Chapter 11

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Eleanor's POV

Harry and I have been dating for about 2 weeks now and it's going really well. We have gone on a lot of dates and have hung out a lot at each other's houses. So far this relationship was going smoothly. There was only one thing that was bugging me.


I seen the way he looks at Harry. I've noticed that when ever Harry is sad or needs something Louis is the first to react. I would think that with the scary looking image he has for himself, that he wouldn't give two craps about Harry, but he seems to really care about him. Too much.

It's good for a brother to care about another brother and protect them, especially when they are younger. But Louis seems to be taking the caring thing a little to far. I'm not sure if I'm right, but I think there is something Louis is hiding, and Harry might know about it. One way or another, (heh heh;)) I'm going to figure this out.

Today Harry and I are meeting up for some frozen yogurt at 'Frozo' around noon. As I prepare to go out; putting on makeup, doing my hair in a cute up-do, and finding the right frozen yogurt type of outfit with cute shoes to match, I get a text on my iPhone. I look to see that it's Harry.


"On my way to Frozo and thought I'd pick you up instead of meeting up?"

I red the text and reply with a quick 'sounds great:)' before I grab my purse and head downstairs to wait for Harry.

Not to much longer after I get on the front porch to wait, Harry pulls up in his small blue truck. I walk down towards the vehicle and Harry swings around to the other side to the passenger door and opens it for me to hop in. I thank him for holding the door for me before he shuts it and hops back to his side to take off.

In about 5 minuets we reach the frozen yogurt place. it's actually not that packed, which is not surprising since it's early January. We quickly hop out from the blue truck and inside to escape the cold. when we get in the Harry guides be to a table and offers me a seat. I kindly accept it before he sits opposite if me. we look through the small menus on the table before a waitress comes over and asks for our order.

Harry gets a 'Raspberry Froyo' with nuts, while I order a 'Cookies and Cream Icer' with a little bit of vanilla coating on top. Our waitress quickly rights down our orders before thanking us and walking back to the 'back room' where they make the creamy substance.

Soon our yogurts arrives and we quickly dive into them.

After about 4 bites we take of our yogurt and admiring how tasty it is I focus on what I prepare to ask him.

"Harry..." I wipe my mouth with a napkin and setting it back down. "I have something I need to discuss with you." I say keeping my voice bland.

"What about?" he asks taking another bite of yogurt.

"Well, it's about...Louis, Harry." I say looking up at the curly haired lad sitting across from me. his brows only furrow so I decide to get right to the point.

"Well Harry, Louis lately has been acting...strange and I need to know what's going on." I keep full eye contact with him but by his facial expression he only gets more confused so I continue.

"Harry, I think Louis likes you, like really likes you." He just sits there. "Harry I see the ways he looks at you, and I think he's really fond of you Harry-and I just, I just want you to be safe and happy and I really really like you and I really want to be with you and-" "Then why are you saying crazy stuff like this is you really like me back like I do?" Harry asks annoyance and confusion in his eyes.

"Because I...I..." I stutter a little afraid of what I'm going to ask next.

"Harry, do you like Louis? Like really really like him as like something more then a brother or friend?" I ask eyeing his every move trying to get any reaction out of him as possible.

He just sits they for a second before shaking his head, "No, why would I like Louis like that? emEven if I did I still couldn't because our parents are dating and that would be wrong." Harry said taking another bite of his raspberry yogurt before continuing, "Eleanor it's ok, everything's ok, I don't have feelings for Louis. Even if I did, I couldn't because I'm straight. I like girls, it's all ok." He said grabbing my hand rubbing his thumb over it comforting me.

I nodded in understanding before we finished our yogurts and left the Froyo place. We hopped in the car and Harry started the engine then pulling out and onto the road.

When we pulled back up to my house Harry helped me out and walked me to the door.

"Want to come in?" I asked opening the door. he nodded and we both entered the quiet cold house and went to the living room. I went over tithe Ching to light the fire and went to go sit next to Harry on the couch.

"Want some hot coca and sit in the bean bag by the fire?" I asked with a cheeky smile. He just smirked before kissing my cheek and walking over to grab the bean bag and drag it over to the fire. I took that as a yes and went to the kitchen to make the hot coca.

As the water boiled Harry walked up behind me hugging me from the back and kissed my shoulder and then my color bone and up to my jaw. I grabbed his hands that were wrapped around me and entwines our fingers. he kept kissing along my jaw line until he was just about to kiss me straight on the lips and the pot steamed and a sharp squeal filled the room. we both jumped apart from each other and me quickly turning off the stove to stop that noise. We both looked at each other and stared laughing. Me being the classy lady I am decided to put the coca in red mugs. I poured it into the mugs before plopping two marshmallows in both cups, handing one to Harry and walking into the living room.

We both sat down on the bean bag cuddled up next to each other, watching the fire and drinking the warm coca. the room was turned warm and I felt comfortable with the touch of Harry's arm around me and my head on his shoulder tucked in the crook of his neck. soft music played in the background from the cassette player my mum got me for Christmas two years ago.

We finished our hot coca and layed down fully on the giant bean bag, our arms wrapped around each other's just enjoying each other's presence. I was cozy in Harry's arms and felt warm. it wasn't long until we got tired enough that sleep took over us both.


When I woke up the next morning I was still in the same bean bag but Harry wasn't there, the fire was out and the house was quiet. I slowly got up and made my way towards the kitchen. when I got in the there was a note.


I'm sorry I'm not there when you wake up. I had to leave to go home before my mum worried about me. I enjoyed the hot coca and cuddling. You kept me warm:) LOVE YOU! Xx

Love always,


I smiled at the note. Loving the fact at how sweat of a gentlemen Harry truly was. Most-no, ALL of my past boyfriends we either rude, selfish, or pigs. none of them really cared about me! That is until Harry came along. He's the only one that has ever cared.

Harry's POV

I returned home by 5 am. Thankfully nobody was awake. I quietly snuck into my new bedroom and undressed into my boxers to return to sleep. As I tried to fall asleep I kept thinking about my new home.


Is that even a word to call it? I just recently moved into the Tomlinson's house permanently since the holidays ended. it's weird. coming home every night to a totally different house and lifestyle.

Personally, it kind of scared the crap out of me. what if our family did change and everything went wrong? What if our family slowly grows apart I till it's nothing? I was perfectly happy with my lifestyle before and I don't want it to change. Ugh! Some stupid people had to come in and make a stupid online dating website where people can meat their 'true loves.' Yeah right. with online dating, there's no such thing as true love. True love is rare. And it only comes once in a lifetime.



I'm soooo sorry about all the Heleanor stuff! I know it's annoying but I'm trying to build some tension with it so please no hate!:)

Please let me know what u guys like for a nick name for u guys! 'Neons' vs. 'Little Lights' let meh knowwwww!

I'm actually pretty excited about the new year! I can start fresh! I just do NOT want to go back to school...:( eeeeewwwwww

Also please comment about the story and what you guys think! it's really making me sad when there's no comments. please please PLEASE comment!

Anyway...I hope you guys liked it!!!!




*horan hug*


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