Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

Christmas Day.

It was around 10:00 in the morning when Mike, Lou, and El came over to celebrate. We all sat down in the living room and exchanged gifts. Everybody got everybody something I got mum a spa day gift certificate, Mike a drill, Gemma a 'Black Hearts' CD. And now it was time for Lou and El to open there's from me.

El unwrapped her gift revealing a necklace with an angel on it holding a banner that says Hope on it.

"Oh Harry, it's beautiful! I love it! Thank you!" El smiled giving me a warn hug. I always liked her hugs, they were soft and delicate. We separated from the hug and I put the necklace around her neck to dangle on her mid chest.

We then moved on to Lou's gift. Lou looked around and didn't see any for himself from me. "Where is it?" Louis asked confused. "Excuse me for a second while I go get it." I winked and walked over I the hallway closet off of the dinning room. When I walked into the living room Louis eyes widened as he gasped and shot up from his seat. "An electric guitar! Harry this must have cost you a fortune!" Louis asked as I gave the possession to him.

"Nah I've been saving. And I do have a bank account to you know. When I saw your room I saw u had an amp but the electric guitar u had the arm was broke. So I wanted to get you a new one." I said smiling as he embraced me in a hug. He thanked me again before we finished up opening presents.

I got the new FIFA game from Mike, an electric keyboard from my mum. I have been playing piano since grade 6. Gemma got me a new phone case with earbuds, and El got me a really fancy watch. the last present to open for myself was one from Louis. Louis tossed me what looked like a ball wrapped in wrapping paper with a bow on top. I opened it revealing a shiny football (soccer ball) with Frank Lampard's signature on it.

My eyes widened in surprise. "Holy shit Louis! How-what did-but-how did u get this?!" I looked up at Louis with big eyes. "Harold language!" My mum scolded. I nodded to her letting her know I apologies. Louis smiled and shrugged. "Well I know how much you love football so I got Franks signature on it. It took some effort, but it was worth it." We shared smiles as I thanked him again. "I still don't know how u got this." I said again. "Eh I know people." he said shrugging again.

I hugged him and said thank you before we put our gifts aside to chat and snack.


Eventually El had to leave to go back to her family so it was just the 5 of us. Louis didn't have to worry about that though. Yes he has sisters, but they live with his aunt since they hated Mike their father.

Mum and Mike we down in the kitchen cleaning up while Louis and I went up to my room.

"I really love this gift Lou, you honestly didn't have to get me it though" I said as I shut the door after we both entered, Louis coming in before me.

Lou shook his head and shrugged. "Nah you deserved it Harry. I wanted to get you something special and so thought that would be perfect," he said sitting on my bed. "Besides, your gift, that you got me, is way better than a signed football. how could u even afford it?" His brows furrowed. "I know a guy." I said shrugging. "It's no big deal anyway. You really deserve it Louis, your a really talented musician!" I said giving him a fond smile.

There was a moment of silence until Lou broke it again. "Harry, why are you dating Eleanor?" He asked not meeting my eyes. I was confused by his comment. Why would he ask that? "Because I like her." I said. "She's great, pretty, smart, and kind. She's what I need Lou." I said looking at him but he still started at the floor fond of his shoes. "But why?" He lowered his voice for no reason really because we were in my room alone with the door closed. "Your gay Harry."

I stood up pacing the floor. "Well...i thought I was...but, now, I'm not so sure if I am." I said brushing my fingers through my hair. "Why do you care anyway?" I said probably a bit to harsh.

Louis just looked at me. No reply, he just sat there looking at me. he stood up walking over to me. He walked up to me until we were inches apartu from each other. "Because," he said smirking. "Because I think I like you Harry. Like...more than a b-brother." he said gazing into my eyes. He slowly started to leaned in bringing his lips closer and closer to mine.

We were centimeters from touching. Our lips almost brushing against each other's when--

I pulled away. sea parading him from me.

"I-I'm sorry Lou, but I-I c-can't. I have Eleanor." I said walking towards the door opening it. "I think you should go."

He just looked at me disappointment in his eyes. I heard him mumble a soft 'why' before walking out slowly, not giving me a second look.

I sighed in relief. Glad I didn't cheat on El. I slowly walked to my bed laying on it and falling asleep not bothering to take my close off to be left in boxers.


WHAT?! ANOTHER UPDATE!!!! That's right!!!! I thought I would give u guys a little Christmas present!

I still need a name to call my readers so PLEASE comment your ideas!!!!





*horan hug*


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