Chapter 23

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Louis POV

I looked down at my clock in my vehicle as I made my way back to the alleyway. It was 1:56. Not wanting to be late I pressed harder on the gas pedal not paying attention to anything else but the rode.

When I reached the alleyway I hoped out of my truck and quickly walked over to the dark shadow in the darkest part of it.

"'bout time you showed up." Stan scoffed. "Thought you bailed on me."

"N-no way." I said putting my hands in my jean jacket pockets. There was a small pause before Stan started talking again.

"So did ya bring back what I want?"

"Oh uh yeah I do." I took it out of my pocket and handed it to him.

He snatched it from my hands and deeply chuckled before handing me my cash and another bag.

"Meet me again this evening with more this time. 7:00."

I nodded and quickly left the alleyway and headed home before Harry starts to worry.


7 days have gone by without Harry finding out anything. This past week has been perfect. Besides my daily trips to the alleyway I have spent almost 24/7 with Harry cuddling, kissing, watching movies, shopping and just enjoying each others company.

As I was finishing cleaning up the kitchen from our lunch, (we had grilled cheese and tomato soup) Harry called my name so I went upstairs to my room following where his voice came from to see Harry holding up the bag I received from the alleyway this morning.

"Louis," Harry said with a pause, "Is this what I think it is." His voice went cold and his eyes dark.

My eyes widened. No this can't be happening. He wasn't supposed to find out.

"Harry I can explain-it's not what you think trust me!" I said frantically.

"What that you have drugs in your jean jacket?! I can't believe this! Marijuana out of all things! It's really bad Louis! how could you keep this from me!"

"No it's not like that I don't do marijuana and I never will!"

"Then why do you have it?" Harry asked tapping his foot waiting for my answer.

My heart was beating. I can't believe he found the bag! I thought it was secure in there! Well I can't keep this from him, I do care about him a lot and I don't want to loose him.

I took a deep breath before saying "'s not mine...and I don't know who's it's gonna be. it's just my job to make sure someone gets it and pays me." I swallowed thickly.

"You mean to tell me that your a drug dealer?!" His eyes widened.

"Uhm y-yes but it's for a good reason-"

"You can get arrested for this! Jesus Lou how could you be so stupid?! Why would you do this anyway?"

"Because I fucking love you and I wanted to get you a-a" I walked over to my dresser and opened my sick drawer and pulled out a small black box.

"I bought this, this morning after I got paid more." I said as I got down on one knee.

"Harry Edward Styles, we haven't been together too long yet but i've enjoyed every second of it. I'm not asking you to marry me because I know we aren't ready for that but-but I want you to know that I love you. I love you so fucking much my heart aches every time I think about you. Which is a lot because you never leave my mind." I smiled at him before continuing. "I love you and I want us to be together for as long as time. And since we're my ready for that so I want us to promise each other that we will always be there for each other no matter what and that we will always stand by one another."

I opened up the black velvet box to reveal two silver ring bands with vines carved in along with a quote that reads:

'Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.'

I took out the ring and put it on his ring finger. "I promise to stand by your side forever."

He took the other one out and put it on my finger. "I promise to stand by your side forever. And I love you too." He said with a dimpled smile.

I smiled and brought his lips to mine. my hands cupped his cheek as his arms wrapped loosely around my waist. We stayed like that for awhile until we finally parted for air.

"I only took the job to get enough money for these promise rings. I got this quote and vines carved into it." I said pointing to the small letters on the bands.

He smiled and said "I love it. But could you possibly quit the job? it's dangerous and I don't want you hurt."

I nodded, "I'll see what I can do baby." I kissed his lips again before we both stripped down to our boxers and climbed into my bed cuddled up and watched movies.

It was silent for a while until Harry spoke up, "Mum and Mike come home tomorrow."

"Yeah they do baby so how 'bout we spend the rest of the day cuddled up in bed before they get home." Harry nodded and we shared a quick kiss and started watching the movie 'Love Actually'.


Hello guys!

So it's been awhile eh? I've missed you guys! I have been so busy as usual and I had writers block for this chapter a little while but I finally got the chance to write!


If you like the divergent series or saw the movie go check out my friend 'alisaparsons13' fanfic called 'You can't control me'! it's really good and I'm in it! (I play Abby in the book obviously) but go check it out!

QOTD: what's your guys' favorite kind of cookie?

Also let me know what you thought of this chapter and what you thought of Louis being a drug dealer!





*horan hug*


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