Chapter 17

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Louis POV

It's been two days since Harry got out of the hospital. Doctors want him on pretty much rest as possible so he only really gets up to brush his teeth or use the bathroom. I've been taking care of him a lot bringing him food and doing anything he really asks me to.

It's also been nice because Eleanor still doesn't know what's happened to Harry and she hasn't come by at all because she's been hanging with her friends Danielle and Perrie? I think that's what Harry told me anyways.

Once Harry got home from the hospital he called his sister Gemma and told her what happened. She was really upset but couldn't leave university to come see him. I also called my little sister Lottie who's also in university. She still hasn't met Harry personally only because her UNI has a traveling program around the coast that she's involved in.

Harry's has been asleep for about two hours now why I have been downstairs strumming quietly on my guitar playing clarity by 'Zedd.' I was just getting towards the end of the song for probably the 5th time when I hear a loud knock on the door. I jumped at the noise hoping it wouldn't wake Harry. I got up and walked over to the door,

"You know you could knock a little softer since hardy is sleeping-" I stopped when I made contact with who was in the door.

Shit. Well everything was going well...

"You!" she pointed her finger at me storming in the doorway. "How could you not tell me what happened to Harry?! You know I need to know these things!" Eleanor shouted standing in the living room door frame.

A smirk slowly formed on my face, "And I need you to leave me the fuck alone and fall off the edge of the earth but I don't see that happening." I said holding in a laugh.

"Don't use that attitude with me you punk!" She poked my chest with her finger. "I was shopping earlier when I ran into Anne and she started taking about the whole situation that I was oblivious to! she told me what happened to Harry and I almost felt like breaking into tears right then and there! why didn't you or Harry tell me?!" Eleanor yelled as tears prickled in her eyes. "Why didn't Harry tell me?" she said again looking down at her feet only this time a lot quieter.

For a moment there I kind of felt sympathetic for her. "Well maybe it's because he didn't want you to worry." I answered this time honest and less stern. Because maybe Harry truly didn't tell her because he didn't want her to worry. or maybe it's because he doesn't care about her? Ha that's only in my mind. He does care about her, I see it in his eyes.

"No," Eleanor stated sighing. "he didn't tell me because he didn't want me around. Because he only wanted you around for comfort." She said looking up at me for the last part. I looked at her in disbelief.

"Uh nah I don't think that's true. heck I know it's not, he said it himself that he didn't like me like that. That it was wrong since we are practically stepbrothers. He told me he liked you and wanted to keep it that way." I said stuffing my hands in my front pockets looking at the floor.

"Louis, I can't believe I'm saying this but...he does like you, maybe even love. I see the way he looks at you Louis. When ever I catch myself looking at him, he's looking at you...with pure adoration I his eyes. As much as I hate to admit it, I think he likes you more then me, in that way." She finished as tears slowly ran down her cheeks. I felt bad for her I really did. who wouldn't want Harry to like them and possibly love? being with Harry can be something special and when you realize you loose that touch you have with him, it hurts.

"And sometimes I think he's just using me as his beard to cover up for you. I try not to think like that because I want him to really love me, but I cam see that it might just be...a friend love." she said shuffling her feet.

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