Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

We pulled apart from our hot messy kiss that we shared laying on my bed. I felt hands reach to the back of my neck playing with some stands of curls.

"Kiss me again" they said bringing my chin up to meet their eyes. Those gorgeous blue-gray eyes starring into my green ones. I close the space and connect our lips. they movie together in sync. those soft plump red lips are irresistible, and in start to feel myself getting uncomfortable in the lower area.


I sit up in my bed, eyes as wide as can be. I feel sweaty and uncomfortable. I look around and see that no one else is in my room. I exhale and realize it was just a dream. I wouldn't mind if it was real, it was good. Oh god I just practically mentally cheated on Eleanor! And even worse I can feel myself start to get hard in my sweatpants. Oh. My. God. I just had a wet dream about Louis! Louis!

I run to my door and quietly open it to see if anybody is in the hall. when I see nobody I quickly run into the bathroom across the hall and lick the door behind me.

I exhale as I leave the bathroom relieved that I had gotten rid of my problem. before I go downstairs to get breakfast I go into my room to change into a different pair of navy sweats and change my shirt to leave the sweaty smell before approaching my 'family'.

"G'morning Harry!" my mum said as she spreads some jam on her crunchy white toast. I nod and walk over to the fridge to get out milk. Then walking over to the pantry to grab the box of coca puffs to make cereal. I pour the crunchy chocolate balls and milk into my bowl before grabbing a spoon and sitting down at the table across from my mum.

"Where's Mike and Louis?" I ask taking a spoonful and shoving it in my mouth.

"Mike got called into work, and Louis went out with his friends-uh Zayn and Josh?, I think are there names." my mum says as she takes a sip of her tea before grabbing the newspaper to look over.

"Of corse he is they're his 'best' mates." I scoff. My mum looks up at me odd before picking up her toast,

"Honey I know they are scary looking but I guarantee they can't be that bad."

"Whatever." I mumble before discarding my bowl and spoon in the sink.

I walk back to my room, grab my phone and jacket before heading out back to get my bike to ride around on.

Louis POV

I got home around noon and found that only Anne was home. instead of going in my room and being a loner I decided to go in the living room and play some video games.

Eleanor's POV (sorry so many POVs)

I was in the middle of making myself a tuna salad sandwich when i heard my phone ringing on the table. I walked over to it to pick it up and found the caller ID say 'Harry'.

"Hello?" I said but all I heard was ruckus before some distant speaking but was clear enough to understand.

"Harry come on! Why do you keep acting like this? Why can't you accept the fact that your gay and dump Eleanor?" I hear a voice say. It's definitely a guys voice but it is also kind of high pitches for a male.

"I told you, I'm still not sure yet! I'm because I'm not sure what I want! I like Eleanor! I want to be with her! And I don't want you coming in and ruining things!" I hear what I'm assuming is Harry, shout. I smile at his defense at taking my side.

"I don't think your bi-curious Harry, I know your gay and your just afraid to accept the fact that you are!" That familiar higher voice shouts back.

"Ok ok. I think I know I'm gay, but...I'm not so sure if I want to be." There are a few moments of silence before Harry speaks again. "Because if I am gay," more silence, "I might-no, I know I'll fall for somebody I know I can't have." Harry says ever so sweetly it makes my heart flutter at his softness but boil because it's not towards me. Harry's still gay? Or at least bi-sexual? I knew he was gay at one point, but I thought he was over that 'faze' because we started dating. The line goes silent for a few moments before it finally hangs up.

I slam my phone down on the table and cross my arms. I stand there thinking about that familiar voice and who's it could be. . . . .LOUIS!

It sounds just like him! Harry's almost step brother! Why would he be arguing with Harry about his relationship and his sexuality? The only reason I think he would do that is if...OH. MY. GOD. LOUIS. IS. GAY! And LOUIS. LIKES. HARRY!

My insides boil to bits at the thought of Louis liking Harry. I grab my phone and my car keys and head out the door to Louis and Harry's.


When I pulled up to the house I quickly got out of the car and ran up to the door. I knocked loudly and after three seconds nobody had opened the door so I did it myself. I stormed in and saw Louis sitting on the sofa playing a video game. When he saw me he stood up and started walking towards me. I did the same, but when I reached him I slapped him hard across the face. My small fingers sliding across his left cheek.

"How date you!" I shout pointing my finger at him. "how dare you tell Harry who to and who to not be with! And stop trying to confuse him about his sexuality! Harry is straight and I don't care if you don't like me being with him! Heck I don't even care if you hate me! Go ahead hate me! I don't care! I just want you to stop trying to change Harry's mind! Harry loves me and I love him and I'm not going to let you try to ruin our happiness!" I shout throwing my hands in the air.

"Look Louis, if your gay it's fine, I don't care, I just don't want you going after Harry because he's taken. besides that is sick to even like a man who is practically your brother! Do you know how disgusting that is?! All I'm asking is that you stay away from Harry and keep out of our relationship. find someone else. Anything to just keep our relationship in peace." I say inhaling air and exhaling after all the yelling.

"Are we clear?" I ask him cocking an eyebrow. He nods still speechless and every now and then reaching his hand up to hold his throbbing cheek.

I nod satisfied before saying thank you and heading out the door and back to my car to drive back to my flat.


Oooo Eleanor has SNAPPED! I hope you like this chapter!


I have decided to call you guys (my fandom) my 'Stars'!!! I really like the name and I want to be a star and you guys are helping me feel like one!


Shoutout to @_Briloves_1D_ book 'Mirrors'! it's really good and I encourage you to go check it out!




*horan hug*


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