you should to!" he says voice raising.

"I-I just don't understand." I say playing with my fingers.

"GOD HARRY YOUR SO STUPID! WHY CANT YOU JUST LISTEN AND GO AWAY! I DONT WANNA SEE YOU!" He screams throwing a poetry book across the room and hitting the wall with a loud smack.

I jump in fright at his actions. I start to feel burning tears filling my eyes. I want to hold them back but I can't. they just start flowing out of me. I take a quick glance at him before storing out of his room and into mine. I slam the door behind me and plop on my bed. I curl into my pillow letting the trickles of tears seep into my pillow.

How could Louis say that? I actually thought that we were getting close. that I could tell him anything and that I could trust him, but it turns out he just like everybody else! Nobody cares about me! It's obvious that I only have Niall as a friend, because nobody cares enough to want to be friends with me! I feel like my heart is slowly seeping away into nothing. I was really starting to like Louis. Like, like like him. But I guess he doesn't like me anymore, and he doesn't want me around.

No one does.

Louis POV

Harry storms out of my room, tears running down his face. I hear his door slam and I feel like such an idiot! Why did I have to raise my voice at Harry? He's sensitive. He probably hates me now. Why can't he just understand? I want to tell him about the conversation El and I had earlier, but I couldn't. The right words didn't want to form in my mouth. So I end up yelling at him and sending him away.


It's been 2 hours and I still haven't heard or seen Harry. I decide to go look around the house to see if him or anybody is around. I hop down the stairs and check the living room, kitchen, dining room, office and a few other rooms but I can't find a single person.

Looking around desperately makes me realize how how big out house is. A giant 2 floor brick house with 5 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, a game room, sun room and a huge backyard. For having it be just my dad and I for all those years it actually got pretty lonely. But having Anne and Harry around has made it a lot less lonely.

I finally decide to go cheek the upstairs. I first cheek the bathroom, but find nobody. I then walk over to his bedroom door. I go to open is but it is locked.

"Harry open up." I say after knocking. no answer. "Harry please I need to talk to you." I say a little louder. Still nothing. "Harry please!" I shout getting worried. Still nothing at all.

"Fine I'm breaking in!" I say half truthful. When I don't hear anything I get scared. I then step back against the opposite side wall and then run into the door busting it open. "Harry!" I shout as soon as I enter. I look over to see Harry lying on the ground in front of his desk. I rush over to Harry and kneel down next to Harry.

He lays there shirtless with deep cuts all around his stomach and torso bleeding quickly. I trail my eyes down his left hand lying on the ground to find a pair of sharp scissors lying next to him.

Did, did Harry try to kill himself? I place my head down lightly against his chest to find him still breathing. I quickly reach for a phone and call for an ambulance. I wait patiently placing my hands down on his wounds to stop bleeding. I sit there crying and praying while we wait for the ambulance.

"Please be ok Harry, please stay with me! Don't die! Don't die!" I half whisper half yell, tears spill down my face.

In about 3 minuets the medics came through the door. I shouted telling them we were upstairs and they came rushing up. Four medics came in with different equipment. One had a breathing mask with tubes that he place around Harry's mouth and nose. another had needles and a stethoscope and patches. I stepped aside as they  did their work. They were shouting things at each other and to Harry.

"Okay kid stay with me here! Look in my eyes okay?" A tall muscular man with short brown hair said. They quickly put him on a stretcher and wheeled him out. I followed behind, my blood rushing and my heart racing. Harry needs to survive this. He needs to be okay.


We all hop in the ambulance. I wish to sit in the back with Harry but the medics tell me to hop in the front with the driver. I sit in the passenger seat, constantly looking through the window behind me to see Harry being helped by 2 men and 1 girl in the back. My leg bounces quickly, anxious to get to the hospital.

We finally arrive and we all quickly hop out, my self and the driver holding the doors open for the medics and the stretcher that's holding Harry, to get through. They almost run through the halls then stopping and entering into a surgery room. They shut the door in my face before I can enter. I back up and slide down next to the wall beside the door. my eyes puffy full of water. My lips tasting salty from tears running down my face.

I sit. I wait, and I wait for something to happen, to hear the news.

But nothing happens.


Hello stars!

OMFG HARRRYYYYY!!!!! What's gonna happen to Harry?!?!

I almost have 400 reads!!!! Thank you guys so much!




*horan hug*

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