Chapter 9

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Hey guys! I hope everybody had a good Christmas for who ever celebrates it! I GOT 1D TICKETS!!!!

Louis POV

Christmas Day was 3 days ago and Harry hasn't talked to me since the 'almost kiss' happened. He's just been snuggled up next to Eleanor, kissing her and smiling at her. I hated it. Why can't Harry like me? he is gay not straight. I really like Harry and I want to be with him. Touch him, protect him, and love him. Why can't I have my happy ending?

Later that day Anne and Harry came over for the afternoon to get together for a barbecue. Thankfully Eleanor was not a plus one for Harry so maybe we could finally get the chance to talk.

Mike was on the patio cooking burgers on the grill while Anne made a salad and Harry and I sat on separate ends of the couch watching some tv show that I wasn't paying attention to. It was silent for a long time until I finally got the courage to speak. "Harry can I talk to you in private?" Harry nodded so we headed up to my room.

When we got up there Harry sat on my bed while I paced the floor.

"Look Harry about the other day I-" I was about to continue when I heard Anne call, "Louis, you have some friends here!" she shouted from the kitchen. I told Harry to stay here while I see who it is but he decided to follow me anyway. When I got down there I see two boys who I would rather not see at the moment because of interrupting my talk with Harry.

"Zayn, Josh, what are you doing here?" I said shocked as I got to the bottom of the stair well.

"Well we haven't seen ya in while mate so we thought we'd come n'see ya" Zayn said with a smirk. He's a darker boy with lots of tattoos, even more than me, and piercings. You could say Zayn is a bad influence for me. At least that's what my aunts would say. He has had 10 speeding tickets and pulled over about 15 times. He also went to jail for 4 days until his mum bailed him out.

Personally I don't think he's a bad influence, if anything I think he's a lot like me, except I have a brain and think before I do something I'll regret.

Usually I would welcome my two best mate in with open arms, but Harry's here, and I don't want there 'personalities' and 'styles' to rub off on him and make him like them, like me. I want him to stay his cute, innocent, and good being self. Not some scary punk guy with tats and holes on their face with rings.

I want them out. Or at least have them stay as far away from Harry as possible. But it was to late Harry already followed me down and saw them. When I heard him get to half way down the stairs I turned around to see his face. He had a look of nervousness and worry in his eyes.

"W-who are t-they?" Harry asked hesitant and stuttering while walking closer to me. When he got to me he stood slightly behind me looking over my shoulder to observe my two friends. At this moment it felt like I was his protector, him hiding behind me in fright with his hand on my right arm- wait, his hand is wrapped around my arm? squeezing it. For comfort? I turned around to look Harry in the eye, faces just inches away from each other. He still looked worried. He looked at me asking if everything was ok. I nodded assuring him that it was ok. He squeezed my arm tighter making my arm turn red.

"Harry this is Zayn," He points to Zayn who just nods. "And Josh." he then points to Josh who waves a 'what's up' type of gangster wave.

"They are my best mates, my friends." I said looking at the punks in the entry way of my house with a small smile. I then looked at Harry and said an 'it's ok' before he slowly released from my arms and relaxed.

Both Zayn and Josh just stood still glaring at us.

I decided to brake some tension. "So do you guys wanna play some videos games? FIFA?"

Zayn and Josh both agreed and walked into the living room. Harry nodded and nervously walked behind be and sat close next to me on the couch. Personally I didn't mind the attention especially from Harry but I could tell the other two lads were getting frustrated so I just acted normal.

Harry's POV

I say their close to Louis watching him and his friends playing FIFA. I have to admit that Louis friends do scare me, with there scary tattoos and piercings. Yes Louis has those too, but Louis' aren't that scary looking and Louis is actually a really nice and sensitive person. And these two boys just aren't welcoming people. They don't make me feel safe around them like Louis does.

When they ended a few rounds of FIFA Louis got up to get Zayn and Josh a beer that they requested. Louis didn't bother asking me because he knows I don't drink but Josh didn't mind asking.

