Chapter 7

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Heyyyy guys!!! Thanks for voting and commenting! I hope u liked the last chapter! I had a little trouble with it but I got through it! Anyway let's get on with the story shall we?! Ok....

Harry's POV

I stood up from the table a little astonished that Louis took that so well. I checked my phone walking out of the restaurant. I almost forgot today was the day Gemma came home for Christmas break. I shot my mom a quick text saying I would be home soon.

While I was out I decided to go see an old 'friend'.

I walked up the steps of her house ringing her door bell hopefully she is home. I waited a few moments before a short girl showed up at door. "Can I help you?" She said rather rude. "Umm...actually yes is El home?" I said. She rolled her eyes walking away, after a few minutes of shuffling she came to the door. "Harry, what a surprise! What can I do you for?" She said with a courtly smile. "Actually I was here to ask you something." I said leaning in kissing her on the lips lightly. "Would you like to be my girlfriend and come over for a Christmas dinner tonight?" I said almost in a whisper.

"I would like that very much!" she said blushing sending me a cute smile. "Good, be at my house around 8." I said, then I turned around and headed for home to get ready.


It was 7:45 and the few 'guests' were arriving with the exception of Louis and his dad Mike who had already shown up 4 hours in advance to help set up unfortunately.

When it reached 8:00 I started getting anxious for El to show up. Ever since this morning at the diner I haven't talked to Louis at all. It feels awkward around him now like I can't even be in the same room as him.

Finally El showed up walking through the door greeted by my mum. I quickly walked over and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello love," I said with a smile. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mike and Louis coming to stand by my mum to see what was going on. I noticed the small crowd so I introduced El to them.

"Well mum you know El but Mike, Louis, this is Eleanor, my girlfriend." I said trying to relax at the word girlfriend. Ever since the kiss, I've been curious about my sexuality. Am I gay? Or, do I want to be attracted to guys or no? I really don't know. I don't want to hurt Eleanor's feelings because I've known her for some years now, but I guess you could call El my experiment. Being in a relationship with her can help me decide if I'm gay or straight. I have to admit, Eleanor is a very pretty girl, but I always thought I was gay since I was young.

About 10 minuets later there was a knock at the door. My mum opened it and Gemma appeared on the the other side. "Gemma!" My mum called, "Harry dear Gemma is home!" My mum gave my sister a hug and I hoped up off the couch next to El and ran to my sister embracing her in a hug. Last time I saw her was when school started up in September.

"Gem! I'm so glad to see you I missed you so much!" I hugged her tight spinning her around. "I missed you to Hazza! It's been forever!" she laughed, her head tucked in the crook of my neck.

El the came over to us standing next to me. "Oh my god is that the Eleanor Calder?" My sister said surprised to see our old friend her at our house. "I haven't seen you in forever! what has it been 2 years?" My sister said giving El a hug. El answered agreeing that it's been a long while. We then introduced Mike and Louis to Gemma and she was a little surprised by the tattoos and piercings but welcomed them anyway.

Soon after dinner was ready so we all filled into the dinning room to feast. Mum sat on the end with Gemma on her right next to her then me next to her and Mike on her left. Next to me on my left was Eleanor and next to Mike was Louis.

Once we were seated my mum gave a traditional family/holiday toast before we all started eating. Dinner was going by swell until, "So Harry how and when did this relationship with El start up?" My mum said. My sister practically chocked on her drink. "What? You and El are dating?!" My sister squeaked. i felt my stomach twist. Why do we have to talk about this now?

"Uh well I have known El since we were little and we have been great friends, but kids grow up and get older. Get found of each other and well I guess it just happened." I said looking El in the eyes with a smile.

I looked over to Mike who seemed happy, but then I looked at Lou. He was glaring at me and El almost like he was upset?

"Well I'm very happy for you both!" my mum said with a warming smile on her face. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gemma staring at me with a smile. I looked at her confused, "What?" I asked my brows furrowed. "Kiss her!" She whispered in my ear. My mum must have heard her however because my mum was nodding along. I gave in and closed the space between myself and Eleanor and put my lips on hers. As I figured my sister squealed and jumped in her seat while my mum clapped her hands. "Excuse me." Louis spat as he stormed out of the house.


Here's a little Christmas gift/Louis gift for u guys!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS!!!! 22 ugh stop growing up!!!!:'(

I'm really sorry if this sucks guys I had writers block for a while and then I had to decide on how the future would go a little based on this chapter.

Anyway...I hoped u guys liked it and don't worry if it sucks now I promise it will get better! I just have to get through the boring crap first. BUILDING TENSION!!!!

(P.S. Eleanor is going to play a big part in this story!)

Speaking of El I understand if some of you are mad because Eleanor does not belong with Harry but she belongs with Lou. Well with what I decided to do in the story, she had to be with Hazza. I'm sorry if I upset some of you!

Please comment what you thought of this chapter so i can find out if it really does stink or not:/




*kisses my lovelies*
(If u have a name that you guys want me to call you all that goes along with the story or just a random word in general please let me know!)

-A ;)

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