Chapter 27

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Louis POV

I ran out of that house as fast as I could. I can't turn back. I can't. How could Harry do this to me? I thought he loved me? And then he goes behind my back and kisses his ex. I thought our love was forever...

I whipped my eyes as the tears ran down my face. I kept trying to focus on the road. I have to stay calm. But every time I close my eyes, I saw Harry and Eleanor kissing. It doesn't seem real. But it is. And I hate it!

I pulled on the side of the street in front of Zayn's house. He was the only one I could go to right now. I wasn't welcomed at home, and I'm not as close to Josh as I am with Zayn. Zayn is my best friend.

I got out of the car. It had started storming on my way over. Just my luck because I hate thunder storms! I hurried to his door and knocked 3 times hoping he would answer.

A few seconds later Zayn opened the door. "Louis?" he asked confused.

"C-can I come in...please?" I sniffled, trying to hide back my tears. "Of course! Come inside please. This weather is certainly a bitch today am I right?" Zayn joked. Zayn may appear to be a big bad ass, but when you get to know him personally, he is a real softy.

I looked at him. Soaked and red eyed, I broke down. I lost all feeling in my legs and almost fell to the ground, but thankfully Zayn caught me mid air.

"Lou what's wrong?" Zayn asked frantically setting me in his lap on the couch.

"H-H-um-they-I-I" I tried saying but unable to think strait and even worse, breath.

I clutched my chest and squeezed my eyes shut. Tears still streaming down. I ran to the kitchen and searched the cabinets for an inhaler. I knew Zayn had asthma in the past and said he still had his inhaler at home. Finally I found the inhaler, in the medicine closet by the kitchen door. I pressed it up to my lips, my hands shaking frantically, and pressed down on it, sucking in the air.

After 3 puffs I sighed in relief and put the I healer back in the cabinet. "Is everything okay?" Zayn asked, following me back in the living room.

I nodded, "Yeah, I just couldn't breath and I needed your inhaler. My breathings okay now." I sighed.

" what's the real problem?" Zayn asked sitting next to me on the love seat.

I took a deep breath before starting, "Well, I left Eleanor and Harry for a few minuets to go see Josh, he wanted to show me something. And when I returned back, I walked in on Harry and Eleanor...kissing each other." I choked up.

I looked up at Zayn. "Oh my god Louis, I'm so sorry." He said whipping a tear off my cheek. At that moment I just broke. I rushed into Zayn's arms. Him rubbing my back in a tight hug as I soaked his shirt. I was a complete mess. The more I cried, the worse it got. Soon later I started having an anxiety attack.

I took quick loud breaths as I cried harder. I was panicking. I didn't know what to do. Harry was gone. I felt like my heart shattered and fell to my butt. I couldn't take it.

"Louis, Louis, Louis stop. Stop Lou please." Zayn said cupping my face and stroking my cheeks. After a few minuets I finally calmed down and looked up at Zayn.

"There ya' go." he said smiling. "Now I need you to calm down. Can you take some deep breaths for me?" he asked, I nodded. I took a few breaths before smiling at him. Now almost fully calm.

"Good. Now I know that Harry hurt you and I know you still love him but...but maybe you both just need sometime apart. Maybe this is a sign that you weren't meant to be. And maybe you are but I think it would be healthy for you to take a break away from him?" Zayn said not once tearing his eyes away from me.

"I-I guess but-but what if-if-" "Shh-Shh" Zayn stopped me mid-sentence. "Everything's gonna be okay. You can stay at my place for how ever long you want. Okay?" I nodded. "Okay. Good." Zayn said smiling. "Can you smile for me? Be happy?" I gave him a shy smile, still showing my whites.

He smiled, "Much better." he said leaning closer. I don't pay much attention to what was happening, but I closed my eyes and soon felt a pair of lips on mine.

They didn't taste as amazing as Harry's lips, but they were still warm, soft, and it was in the heat of the moment. And it felt sorta right.

Zayn's POV

I picked up my phone and scrolled down through my contacts until I found the number I was looking for. I clicked the contact name and hit the call button. After 2 rings it answered.

"Hello?" a feminine voice asked.

"Eleanor, it's me, Zayn." I said grabbing my cuppa off the table.

"I know it's you stupid, I have caller ID." she said annoyed.

"Oh, ok well I was wondering if you could help me with something?" I asked, a smirk on my face.

It was perfect, my plan. Harry's mum kicked them out. There lives were kinda sucky at the moment, and even if they didn't show it, they were both angry. This was perfect timing and would be easy to complete.

"Sure, what can I do for ya'?" El asked.

"I need you to do whatever you can to break Harry and Louis up." I said going straight for the kill. I wasn't patient and I wanted it done ASAP.

"Hmm. Well I'm taking the boys shopping today, I can text Josh when we get back to the house, to text Louis and tell him to show him something. When he gets back from Josh's, I can make a move or something to make them break up." Eleanor suggested.

"Great, whatever, I don't care what it is you do. I just want them broken up." I said, tapping my fingers on the counter.

"Ok-oh here comes somebody I gotta go." El stated.

"Bye." I said a hung up quickly. A smirk soon appeared on my face. This is perfect. They will break up, Louis will come running to me, and I can have him for my own.

Shit was soon going to hit the fan.


Hello everyone!

How is everybody? I'm so happy school finally ended for me on Tuesday and now I can sleep in, eat food, and write as much as I can!

Are there any soccer/football fans out there? I play soccer and I really wanted to watch the World Cup earlier but I was busy.

It is now 11:00 and I'm not even tired! Plus it's thunder storming where I live and it's really loud and I know I won't be able to fall I might start writing the next chapter but I'm not sure.

I'm on twitter all the time so follow me @footloosetommo and I will follow you guys back!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Comment and tell me what you thought of it! Sorry if it's kinda short:/

Zayn calls the weather a bitch...well I don't think that's the only thing that's being bitchy hun.






*horan hug*


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