Chapter 22

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Harry's POV

It was around 8:3o when I woke up to the sound of Louis soft snores vibrating against my neck. His arms were wrapped around my waist and our legs tangled together. I smiled softly as I looked up at Louis. He looked so calm and sweet. His eyelashes laid softly on his cheeks and his lips curled up in a smile.

I wonder what he's dreaming about?

I was about to fall back asleep when I heard the sound of loud rock music blasting. My eyes shot open as I jolted up in bed. I looked over and noticed that it was Louis' phone. I reached over and grabbed it before answering the phone.


"Hey-uh-Harry? I was expecting Louis."

"Zayn?" my heart starts beating faster. "W-what do you want?"

"Well I wanted to talk to Louis but I guess I have to talk to the stu-uh you instead." he said with what sounded like gritted teeth.

"What's so important that you have to call this early? Louis is still sleeping, and I fact you woke me up." I glared at nothing.

"Aw I woke you up huh? Well that's to bad." Zayn said with a small chuckle afterwards.

"Whatever." I said and hung up the phone. I'm not going to fight with him. he's not worth it and if I do, I'm afraid to know what will happen next, even though I already do.


About around lunch time Louis can downstairs wearing a gradin tee, black skinny jeans, and his hair a little damp from his shower.

"Morning babe." Louis said before placing a kiss to my cheek. I smiled back before taking another bite of the sandwich I made before he came down.

"Uh Zayn called this morning." At that Louis eyes grew widen and his face pale.

"H-he did? Uh what-what did he want?" Louis said, his voice higher then usual with a stutter in his words.

His reaction made me a little curious but I decided to ignore it, "He said he wanted to talk to you but he didn't say why." I said looking down at my food then back up to Louis. "Is everything okay Lou?"

"Yeah of corse why wouldn't it be?" he said a little unsure himself. I shrugged before cleaning up my lunch and walking over to the door to put my converse on.

"I'm going for a walk." is the last thing I say before quickly walking out of the house and down the sidewalk.

Louis' POV

The only thing that was running through my head was 'dear god I hope that Zayn didn't open his big mouth and say anything to make Harry suspicious.' But then why did he run out so quickly?

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Zayn's number. after two rings he answered.

"Hello?" Zayn answered.

"Zayn! Uh Hazza told me you called this morning...y-you didn't say anything did you?" I croaked nervously into the phone.

"Woah, woah, calm your dick yeah?" Zayn chuckled, "I didn't say anything trust me, I just said I needed to talk to you."

"Okay so what's wrong?"

There was a small pause before- "He called. And he wants you to meet him at the ally ASAP."

I swallowed the lump in my throat as my heart rate increased. He wants to see me this soon?

"Al-already? B-but why?"

"Well he said an opportunities come up and he said it's your turn. Don't sweat it though I already made my round trip this morning while you were all lovey-dovey with your boyfriend." Zayn sneered into the phone.

"B-boyfriend? he's n-not my boyfriend."

"Oh please, if he's not your boyfriend I still know he's likes you, it's obvious with the way he looks at you. And it seems like you do the same thing." Zayn said with what sounded like a smirk appearing on his face.

A small blush appeared on my cheeks at the thought of Harry. I nodded telling Zayn I would be there in 10 and hung up the phone. I grabbed my keys and drove down to the ally way.

This is for Harry. I thought. For us.



I got to the ally way before my 10 minuets was up and quickly parked my car and hopping out and entering the ally way, going as far back to where the street light doesn't reach.

"Ah you finally made it." the voice said in the dark. I saw a tall fit figure emerge from the pitch black to rea veal himself.

"Stan." I took a deep breath. "S-so Zayn said you had an opportunity for me?"

A smirk appeared on Stan's face, "Yes well my other guy lost his so I got rid of him." he bit on his lip ring and handed me the bag.

"Take this, and I'll meet you back here at 2:00 tomorrow got it?" I nodded and watched him walk away toward what I am assuming is his vehicle. When he reached the light off the street, I saw his muscles and tattoos under his black t-shirt.

I looked down at the bag and took a deep breath before putting it in my jacket and returning to my car and driving back to my flat.


Hello stars!

I know it's been SOOOOO LOOONNGG since I have updated and I apologize for that! I have been CRAZY busy with the musical and I just had PSSA testing last week so I haven't been on much..but now since the musical is over I can get back to writing more!

Can any of you guess what Louis is up to? Message me or comment if you think you know!

Also who saw the movie divergent? I saw it and it was GREAT! I'm almost finished with the 1st book and it's amazing!





*horan hug*

-A \(^~^)/

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