Chapter 30

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Please read authors note at the end!

Nialls POV

I rushed back home to tell Harry what I found out just minutes ago. I can't believe Zayn would do that. I thought he was a nicer person.

When I got to the front door I fumbled with me keys before unlocking it. I set the groceries on the table by the door before closing the door and slipping off my shoes.

"Harry?" I called. After a few seconds I saw Harry approach me from the steps. "What is it?" he asked.

"I was at the store when I had to wee, so I went to the toilet and Zayn was in there. He was talking on the phone with Eleanor, and you'll never guess what I found out." I said taking a deep breath.

"What did'ya find out?"

"Zayn had a plan to have Eleanor kiss you so you and Louis would break up so he could have Louis to himself. He's the reason you guys aren't together anymore."

Harry's eyes widened, "W-what?" I nodded. his nostrils flared and his knuckles turned white from forming his hand into a fist. "That bastard!" he yelled picking up a vase full of flowers and throwing them across the room, at the wall, making the vase crash into tiny little prices and the sink water soaking into the carpet.

Eleanor's POV

"I'll do everything myslef!" Zayn shouted through the phone before hanging up. I pulled the phone away from my ear, locking the phone and setting it on the table.

I felt my eyes fill with water. I blinked and rubbed at them because the stinging was unbearable. I hate this, I never wanted it to turn out like this. I just wanted Harry to feel the pain I felt when he broke my heart. But I still care about him and I never wanted his life to be miserable. I never asked for that.

I sat down on the couch trying to think of a way to fix this.

Harry doesn't have a boyfriend at the moment and Louis is dating Zayn. if I tell Harry the truth Louis still might not take him back because he's with Zayn. but if I tell Louis the truth, he can break up with Zayn and get back together with Harry.



Zayn said he was at the store when we were on the phone, so I knew Louis would be home alone.

I stepped up to the door before knocking. after a few moments the door opened to a tired Louis.

His face went from lifeless to hatred. "What do you want El?" he asked holding onto the doorknob.

"I have something to tell you. It's really important and can you please just let me explain? Could we go to the diner and discuss it maybe?" I asked hopeful. It took some convincing but he finally nodded and grabbed his vans and coat before following me to my car.

When we arrived at the diner, Louis and I took a booth in the back. A waitress asked us if we wanted anything to drink so I ordered a latte and Louis ordered a sprite.

After our drinks arrived we sat there taking a few sips before Louis looked at me patiently. I looked up at him and he raised his eyebrows.

"Well I'm waiting." he said folding his hands on the table.

I took a deep breath before telling him everything. Starting with how kissing Harry was my fault and that Zayn is the reason him and Harry aren't together. And also how Zayn made that plan to get him back and me kissing Harry was a part of it.

When I finished Louis looked at me doe eyes and filled with tears.

"W-wait so...the reason harry and I broke up was because Zayn wanted me back so he made you kiss harry so he could get me back?"

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