Chapter 18

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OMFG GUYS CHAPTER 18 already?!?! Wow I can't believe it!!! Anyway...PLEASE READ AUTHORS NOTE AT END OF CHAPTER THANKS!!!

Chapter 18

Harry's POV

He kissed me back. Oh my god HE KISSED ME BACK! I can't even explain the feelings rushing through me right now.

We kissed in sync for a while until we both pull away for air. I open my eyes to see light blue ones staring back at mine. His eyes say one thing, but his facial expression says another.

"Oh g-god I-I" I tried with words but nothing good came out. Did he like it? Or does he absolutely hate me now for kissing him? Oh no he's going to hate me now.

Louis just shook his head, "N-no. it's ok." he said not looking away from me once. I know he didn't because I never took my eyes off of him. Hehe. "I-I liked it...a lot." he said taking my hand in his and entwining our fingers.

I could feel a huge smile forming on my face as my face was probably beat red. I looked down at our hands and admired how the fit so perfectly. Cliché I know but they just do fit perfectly together, I'm not going to lie.

I looked back up at Louis and our eyes meet again. I opened my mouth but then closed it unable to form words. I finally got out, "R-really? I said happiness filling my veins.

"Harry," he said looking down at his feet and back up at me again. "I think I love you, more then I should Haz." he said a small smile forming upon his face.

I swallowed the lump in my throught before replying, "I-I think I love you to Lou." after that our lips meet again. this time more steamy then the one before but still clean. No tongue.

We kept our lips sealed until we heard the front door open. My eyes widened and we quickly pulled apart and set up the video game to 'act natural' so whoever came into the house doesn't hear or see anything that we were doing.

About 2 minuets later we heard a knock on Louis door. Louis told whoever it was to come in and just as the person did we started our game of FIFA.

"Hello boys!" A familiar feminine voice said. "Hi mum." I said not taking my eyes off the screen. Louis beats me almost every time and I'm certain to beat him this time.

It's kind of weird though, because we just ending a almost make out session and instantly started playing video games acting normal as if nothing happened. I didn't know it could be that easy to hide it, but we must be good actors. after my mum checked in on us and went to the kitchen to start dinner Louis paused the game and turned to face me. I looked at him with raised eyebrows, confused as to why he paused the game. (I was winning btw)

"Harry...what-what's going on?" Lou asked, "I mean between us. You know we can't be together since our parents our dating." I sat there silently watching him run his fingers through his messy hair. "I want to be with you Harry, I do. But our parents would never approve and neither would anybody else as long as they know our parents are together. I just-I just want you to be safe." he said resting his and on my knee comfortably. I understand perfectly on what he means. I just wish it wasn't true.

"I-I know, and I wish we could be together too, like that. I said lowering my head. suddenly an idea sprung up in my head. "I know, we-all we have to do, if we want to be together, is just not tell anybody." It sounds like a good idea. this way we can still be together and nobody gets mad or hurt. It all works out.

"That's not a bad idea." Lou said nodding. "Ok, we'll just keep it a secret for a while." Lou said sounding pretty confident.

"So Harry," he said taking my hand. "Will you be my secret boyfriend?" he raised my hand and kissed my knuckles. I smiled. he's just so cute! how can I say 'no' to that?!

"I'd be honored to!" I said jumping up giving him a giant hug. he wrapped his arms tight around my waist while mine were around his neck and shoulders. He spun me around like they do in those romantic movies. I am so happy! I have been waiting for this for a while now but I used Eleanor as my distraction from him.

I was just afraid that Lou wouldn't like me and I knew it was wrong to be with him. But now I don't care. I have him. He's mine. Not officially since it's all a secret but still, he's mine, and I won't let anybody hurt my Boobear.


Hey guys!!!

Sorry it's so short! And I'm sorry it's been SOOOO long since I've updated! My sister has been in the hospital and just got back home yesturday so I haven't had a lot of time to write. I'm also in a play so I've been busy with that.

Anyway if you want to talk to me or just be an awesome person you can follow my twitter and Instagram accounts!

Twitters: @welove_boybands
and @Abby_Waterman

Instagrams: @we_love_boybands and @abbyyyyyyy_w

Please please please follow them!!! Btw the 'we love boybands' ones are 1D fan accounts!





*horan hug*


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