"Hey Barry you want a drink?" Josh asked his arm slung over the couch

"It's Harry." I said gritting through my teeth. "And no I don't drink." I said grabbing my book off the side table. Josh apparently wasn't convinced. He walked over and grabbed the book out of my hands and tossed it to Zayn.

"I don't think I heard you correctly curly," he said "Your what, 19? You have been legal to drink for a year! I can't believe you haven't drank yet! Heck I started drinking when I was 16!" He then leaned down closer breathing in my face. I gagged at the godly horrible smell. "Your just a pathetic goody goody aren't you curly?" He then pointed to Zayn who ripped my book in half like it was nothing and dropped it to the floor.

"Hey that's a brand new book I got for Christmas!" I shouted as I looked at it all ripped up on the living room floor.

"Oh too bad!" Zayn growled. "Grow up and stop being such a fag!" Zayn said scooting Josh to the side before grabbing my shirt and balling it in his fist.

"And I'm only gonna tell you this once." He leaned me forward closer to him. "Leave our mate Louis ALONE!" He said as he threw me to the floor laughing and walking out of the room, and out of the house.

I heard footsteps walking closer to the living room. So I quickly got up grabbed my ripped up book and sat on the couch acting normal. When Louis came in he looked around and then sat the two extra beers on the table.

"Zayn and Josh leave?" He asked sitting down next to me. I nodded keeping my face to the floor.

Sooner or later I fell asleep watching toy story while I think Louis got drunk. I really should have stayed awake to keep an eye on him but I didn't.

I woke up around 2:30 in the morning when I look up to see Louis staring right at me. I jump a little at the surprise but then I see the 3 beers on the table all gone.

"Lou did you drink those all by yourself?" I asked looking up at Lou.

"Y-yeahhhhh, ssssssoooooooooo!" he said slurring his words a lot.

I watched him stumble in place before he leaned forward at me, "kissss meeee." he got really close before I stood up and away from him and let him fall into the couch.

"Lou your drunk." I said voice stern. "You need to go to bed." I said walking towards him to help him up. As I reached out a hand he pulled me down ontop of him.

"Kiss me, kiss me please" he said tugging at the buttons on my shirt. "Please please please kiss me, I want you, I want to be with you" he mumbled but never slurred or stuttered. He started pulling off my shirt. I pulled his hands off of me to stop him before things got to far.

"Lou stop, stop." I held his wrists with my hands. "We can't do this. I'm sorry but this isn't right. Your drunk and I have a girlfriend." I put his hands on down looking at him. I stood up to take him to his room to sleep.

I carried him bridal style up to his room. when I got to his bed I had him undress into just his boxers and layed him down and covered him up. I was walking out the room about to say goodnight when, "Wait! Lay with me please?" He asked holding his arms out.

He gave puppy eyes at me with a pouty lip and I couldn't resist. I sighed and stripped of my close so I was just in my boxers. I walked over to the opposite side of the bed Lou was on and layed down next to him. Once I covered us up I instantly felt a warm body up against mine and two arms wrap around my waist. In comfort I did the same. Wrapping my arms around him and our legs partly entwined. Our bodies relaxed at each other's touch.

I laid there for a while awake with Louis in my arms just waiting for him to speak or for one of us to say the first word, but nobody did. So soon sleep took over me and I fell asleep with Louis beside me in each others arms.


Hey guys! I wanted to update sooner but family came into town yesterday so I have been really busy! I hope everybody had a merry Christmas and got lots of stuff! I got 1D tickets, 1D 'This is Us' movie, other 1D stuff, combat boots, some movies and xbox games, money and more cool stuff!

What stuff did you guys get?

I still can't think of what to call you guys so please let me know of anything you guys think of!

If you have/make any fan art involving Larry or this story please send it to me so I can post it!

Dedication in the next chapter goes to the person with the best comment!




*horan hug*


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